Синоним most dogmatical

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Superlative for characterized by a pompous air of infallibility
rigidest stubbornest wilfullest puffiest extremest strictest sternest awkwardest difficultest brusquest briskest smallest-minded lordliest firmest severest high and mightiest most pontifical most dogmatic most doctrinaire most opinionated most arrogant most inflexible most adamant most opinionative most dictatorial most domineering most prejudiced most pompous most uncompromising most biased most overbearing most bigoted most cocksure most obdurate most authoritarian most obstinate most intolerant most pigheaded most unyielding most magisterial most bloated most condescending most headstrong most pretentious most portentous most grandiose most swaggering most self-important most single-minded most assertive most partisan most self-assertive most fanatical most insistent most speculative most impractical most theoretical most swivel-eyed most hypothetical most ideological most unpragmatic most zealous most unrealistic most one-sided most mulish most pertinacious most authoritative most stiff-necked most bullheaded most unbending most dogged most arbitrary most high-handed most emphatic most imperative most tyrannical most peremptory most despotic most definite most autocratic most bossy most obstructive most uncooperative most unhelpful most irrational most unaccommodating most contrary most illogical most tiresome most vexatious most troublesome most annoying most commanding most unchallengeable most categorical most narrow-minded most downright most unquestionable most summary most abrupt most imperial most blinkered most intransigent most intractable most confident most formal most egotistical most fascistic most unequivocal most tenacious most determined most wrong-headed most positive most tyrannic most masterful most autocratical most willful most tyrannous most overweening most compelling most fixed most stringent most finished most rigorous most decided most certain most unreasonable

Антонимом most dogmatical

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