Синоним responsibility for


The process or act of managing, running or governing (something)
regulation supervision administration control management superintendence direction government guidance care charge governance oversight stewardship superintendency conduct handling headship inspection intendance monitoring operation overseeing policing presidency rule running surveillance arrangement ordering adaptation alteration classification codification coordination governing managing moderation organising organizing reconciliation regimentation reorganisation reorganization settlement standardisation standardization systematisation systematization command leadership organization organisation custody guardianship orchestration controlling manipulation execution keeping protection wardship patronage auspices ward tutelage maintenance aegis safe keeping order directing regulating conducting supervising sway commanding administering treatment orchestrating law dominion polity bureaucracy domination protectorship power influence politics check plan masterminding ruling political practice approach instruction observation trusteeship hands lap guard keep executive empire ministry powers-that-be predominanc planning structuring performance system ministration trust safekeeping prosecution regiment authority policy tactics regimen strategy mastery making scheme containment reins establishment logistics construction transaction wielding comanagement generalship codirection coadministration sovereignty red tape leading guiding statecraft steering formulation assembling formation assembly development methodology discipline suppression oppression predominance regency carrying out curation the feds harmonization division grouping mechanization uniformity collectivization strictness rigidity economy dispensation Uncle Sam methodization institutionalization institutionalisation harmonisation mechanisation ascendancy supremacy reign jurisdiction dominance superiority upper hand regime preeminence hegemony whip hand ascendance ascendency officialdom prepotence grip primacy hold paramountcy prepotency might sovranty ascendence authorities mana imperium predominancy death grip clutch powers that be dictatorship preponderancy officials eminence arm edge prepollency distinction pre-eminence transcendence system of government clout the Establishment the system prerogative preponderance prestigiousness right noteworthiness city hall say-so Big Brother people in charge tyranny directorate tenure grasp predomination junta civil service men in suits dynasty subjection despotism leverage regulatory commission authorization weight authorisation force licence commission strength license strings corridors of power might and main house triumph victory directorship captaincy premiership governorship administrative system puissance rulership coercion conquest regnancy subjugation intimidation repression strong influence raj incumbency subordination initiative warrant era conveyance conduction foresight capacity pecking order permit word pwnage ownage men in grey suits the powers that be office pilotage skill time in power what it takes period of influence duty pull statesmanship diplomacy police agency board suits group old guard prevailing political order established order ruling class status quo prevailing social order privilege procedures rules official procedure formalities paperwork regulations jump hand teeth drag ability muscle corporation strong arm leg up ministries military government the state rules and regulations beadledom say area field range military rule martial law government department province district scope bounds circuit zone paper shuffling bureaucratic paperwork proper channels official procedures official forms administrativia administrivia officialism orbit sphere compass extent state turf limits judicature arbitration confines reach precinct bailiwick discretion magistracy slot inquisition purview extent of power oyer and terminer stomping grounds advantage lordship suzerainty overlordship seniority

Антонимом responsibility for

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