Синоним so wish


A desire or hope for something to happen
desire hope longing ambition urge yearning aspiration craving inclination yen fancy liking lust thirst want whim hankering hunger intention itch aim dream disposition prayer preference passion appetite need goal purpose intent pining drive objective design appetency plan target ache will object end eagerness letch thirstiness jones idea ideal thing pretension relish impulse motive greed mission bourne love burning predilection penchant Holy Grail resolve holy grail propensity point bourn motivation fondness zeal covetousness mind proclivity mark enthusiasm scheme compulsion appetence druthers determination fervor fervour weakness bent demand attraction choice resolution option appetition pleasure ardor infatuation keenness taste grail notion desired result interest requirement hungering ardour meaning voracity avidity fascination craze mania leaning devotion partiality raison d'être selection pick instinct focus willingness reason direction destination favour favor use discretion vision election lustfulness desideratum volition impetus cupidity requisite pursuit object of desire stomach prurience fire in the belly necessity soft spot obsession caprice concupiscence eroticism alternative like tendency whimsy shine libido predisposition lechery way zest lasciviousness liberty endeavor endeavour gusto object of the exercise amativeness end in view salacity erotism libidinousness pruriency rapture frenzy solicitude ravenousness rapaciousness excitement decision cause doting strong interest expectation occasion essential greediness why and wherefore urgency bias affection thought readiness velleity affinity vagary yearn admiration attachment palate persuasion function grounds eyes for addiction principle impatience calling cup of tea avidness vocation fire in belly view push end goal sine qua non desirousness call big eyes needfulness impulsion whole idea market exigency preoccupation daydream command faithfulness loyalty horniness mood salaciousness tooth hungriness estimation hots munchies lustihood panting coveting course aching lech indulgence cacoethes hurting restlessness aphrodisia lack purport bag strong want drift preparedness choosing prepossession appreciation claim prerequisite spot stimulus esurience gluttony duty kink proneness susceptibility fixation hang-up where one is heading fit end purpose the why and wherefore free will where one's heading sweet tooth bull's-eye enjoyment necessary imposition whimsey prize temptation basis justification deficiency nomination alacrity amenability pie in the sky castles in the air conation conceit megrim program system programme strategy project significance prospect rationality bucket list proposal premeditation scope agreement goodwill consent agreeableness obligingness gameness imagination love affair hunch feeling nirvana plot terminus indispensable thing desired thing missing thing needed thing game plan master plan road map ground plan cooperation compliance imperative vote say big idea ulterior motive whyfor heart's desire rationale incentive dearth scarcity cry out support absence necessitude drought deficit scarceness exigence scantiness consideration instigation catalyst incitement spur inducement concern stimulant enticement inspiration stimulation carrot determinant yes or no care yea or nay thinking agenda ambitiousness hidden motive hidden agenda vested interest driving force score to settle special interest reason why end game intensity judgement judgment earnestness wholeheartedness ebullience assiduity go-getting diligence freedom of choice intentness conscientiousness anxiety humour list humor besottedness eros crush captivation commitment enchantment dedication amorousness adoration adulation wistfulness nostalgia fervency randiness deep affection nympholepsy zing tenacity doggedness spirit will power fetish strong desire homesickness thirsting aridity envy lusting expectancy regard avarice suspense sentiment emotions heat acquisitiveness feelings graspingness excitability haste rapacity hastiness rashness hurry impulsiveness mercenariness ants in pants endearment idolization puppy love avariciousness veneration materialism possessiveness itching enterprise initiative vehemence striving dynamism anticipation backbone self-control self-discipline self-restraint lewdness fire warmth verve vigour single-mindedness self-mastery spine sensuality carnality ardency action pep aggressiveness hustle vitality dash licentiousness resoluteness purposefulness willpower energy gumption go zip aggression passionateness lecherousness sexuality get-up-and-go vim entrepreneurial spirit moxie self-motivation emulation vigor get up and go right stuff esprit what it takes punch a sense of purpose spunk self-command continence self-government restraint self-possession tenaciousness self-containment wantonness sensualism impetuosity strength of character stick-to-it-iveness temperament fixity of purpose stickability perseveration Sitzfleisch power voraciousness animalism raunchiness wishing attitude willfulness conviction discipline character staying power decisiveness firmness of purpose guts sexual desire sexual appetite sex drive sexual passion sexual longing the hots biological urge


