Синоним most world shaking

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Superlative for having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications
weightiest acutest unluckiest seriousest gravest biggest greatest heaviest earnestest severest somberest sombrest noteworthiest soberest staidest intensest direst powerfullest grandest largest newsworthiest toughest heftiest mightiest grimmest difficultest hardest saddest deepest meatiest glummest sternest supremest dourest gloomiest austerest quietest archest best-known extremest touchiest uncommonest strongest augustest brightest proudest best splendidest wonderfullest sublimest wretchedest ugliest forlornest deadliest most fateful most crucial most important most critical most decisive most momentous most significant most portentous most historic most key most pivotal most consequential most far-reaching most conclusive most determinative most direful most doomful most eventful most ill-fated most inauspicious most ominous most resultful most vital most meaningful most urgent most pressing most indispensable most imperative most essential most material most earthshaking most monumental most substantial most major most notable most memorable most outstanding most considerable most epochal most profound most fundamental most solemn most exigent most influential most heavy-duty most principal most cardinal most sedate most central most no-nonsense most appreciable most integral most humourless most humorless most prominent most large-scale most remarkable most primary most leading most intrinsic most exceptional most ponderous most burning most conspicuous most telling most big league most sensational most distinguished most dominant most extraordinary most celebrated most uncomic most illustrious most sizable most unforgettable most requisite most especial most necessary most extensive most eminent most special most noble most honourable most honorable most major league most grievous most imposing most impactful most major-league most worthwhile most glorious most uppermost most climacteric most famous most prodigious most seminal most pertinent most noted most pronounced most needed most impressive most reputable most forceful most striking most honoured most salient most almighty most resonant most distinctive most emphatic most high profile most dangerous most high-powered most big-league most high-up most high-ranking most honored most interesting most quintessential most topical most predominant most relevant most buzzworthy most exciting most climactic most compelling most radical most mandatory most required most overwhelming most testing most downbeat most respected most recognized most massive most dynamic most invaluable most germane most trying most searching most renowned most famed most valuable most mammoth most esteemed most iconic most acclaimed most dignified most commanding most clamorous most desperate most strategic most prestigious most insistent most historical most formidable most public most recognised most rare most preponderant most generous most particular most ponderable most glaring most unusual most noticeable most marked most unordinary most potent most obvious most touch and go most fulfilling most triumphant most groundbreaking most puissant most top-notch most skookum most uplifting most brilliant most heroic most magnificent most heart-warming most venerable most marvellous most resplendent most satisfying most pleasing most marvelous most sweeping most pleasurable most shining most depressing most pointed most immediate most instrumental most top-priority most destructive most ruinous most harrowing most strenuous most forbidding most unamusing most devastating most ill-starred most worrying most desolate most disheartening most high-profile most unmissable most tremendous

Антонимом most world shaking

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