Синоним make enquiries


Ask for information from someone
enquire examine explore investigate probe inspect look research scan scrutinise scrutinize search analyse consider delve dig sift study survey appraise snoop analyze check conduct an enquiry inquire pry query question seek check out suss out find out go over look into seek an answer subject to an examination ask pose a question request information want to know look to someone for answers ask questions vet look at review canvass look over check over prospect case evaluate scout scrutinate delve into pore over give the once-over look at carefully test eyeball audit recce reconnoiter reconnoitre check up on give the once over take stock of scope out check up pry into probe into search into conduct an investigation into check into view assess observe interrogate inquisite conduct an enquiry into look-see run down weigh up size up put to the test cross-examine try to get to the bottom of work over dig into poke around nose around eye overlook con assay scope go into screen oversee catechize brainstorm dissect enquire into inquire into bug tap poke spy frisk make inquiry excogitate sift the evidence concerning do research into put questions to ask questions of read into chew over mull over follow up brood over deliberate on be all ears inquire about feel out listen in read up on sound out take a look at dive into stake out make enquiries about search the evidence concerning make inquiries about conduct an inquiry into search for have a look at pursue spy on make an observation of make a recce of find out about get back to make sure enquire about make enquiries into ask questions about make inquiries into chase up watch clock notice monitor peruse supervise superintend take a dekko at kick the tires go through go over with a fine-tooth comb give something a going-over subject to an inspection give something a look-see read parse sweep winnow undersee sift through look see trial verify sample pilot try diagnose weigh put to trial try on field-test experimentalize put something through its paces fool with play around with carry out trials on try on for size experiment with road-test carry out tests shake down mess around try out experiment conduct experiments do tests on conduct research test drive futz around turn over give a tryout make a trial run practice with carry out trials grade quiz measure judge set an examination for wiretap muckrake underseek

Антонимом make enquiries

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