An expression of a desire, typically in the form of a request or instruction
demand bidding order request command requirement want will direction instruction behest desire choice invocation decree dictate injunction charge insistence desideratum mandate word call claim directive edict precept do ruling rule commandment imperative concern ask prompting say-so rescript solicitation ordinance decision expressed desire intention canon instructions inheritance estate heritage bestowal directions device dispensation legacy declaration summons invitation hest beck and call fiat dictum statute ukase regulation exhortation law diktat stipulation writ prescription pronouncement warrant pronunciamento prescript ultimatum briefing guideline act proclamation promulgation entreaty decretum admonition enjoinder appeal principle sanction resolution recommendation enjoinment decretal subpoena firman irade enactment tenet bill calling code doctrine go-ahead covenant maxim advice formula axiom mitzvah fundamental guidance urging suggestion authority plea consent requisition information imposition bell cry obligation saying cue signal prompt pressing bull manifesto ordering exaction dictation adjuration interdiction notification devoir working principle motto byword announcement the word the riot act judgement judgment charging say importunity insistency importuning arm-twisting dogma preception action teaching authorization okay authorisation green light thumbs up warning tip-off high sign lecture sermon harangue obtestation protreptic caution instigation counsel preaching criterion measure constitution motion ratification standard decalogue credo belief creed ethic institute notice convention practice foundation postulate cause reason equity divestiture proposal garnishment generalization kaupapa generalisation precedent bylaw reg principium by-law truth caveat base guide assize exigency ground proposition due process monition ordainment ban bar prohibition embargo restriction


A fanciful mental image, typically based on one's conscious or unconscious wishes
fantasy dream daydream illusion delusion chimaera chimera fancy vision hallucination image conceit fantasm figment imagination unreality apparition caprice mirage nonentity reverie vagary whim whimsy bubble conceiving desire envisioning fabrication hope imagining phantasm stardust utopia fanciful notion pipe dream air castle head trip castle in the air flight of fancy flight of imagination mind trip pie in the sky power of invention wishful thinking fond hope fool's paradise castle in Spain cloud cuckoo land figment of the imagination product of someone's imagination phantasy false hope ambition plan aspiration aim idea unrealizable dream fantastic notion golden dream unrealistic hope unreal hope airy hope musing trance inattentiveness wool-gathering inattention absent-mindedness absorption engrossment brooding self-absorption obliviousness preoccupation abstraction castle in the sky dwam brown study woolgathering trip fancying contemplation stargazing blonde moment absence of mind staring into space lack of application lack of concentration figment of imagination in a zone notion thought fiction dreaming daydreaming phantom self-deception impression conception visualization phantasmagoria castles in the air invention wraith optical illusion visualisation nightmare make-believe ignis fatuus rainbow feeling aberration spectre specter concept picture mental picture pretence misconception romancing eggs in moonshine conceptualization pretense self-delusion dreaminess romance mental image falsehood fairy tale conceptualisation creation of the brain images speculation empty wish perception kink phantasmagory megrim freak muse semblance trick nonsense urge bee crank fallacy will-o'-the-wisp misapprehension quirk jam tomorrow vagrancy impulse prospect cogitation misbelief humor inclination maggot foible humour myth falsity error untruth bent mind virtual reality smoke and mirrors castles in Spain mind's eye false impression mistaken belief mistaken impression incubus phantom of the mind creature of the imagination wildest dream emotion sentiment phantasma drift empty promise Xanadu production delirium creation fable wishes end of the rainbow snare vanity concoction pink elephants improvisation monstrosity monster bogy misinterpretation cognition unreasonable expectation foolish expectation irrational expectation unrealistic expectation lie contrivance ideation misunderstanding apprehension idolism paramnesia ghost effect fond hopes misconstruction play-acting charade pretending imaginativeness mistake mental vision mental visualization plans hopes fata morgana transient phenomenon short-lived phenomenon fantasizing daydreams oversight lapse ideal imago ideality castle in the skies fond illusion unrealistic goal dreamscape hunch suspicion belief supposition trick of the light illusions mistaken idea out-of-body experience sequence of images view premise deja vu imaginative power imaginative faculty inkling masquerade relaxation avoidance entertainment escape distraction diversion consideration reflection rumination idealism imaginary vision day dream sweven intimation understanding opinion deception escapism excogitation deliberation pipe dreams pondering preconception examination inference thinking fantasising sophistry disguise story pretentiousness role-playing pageant playacting pretension sham game fakery dissimulation intellection flights of fancy artifice misimpression confusion misjudgement misjudgment mulling over seeming mockery sensation sense sneaking suspicion thoughts dreams head imaginings false belief cloud-cuckoo-land inward eye mirror of the mind tablets of the memory eye of the mind study pensiveness meditation whimsey detachment crotchet fad passion castle-building disposition craze sport sudden notion whim-wham sudden idea passing thought


