Синоним licks one's chops


To anticipate something with great eagerness
salivates drools relishes looks forward to eagerly awaits hungrily awaits counts the days until craves yearns hungers desires pines thirsts wants hankers covets fancies pines for aches longs wishes itches lusts burns yens pants suspires obsesses creams for has a yen sighs has a longing wants badly has a hankering drools over pants for hopes for thirsts for enthusiastically awaits has a yen for ardently awaits intently awaits aches for energetically anticipates wishes for longingly awaits breathlessly anticipates fervently anticipates actively anticipates enthusiastically anticipates wishes to longs for thirstily anticipates energetically awaits expectantly awaits awaits with enthusiasm vigorously awaits envies impatiently anticipates actively awaits itches for salivates for earnestly anticipates lusts after has an eye on anticipates intently anticipates zealously anticipates really wants eagerly anticipates awaits with gusto pines after has your eye on longingly anticipates repines for burns for awaits with anticipation anticipates with enthusiasm breathlessly awaits awaits waits for vigorously anticipates spiritedly anticipates anticipates with gusto yens for thirstily awaits sets one's heart on aspires to hankers after lusts for yearns for fervently awaits earnestly awaits expects ardently anticipates sighs for hankers for impatiently awaits hungrily anticipates spiritedly awaits awaits with pleasure expectantly anticipates hungers for anticipates with pleasure zealously awaits

Антонимом licks one's chops

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