Синоним hold out hopes of


To be a portent of a particular outcome
promise augur bode portend bespeak betoken forbode forebode foreshadow herald presage suggest denote harbinger indicate look signify foretoken omen hint imply insinuate hint at lead you to expect look like point to seem likely be a presage of be a sign of be evidence of give hope give hope of hold a probability of hold out hope hold probability lead to expect show signs of bring hope give every indication of show all the signs bid fair give an indication of give good grounds for expecting foretell spell signal prophesy warn of foreshow predict mean announce adumbrate prognosticate be an omen of threaten be a warning of forecast be a harbinger of prefigure forewarn be an indication of vaticinate divine add up to forerun foresee call read amount to give a warning of premonish manifest mark crystal-ball show soothsay preindicate represent express shadow have a hunch typify tell of symbolize symbolise be symptomatic of purport see something coming offer stop message sense feel proclaim forewarn of be in the cards intuit auspicate previse spae precede to foreshadow forespell warn sanction be the harbinger of be an omen give warning of give notice of indicate the coming of figure out call it psych out evidence have a feeling call the shots usher in declare show in ballyhoo tout come before be a forerunner demonstrate anticipate be a precursor of pave the way for open the way for assert betide note import witness designate telegraph reveal identify flag be in the wind pave the way be a symptom of evoke connote impart convey intimate evince infer allude conjure up call to mind lead to believe put someone in mind of remind you of call up bring to mind remind allude to occur put one in mind of get at put you in mind of summon up be redolent of point drive at advert smack of point in direction of make you think of refer remind one of refer to envisage project envision expect foreknow see apprehend figure dope out speculate visualize visualise call the turn make book estimate calculate conjecture predetermine guess croak reckon say gage gather determine surmise perceive reason imagine conclude gauge hazard a guess see it coming tip discern plan prevision picture suppose forefeel presume preknow judge disclose psych it out crystal ball it fancy think likely believe crystal ball see in the cards back outline obfuscate darken obscure mist cloud sketch prophecy pronounce divulge tell psych dope nap see the future think of see future call the shot declare arrival conceive see in your mind's eye view vision conceive of display forespeak halsen hypothesize ascertain deduce theorize size up testify posit postulate consider presuppose think trust deem contemplate suspect daresay plan for record register attest illustrate assume espy entertain tell in advance premise understand reflect prove argue betray crystal-ball divine foretaste hypothesise theorise be symptomatic pinpoint flag up pin down testify to point at peg signpost make known bear witness to button down point toward sign pre-empt see handwriting on wall come to the conclusion be inclined to think bargain for regard as likely take for granted take it contemplate the possibility of draw the inference get the idea plan on watch for bargain on take it as given be hopeful of have sneaking suspicion reckon on count upon count chickens have a hunch of wait for be prepared for count on allow for be afraid be of the opinion prepare for bank on figure on think it likely be afraid of hope for look for

Антонимом hold out hopes of

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