A particular opinion or attitude expressed


A action or task to be performed
thing task activity assignment goal job obligation action affair deed duty errand exploit feat objective act brief concern contract engagement enterprise exercise gig matter mission plan pursuit racket responsibility undertaking venture work accomplishment burden business charge chore function piece of business process project stunt target commission doing aim ambition aspiration ideal intent intention pretension purpose desire holy grail hope scheme endeavour endeavor operation campaign object move effort end dream design adventure mark caper bourne idea raison d'être performance manoeuvre occupation bourn maneuver resolve proposition Holy Grail deal desired result object of desire handiwork escapade yearning longing resolution vision expedition passion proceeding fling urge quest crusade inclination destination romp craving attempt hankering exploration want experiment essay setup hazard game try point achievement role grail trick post experience number detail province programme antic measure meaning stroke proposal plunge happening calling flutter stake vocation trial push bag behavior investment gamble speculation itch conception program risk play behaviour direction fire in the belly pet project leap in the dark baby plan of action striving ball of wax labour procedure labor transaction doings conduct motivation struggle what one is into contribution drive lust stint agenda initiative shot thirst daydream hunger tour of duty piece of work care taskwork devoir flier flyer determination notion ache fancy stab throw wager jeopardy course peril crapshoot voyage chance test spec business enterprise outline game plan pet system master plan road map arrangement blueprint ground plan strategy situation capacity prize office part ambitiousness expectation eagerness desideratum yen employment pie in the sky castles in the air attainment time use go-getting bucket list object of the exercise service place position episode utility appointment lark triumph emprise spree faculty connection coup geste gest outfit interest berth power pigeon billet tour de force wheeze suggestion line of country heroic act daring act big idea do ballgame cause trade follow through execution bit byplay delivery carrying out movement course of action exertion blitz step toil bandwagon travail contrivance tactic shot in the dark method event bid line of action implementation bet coordination industry lottery raffle plot application ploy incident juggernaut ruse maneuvering machination occurrence stratagem tactics long shot throw of the dice manoeuvring mobilization pass foray assay lobby crack bash battle fight drill leap proceedings mobilisation offer whack go whirl scam pains toiling policy try-on practice machinations conspiracy device subterfuge wile random shot formula risky business hard work earnestness doggedness recipe pot luck option outside chance best shot toss up set of tactics diligence fall of the cards pig in a poke dry run secret plan grand design survey entrada march hunch dealings deployment gambling contingency craps game pilgrimage odyssey dodge artifice potshot gambit scene trip endangerment speculative enterprise risky venture pursual exciting experience shift sham con fastie spin of the roulette wheel iffy proposition big chance gesture crafty designs cunning plan set-up steps matter of chance hunt seeking luck of the draw flip of the coin toss of the dice turn of the wheel gruntwork elbow grease grind measures drudgery slog blow shenanigans shenanigan expedient layout something done brainchild resoluteness steadfastness tenacity demonstration angle cabal appeal organization path scenario avenue way approach manner technique methodology procedures graft throes dedication commitment route routine mechanism style means choice regimen uncertainty war promotion impetus praxis mode protocol tack line possibility alternative reaction response organisation modus operandi mode of behaviour red tape mode of conduct MO method of working acts energy conscientiousness undertakings risky action blind bargain


To bestow (a thought or gesture) towards (someone or something)


To have a strong want or desire
long yearn pine ache burn hunger thirst itch pant hope crave need covet want desire hanker lust yen be bent on be consumed with desire be desperate be dying be eager be unable to wait dream of eat one's heart out over hanker after hanker for have a yen lust after set one's heart on set your sights on would give one's eye teeth be itching have a longing dream fancy sigh be aching long for wish for hunger for be desirous thirst for pine for be athirst have a yen for suspire be hungry want badly yearn for aspire be thirsty have a hankering suspire for be greedy be athirst for be consumed with the desire seek chafe aim strive obsess drool set your heart upon ache for cry out for would give one's eyeteeth for be desirous of yen for feel a longing cream for be consumed with desire for itch for partial to be burning lick one's chops be eating one's heart out be consumed with a desire be dying for hunger after lust for die drool over be very keen be very eager be greedy for sigh for be hungry for be thirsty for choose miss have a fancy be gagging be impatient have one's heart set on be desperate for pine after be unable to wait for long to hope to hope for desire to carry a torch wish to want to yearn to hanker to regret the absence of spoil for hunger to thirst after languish be passionate be eager for have a crush on pant for envy aspire to burn for await expect anticipate look forward to wait for thirstily await be counting down the days to anticipate with pleasure be eager to await with anticipation intently await have the hots for be excited to vigorously await really want thirstily anticipate energetically await actively anticipate cannot wait await with pleasure anticipate with gusto ardently anticipate be enthusiastic about fervently anticipate can't wait impatiently await repine for eagerly anticipate earnestly await await with gusto actively await be enthused about expectantly anticipate have your eye on impatiently anticipate await with enthusiasm breathlessly anticipate be interested in enthusiastically await enthusiastically anticipate be gung ho about fervently await be keen on be impatient about breathlessly await ardently await vigorously anticipate eagerly await spiritedly anticipate salivate for longingly anticipate count the days until spiritedly await hungrily await hungrily anticipate have an eye on earnestly anticipate longingly await intently anticipate anticipate with enthusiasm zealously anticipate be hung up about expectantly await lick one's lips over energetically anticipate zealously await be excited at count the hours until anticipate with anticipation lament repine grieve for carry a torch for cry for dream about shed tears for regret the loss of die over be covetous of have hard feelings turn green eat your heart out be envious object to like have eyes for be attracted to be wild about be infatuated with find attractive be crazy about be taken with have a thing about find sexy have the horn for find sexually attractive lech over be hot for have a thing for take to lech after have an eye for be captivated by be mad about take a liking to lick your lips


