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Comparative for filled with imaginations or fancies
falser faker phonier shadowier dreamier absurder wilder flakier unworldlier queerer vainer curiouser weirder taller unearthlier unlikelier kinkier vaguer airier bizarrer mistier ghostlier starrier ambitiouser unclearer faultier fishier loftier excellenter gentler purer ancienter moonier wonderfuller perfecter dimmer hazier fainter hollower obscurer likelier supremer emptier fresher flightier fancier quirkier odder freakier keener crazier vivider astuter stranger madder flimsier foolisher wackier zanier pottier extremer barmier dafter more imaginary more unreal more fictitious more fanciful more mythical more invented more fantastic more fictional more chimerical more mythic more fabulous more visionary more chimeric more fantastical more ideal more phantasmal more phantasmic more notional more made-up more illusory more fictive more hallucinatory more delusive more dreamlike more suppositious more legendary more hypothetical more whimsical more supposititious more romantic more untrue more sham more apocryphal more quixotic more imaginative more delusory more theoretical more phantasmagoric more unsubstantial more illusive more seeming more ostensible more misleading more assumed more deceptive more spectral more abstract more apparitional more extravagant more synthetic more fallacious more mistaken more apparent more utopian more semblant more phantasmagorical more artificial more spurious more poetic more fabled more unbelievable more idealised more insubstantial more traditional more aerial more incredible more surreal more academic more trumped-up more deceitful more specious more otherworldly more fraudulent more manufactured more storied more folkloric more unattainable more bogus more heroic more immaterial more nebulous more intangible more far-fetched more preposterous more allegorical more symbolical more symbolic more proverbial more unfeasible more unworkable more impractical more impracticable more unachievable more prepared more insincere more impalpable more ridiculous more unnatural more mercurial more capricious more crackpot more transcendent more mental more transcendental more high-flown more vaporous more implausible more offbeat more far out more ethereal more erroneous more speculative more unsubstantiated more idealistic more conjectural more unsound more invalid more theoretic more unrealistic more suppositional more incorrect more nightmarish more inaccurate more misguided more presumed more beguiling more epic more mythologic more ideological more conceptual more doubtful more wrong more irrational more illusionary more starry-eyed more untruthful more incorporeal more putative more inexact more flawed more contrived more contingent more dubious more spiritual more quixotical more factitious more hopeful more questionable more psychedelic more improbable more formless more ghostlike more Kafkaesque more indistinct more professed more logical more analytical more pedantic more problematical more tentative more intellectual more unproved more philosophical more general more formalistic more imprecise more debatable more eccentric more extraordinary more equivocal more truthless more improper more groundless more dishonest more enchanted more magical more sophistical more coloured more colored more grandiose more off more deluded more inane more phantasmagorian more phantasmagorial more kaleidoscopic more disembodied more preoccupied more relaxing more introvertive more astral more introspective more soothing more pensive more musing more marvelous more abstracted more mocking more wraithlike more frivolous more supernatural more postulatory more idyllic more exaggerated more optimistic more unpractical more psychosomatic more subconscious more suppositive more hypothetic more uncorporeal more reputed more ungenuine more sentimental more unconscious more subjective more perceptual more famed more marvellous more Panglossian more make believe more famous more customary more related more emotional more affected more airy-fairy more dreamish more impressive more remarkable more outstanding more important more trancelike more perfectionist more oneiric more hypnagogic more subliminal more evident more ostensive more accepted more delusional more untouchable more strained more hypocritical more plastic more mechanical more forced more indescribable more asserted more arcadian more impossible more pretentious more naive more unwarranted more unsupported more imponderable more expressive more casual more uncertain more indeterminate more presumptive more disputable more indefinite more stochastic more suspect more provisory more assumptive more contestable more ephemeral more cheating more masked more imposturous more falsified more impostrous more unjustified more understood more rumored more creative more unprovoked more uncorroborated more original more exotic more inspired more originative more inventive more artistic more ersatz more nonsensical more uncalled-for more unreasonable more unjustifiable more freakish more experimental more ingenious more innovative more radical more brilliant more fertile more unconventional more artful more insane more ludicrous more illogical more unreliable more idle more innovational more unorthodox more revolutionary more inconceivable more peculiar more unthinkable more uncalled for more causeless more gratuitous more far-out more Promethean more avant-garde more unimaginable more unconvincing more incredulous more comical more unconceivable more erratic more amazing more uncompelling more unauthorised more different more singular more cockamamie more outré more off the wall more off-the-wall

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