Синоним sticking one's neck out

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Careless, reckless, not exercising proper caution
incautious careless unguarded unwary heedless rash reckless thoughtless hasty imprudent injudicious precipitate unthinking impulsive indiscreet negligent improvident inconsiderate misguided unwise foolhardy foolish impolitic inattentive mindless off-guard unobservant unsafe unwatchful bold brash hotheaded impetuous madcap neglectful regardless unalert uncautious unmindful unvigilant wary ill-advised ill-judged devil-may-care fast-and-loose caught napping foot-in-mouth not careful off guard asleep at the wheel playing with fire any old way asleep on the job pay no mind leading with one's chin irresponsible overhasty ill-considered unheeding wild headlong temerarious precipitous harum-scarum slapdash daredevil unconsidered remiss tactless hare-brained hot-headed hurried audacious inadvisable inexpedient harebrained daring undiplomatic short-sighted indifferent inappropriate spur-of-the-moment indelicate sudden irrational unconcerned apathetic senseless rushed carefree adventurous premature silly sloppy venturesome perfunctory slipshod graceless cursory blithe irreflective lackadaisical lax headstrong uncaring precipitant disregardful uncircumspect hell-for-leather venturous casual kamikaze ill-conceived helter-skelter gadarene unthought-out absent-minded flying overbold unreasonable unreflective nonchalant wrong-headed undiscerning stupid disinterested over-adventurous tardy derelict drive-by pell-mell abrupt risky undesirable feckless furious insouciant inadvertent unreasoning passionate over-venturesome slack lazy flighty jumping to conclusions blind uncareful slap-happy untimely napping unsuitable improper death-or-glory overconfident erratic wrong desperate capricious ignorant determined frivolous immature reactive easy delinquent undependable untrustworthy unaccountable cool unreliable ill-thought-out haphazard unthoughtful deaf free and easy knee-jerk blithely unconcerned without care good-for-nothing laid-back spontaneous unadvisable unpremeditated impromptu oblivious unplanned quick adventuresome dozy impractical giddy unexpected snap forgetful frantic subitaneous crazy swift credulous unprepared unseemly tearaway scatty unadvised speedy distracted maladroit previous infelicitous unintelligent cavalier careless of shortsighted insensitive fiery frenzied insuppressible offhand unsympathetic unpolitic fast and loose listless blind to paying no heed to taking no notice of not paying attention ad hoc badly thought out not thought through nonsensical disadvantageous suicidal abstracted detrimental impatient misjudged myopic crackpot dumb shiftless misconceived ditsy overventuresome off-the-wall prejudicial harmful damaging dangerous inane unsmart uncontrolled breakneck unsensible pointless unrecommended radge crackbrained unduly quick dotty dippy inconstant scatterbrained divvy ill-timed violent without regard inopportune futile self-destructive asinine disregarding uninterested chaotic wacky lively daft hazardous temeritous spur of the moment rushing unhesitating romping light-minded disorderly out of control extemporaneous instinctive leaving self wide open off the deep end naive unsound unfortunate childish instant not recommended half-baked fast prompt alacritous asleep at the switch out to lunch involuntary whimsical intuitive uninhibited bull-in-a-china-shop emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed fly-by-night lawless unpredictable abandoned eager ardent impassioned vehement unreasoned hectic superficial automatic unmeditated careless of one's duty unreflecting loose unthorough untidy unsystematic slovenly otiose unmeticulous shoddy faineant fainéant fervid restive monstrous scandalous heinous anxious badly planned shocking atrocious worried going off deep end ad-lib jumping the gun winging it heedless of death-defying inattentive to disregardful of neglectful of regardless of oblivious to rude unheeding of unconscious of blasé ungracious indecorous deaf to mad inapt unkind inept incorrect unfit perverse inapposite malapropos unbecoming unapt untoward intolerant impolite discourteous incongruous amiss disrespectful unhandsome uncivil callous unmannered impertinent unmannerly uncharitable boorish unfair heartless sharp unceremonious short out of place uncalled-for ill-mannered ill-bred brave courageous intrepid gutsy fearless enterprising dashing nervy hardy valiant nerved heroic ballsy emboldened dauntless valorous undaunted free-swinging unafraid plucky spunky unflinching spirited confident doughty gutty stout stalwart risk-taking macho lionhearted gritty manful stouthearted game exciting heroical greathearted undauntable resolute brazen gallant decadent mettlesome immoderate high-risk extravagant unshrinking positive swashbuckling shameless wanton decisive assured extreme life-threatening have-a-go intemperate profligate aweless feisty lion-hearted pushy unrestrained tiger unperceptive witless aggressive sturdy peppy thrilling exploratory dareful unconscious thrill-seeking unfearful staunch firm forward herolike fortitudinous stout-hearted perilous fast-paced chin-up rock-ribbed bantam assuming self-indulgent self-gratifying salacious licentious unconstrained gadabout louche carnal corrupt harsh precarious dicey uncertain parlous jeopardous prodigal wasteful gratuitous unreserved undisciplined dynamic ungoverned uncurbed go-ahead

Антонимом sticking one's neck out

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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