Синоним take leave from


To leave a place without intending to return
abandon leave evacuate desert escape exit vacate quit decamp withdraw from abscond from bolt from depart from disappear from escape from exit from flee from fly from go from part with retire from run along from scram from vamoose from be gone from break away from check out from clear off from clear out from cut and run from decamp from go away from head off from head out from move out from move out of pull out of remove oneself from run away from run off from set off from set out from take off from take your leave of walk out of absent oneself from give the slip to make oneself scarce from say goodbye to slip out from take a hike from do a disappearing act take oneself off from go AWOL depart flee withdraw go split vamoose take off go away clear out retire fly scarper pull out walk out clear off cut out forsake move part scram retreat run away beat it move out run along make off cut and run bail out push off shove off bug out begone bolt bail get scoot book skedaddle disappear run off check out make oneself scarce remove oneself up sticks hook it pack your bags push on bug off pack off beat a retreat dig out step along buzz off get off peel off sally forth pike off go off pack up pike out embark flit abscond emigrate vanish migrate sally start slip out set out say goodbye remove repair take a hike go forth make tracks take leave bog off say your goodbyes head off abstract oneself get going drop out hightail it be off take flight get away break camp slope off betake oneself beat a hasty retreat sling your hook do a bunk make a getaway do a runner skip get out of kite start out duck out abandon ship ditch empty leave hastily defect from flit from leave abruptly abdicate fade away git advance absent proceed troop make your escape be gone be lost bail out from clear from hightail clear pull out from blast off set off move on rack off make a break set forth hit the road slip away make an exit move off be on your way hit the trail march out absent yourself hit the bricks make vacant make empty eject from recoil fall back maroon draw back strand blow pull back recede shrink run skidoo evade skip off levant turn tail break head for the hills back down fold make a quick exit take to your heels give way elude leg it back away drop back back out fly the coop go back back off run for it show a clean pair of heels peel out disengage light out take a powder do a fade make a break for it make a run for it move away move back give ground run out take a walk go out defect elope cut relinquish issue stir head out ride off break away disengage from give the slip slope off from step down come away take French leave do a bunk from say one's farewells walk away get out pull stakes get lost walk off relocate voetsak scat hamba hop it travel step out resettle avaunt make a move move house skip out shift walk out on take wing take yourself off immigrate shoo move abroad head transmigrate make walk strike out transfer lam separate turn your back change residence naff off sod off move along pull up stakes part company go jump in the lake go your way get under way make one's departure haul off hop the twig get along push along get stuffed nick off pop off get out of my sight go and jump in the lake get moving hop the stick take to flight leave in a hurry skiddoo egress hotfoot it range cruise adjourn skidaddle retreat from wend mosey transport go to hell scamper make one's way have it away make away make for march go through shoot through get on your bike regress say adieu uproot flow off-load ship shove leap bustle hurry trek break up say farewell run for the hills go absent without leave go missing sneak off go west distance oneself drift wander conk out dedomicile move overseas exeunt storm off leave suddenly go off in a huff make a sudden departure get up and go storm out flounce out move about change place make a start on your bike take a long walk on a short pier draw away go and chase yourself be off with you leave your country start a new life break off split up quit the scene ease out go one's ways leave flat ship out make one's farewells go their separate ways go separate ways go offstage flake off do vanishing act bid farewell resile secede become independent gain autonomy divide off shy away step back turn away disaffiliate shrink away change house change address change jobs passage jump ship go south go on the lam do a vanishing act break out of do a Skase make scarce steal away break out make a quick getaway sneak away dog it do a moonlight flit break free depart secretly


(separate oneself from) To sever relations with
separate leave desert discontinue quit reject repudiate break with drop secede from break away from delink from resign from sever relations with split with withdraw from disaffiliate oneself from dissociate oneself from depart from drop out of pull out of break free from go away from have nothing more to do with split secede renounce escape part company disaffiliate become independent break away ditch jilt part ways pull away depart run away flee gain autonomy fly divide off apostatize resign retire withdraw retreat abdicate retract separate from form a splinter group turn back on break from defect from separate oneself from split from disaffiliate from split off from pull out abandon forsake dump cast aside run out on walk out on leave in the lurch bin off leave high and dry cast off break up with turn your back on throw over strand maroon leave stranded leave behind give someone the big E give someone the push discard disown kiss goodbye wash your hands of give the elbow relinquish chuck give up let go of leave hanging hang out to dry cut off betray discount ignore spurn disavow leave flat finish with rebuff rat on rescind run away from shun eschew back out of walk away from walk away jettison repeal abort revoke screw retire from bail on abstain from eighty-six abjure surrender sacrifice abnegate break off scorn cut loose leave off disdain give someone the air unfollow cast out excommunicate shut out turn down break up cold-shoulder swear off split up with beach bail out on leave in trouble leave holding the bag leave helpless disappoint give up the ship flake out cop out let someone stew in their own juice leg it storm out drop out fly the coop dispose of bail out opt out of orphan chicken out take a powder take a walk bow out deceive coquette get rid of give the old heave-ho split up break off with do the dirty on kiss off kiss good-bye leave at the altar walk out blow off decline refuse negative pass disapprove reprobate nix deselect forswear deny have no more truck with throw out disinherit balk at refuse to acknowledge banish oust recant be against disprofess shed lay aside fly in the face of pass up not accept disacknowledge repulse snub disfellowship cut have nothing to do with blacklist repel freeze out give someone the brush-off exclude give someone the go-by scoff at cut dead put down blank ostracise kick in the teeth avoid blackball send to Coventry unfriend hand someone the frozen mitt veto not buy give a wide berth to despise leave out in the cold give the cold shoulder burn ostracize yield take your leave of change one's tune take the oath drift away show the door cancel desist from scratch knock off stop ax have done with divorce part with halt lay off of cry off kick throw up forgo scrub dispense with shut off end dust off axe part from wipe out remit call off terminate shelve scrap cut out break pack in cease shake lay off interrupt write off can give over forget about pack up forfeit refuse to recognize refuse to abide by neglect disregard forget disclaim fly from flee from abscond from escape from refrain from disappear from cheat on be gone from do away with back out on be disloyal to take oneself off from set out from be unfaithful to fail

Антонимом take leave from

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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