To hope for, or aspire to, a goal or dream
intend aim plan design mean propose purpose aspire contemplate purport expect look want meditate calculate go allow desire scheme determine resolve destine foresee try earmark ordain anticipate plot strive hope endeavor endeavour envisage devote attempt essay consign indicate think have plans have in mind think of have the intention be resolved have in view have every intention be determined be going be looking be plotting have resolved have set out aspire to figure on hope to look forward envision premeditate count on seek mind make plans set out angle target reckon on conceive schedule covet insinuate prearrange set up bargain for conspire contrive focus arrange devise orchestrate organize prepare engineer be eager set your sights on organise zoom in on zero in on attend take care await undertake commit shape decide consider project pursue make up your mind say to oneself tell oneself expect to start out mean to aim at predict intimate imply have the objective of aim for struggle aim to seek to have a mind ponder forecast see foretell have a mind to work towards think to bid for make up one's mind commit oneself draft outline craft create budget develop concoct allude to suggest hint at frame strategize signify get at refer to choreograph blueprint tailor fashion make fitting draught think likely adjust adapt construct fit drive at gear scheme out strategize about map out lay out equip plan ahead orient choose agree elect opt conclude decree figure will take a decision come to the conclusion settle on a plan of action settle on remain firm settle upon reach a decision make a point of make a decision take a stand come to a decision


To have a preference or liking for
go for fancy like love choose desire prefer enjoy favor favour select pick admire want embrace crave espouse approbate approve countenance follow accept be attracted to find attractive have a thing about opt for care for be fond of wish for go in for incline toward yearn for feel disposed to be inclined toward settle upon hold with gravitate towards be drawn to decide on elect see fit please determine decide would like feel like will yearn pick out designate demand name aspire fix upon elect for plump for single out settle on take handpick optate adopt forechoose vote for adore be taken with be wild about be partial to be mad about be crazy about relish get a kick out of get off on delight in take to appreciate be keen on have a soft spot for cherish take pleasure in rejoice in savor revel in dig be infatuated with groove on savour be captivated by take a fancy to hold dear get a buzz out of have a weakness for go a bundle on take great pleasure in have a taste for take a shine to take a liking to treasure be sweet on cotton to have a preference for lust after have a pash on carry a torch for have eyes for have the hots for have a crush on adulate dote on prize be nuts about have a penchant for have a great liking for have a predilection for have a passion for have a thing for thoroughly enjoy have a proclivity for enjoy greatly fall for get a charge out of lean toward get a thrill out of burn for be soft on find irresistible lech over lech after approve of esteem be smitten with be potty about be hooked on get a buzz from of get a kick from of think the world of nuts about mad about be mad for really like luxuriate in lean towards have a liking for find appealing lap up find satisfaction in take a thrill to be stuck on glory in find pleasure in bask in take joy in rate highly regard highly take satisfaction in be pleased by revere hanker for take an interest in value like to indulge in venerate worship be passionate about be devoted to idolize be in love with be attached to have affection for derive great pleasure from very much like like very much long for have taken a shine to indulge in feast on lionize revel idolise lionise look up to have an affection for derive satisfaction from have as a favourite think more highly of spoil for drink in like better exult in immerse yourself in show favouritism towards pine for crow about incline towards be entertained by take delight in respect have regard for get high on find enjoyable get a charge from of get a buzz from be gratified by wallow in get a thrill from find agreeable get a bang out of delight derive pleasure from have a fondness for have an eye for have a bias towards be gone on treat with partiality hold in higher regard side with ache for lust for take great delight in jubilate be serious about really enjoy put on a pedestal mind be shook on be nutso about gloat over feel self-satisfied about have a ball be content be pleased stuck on live a little live it up be amused by amuse oneself have a good time have fun eat up be entertained be pleased with luxuriate partake of glory rejoice triumph exuberate feel satisfaction with exult amuse oneself with get pleasure from kvell have fun with enjoy to the full drool over find joy in wallow be wild for take great pleasure indulge joy take great delight find great pleasure be infatuated by fall in love with be turned on by be smitten by be enamored by canonize stand in awe of honour reverence love intensely hold in high regard love dearly set great store by canonise hero-worship deify honor hold in admiration have a high opinion of welcome covet require hanker after feel inclined toward would sooner need could do with thirst for rather aspire to endorse hunger for itch for have an urge for be turned on to suggest would rather die for glorify have a high regard for think well of be into rate hold in esteem feel affection toward be enamoured of be crazy over be amazed by be in awe of be crazy for be awed by marvel at lavish affection on moon over dote doting feel deep affection for hold very dear be besotted with overindulge feel affection care very much for leaning feel affection for be enchanted by bewitched by thrive with entranced by carrying a torch for potty about fall head over heels in love with consumed with desire for crazy about twitterpated by be addicted to besotted with doting on wild for bowled over by be swept off one's feet by enamoured of put on pedestal wild about passionate about be enamored of smitten with give one's heart to develop a crush on become smitten with gone on be fascinated with love-struck by with a passion for become infatuated with infatuated with captivated by have it bad enthralled by devoted to lose one's heart to enamored of wuv luv


