Синоним review the evidence


To give a summary of
sum up summarise summarize epitomise epitomize encapsulate synopsize digest recap condense recapitulate abridge review examine sum conclude inventory close estimate total put in a nutshell size up give a summing-up summarize the argument summarize the evidence get the measure of outline abstract boil down reprise brief wrap up precis shorten abbreviate précis compress give a summary of run through give a precis of give a synopsis of summate run down sketch go over give an outline of give an abstract of cut get to the meat cut down give the main points of trim contract reduce capsulize describe give the gist of edit give a digest of blue pencil skim compile rehash telescope capture compact pare give main points record express give a rundown of make a summary of restate reiterate repeat characterize portray write a critique rip judge zap rave evaluate study depict characterise read through slam assess report discuss correct pan trash revise inspect weigh knock reedit consolidate truncate give opinion write a summary of make a long story short wrap-up narrow chop clip limit concentrate decrease nutshell cut to bone curtail make a outline of cut short make a résumé of perorate represent reproduce denote show delineate draft indicate give a rough idea of draught touch on skeletonize give a quick rundown on make an outline of adumbrate skeleton give a rough idea lay out tell about give a thumbnail sketch of rephrase reword recount paraphrase run over run through again go over same ground go over again replay list go the same round enumerate state again write about profile give an account of write an article about bad-mouth put down retrograde cipher prune snip cypher cut back rehearse do again sum-up practise retell practice ingeminate train din map out rough out chalk out block out trace out drill chime redo give an precis of give a resume of go through the main points of give a résumé of give a brief idea of emphasize iterate emphasise say again go through walk through take from the top go through again rewrite rescript translate render interpret gloss transcribe put in other words express in own words put in one's own words express differently express in other words

Антонимом review the evidence

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