To politely or formally ask for
request ask requisition seek beg beseech demand implore order petition plead solicit appeal bid call desire entreat invite require adjure bespeak importune apply impetrate obsecrate obtest pray supplicate hustle enquire inquire quest speak sponge sue hit up place an order put in hold out put in an application put in an order put in a plea urge call for ask for enjoin call on claim command appeal to summon press exhort exact direct crave invoke besiege appeal for conjure plead with put in for insist on press for apply for sue for call upon push propose lobby plead to compel pray to insist expect instruct plead for charge tell petition for apply to clamour push for clamor dictate encourage speak for decree mandate beg for stipulate for clamor for submit necessitate clamour for oblige ordain ask earnestly force bay look for authorize authorise bid for proposition obtain advocate postulate influence pressure commission present lodge nag make file justify need induce warn badger for bay for pester for nag for pray for make a claim boss around assemble agitate suggest stipulate recommend gather pester challenge buy prompt goad raise invocate canvass promote indent send for prod want advance campaign for constrain ask urgently declare organize request earnestly wheedle nudge hit on submit an application move pressurize announce beckon inquire about incite cause organise give orders put in an order for go on bended knee to whistle for inspire pressurise elect for go in put in a claim for egg on put in an application for lay claim to call the shots give the command to set up put pressure on insist upon give the order to rule on try to persuade offer enter imprecate take cajole coax get please cry out be in dire need of refer elect entreaty intercede motion campaign aspire prig pursue try for retrieve cry for badger extort extract address contest arrange woo worry make a plea to call down arrogate coerce crave of impose file for count on bug drum go on bended knee request urgently call the signals bear hold out for present one's suit to call to provoke put in a request for formally request proclaim sponsor advise make an urgent request resort to make a plea make an earnest request put dibs on call out for obligate ask authoritatively ask forcefully arrange a time for arrange a date for ask brusquely make an entreaty enquire after make application espouse work for lobby for champion assert oneself try to obtain convene bring to pass bring on intend prescribe put forward inquire after task effect determine book muster appoint subpoena rule resolve drum up support for secure reserve give orders to put your foot down force upon lay down the law impose on give directions exert bring about choose to do decide on will cite engage query question bum cadge convoke hire persuade admonish call together spur dragoon contract for place an order for sway drum up instigate maneuver propel sanction manoeuvre stimulate write off for send off for have over request someone's appearance at request the pleasure of someone's company have someone round request the presence of rationalize countenance commend rationalise tempt hard sell sell one on high pressure sway opinion soft-sell bring pressure to bear on press your case make a pitch for solicit votes seek to influence soft-soap pitch build up exert influence sell sweet-talk apply pressure try to influence pull strings bring pressure to bear procure politick send away for put the heat on prevail on put the screws on railroad into twist someone's arm put up to bulldoze into psych up fire up use pressure on lean on

Антонимом so wish

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