Синоним to get wind of


To sense the presence, existence, or imminence of
scent discern sense detect smell see feel perceive recognise recognize nose sniff whiff snuff taste expect foresee foretell predict pick up become aware of become conscious of nose out sniff out be on the track be on the track of be on the trail of identify apperceive make out observe suspect intuit be aware of notice note distinguish catch apprehend behold discover read find infer be conscious of get the impression of get vibes feel in one's bones have a hunch feel in gut have a feeling get the impression pick out pick up on have a sensation of have an awareness of spot remark descry mark espy diagnose decry clock ascertain catch sight of appreciate realize comprehend divine understand grasp savvy cognize register tell conceive guess seize assimilate compass twig get learn decipher dig decode know deem make grok believe think realise hold consider credit become cognizant of anticipate come to know tumble to catch on to get to know just know be cognizant of get the picture cotton on to cotton to catch on have a funny feeling get the drift take in get the idea catch the drift be with it gather fathom deduce imagine follow presume reckon suppose conjecture assume figure out suss out absorb surmise determine work out fancy speculate judge digest figure suss conclude get the message postulate opine be of the opinion theorize get the hang of presuppose envisage theorise acquire make sense of take on board latch on to get the drift of estimate hypothesize esteem accept hypothesise daresay master have a sneaking suspicion find out reason make head or tail of interpret penetrate envision maintain glean regard imbibe trust take have knowledge of cotton on get to the bottom of keep up with soak up hazard a guess get a fix on have an aha moment hear have philosophise be aware forecast suspicion calculate process venture philosophize be inclined to think think it likely allow prophesy suggest view prognosticate integrate posit unravel adjudge acknowledge get wise to foreknow see the light take it dare say puzzle out take for granted familiarize oneself with latch onto piece together be afraid drink in fathom out see something coming have sneaking suspicion come to the conclusion absorb mentally get into achieve attain gain obtain have a suspicion be of the view have a sneaking feeling bet track be under the impression have as one's opinion admit grant have a foreboding contemplate translate be convinced construe uncover be familiar with visualize visualise unearth foreshadow gauge rate gage count get it call soothsay crack pre-empt pretend guesstimate appraise get one's head around latch on bank on count upon count on conceive of bargain for bargain on be hopeful of get the message about get the picture about theorize that contemplate the possibility of draw the inference plan on make of get the point of wait for be prepared for soak in see in the cards look for size up dope out think it likely that set store by watch for postulate that have a hunch of take up ween be afraid of hope for be sensible of concede confess untangle disentangle own await establish pin flash feature copy incorporate respect hit on see through break ingest verify be wise to see the point of sort out get the gist take it as read are aware of predetermine take notice of take account repute be alert to take notice wise up evaluate weigh up sum up assess plan for have a handle on get the idea of click with wrap one's mind round get vibrations derive extrapolate risk assuming take a stab take a shot venture a guess have information be informed hold that have in prospect look ahead to look forward to come upon add up confirm contrive be sensitive to be alive to have knowledge be conscious get the point tap into be of the opinion that have an idea that sympathize with brainstorm spark dream predicate dare-say be given to understand come to the conclusion that be led to believe have experience of ken take meaning take on feel deeply have a sensation pick up what someone is putting down see daylight see the light about wrap one's mind around be au fait with feel certain be read be learned be versed be schooled take as read go out on a limb cook up fear see into pierce get your head round have down pat disbelieve get a grip make sense get clued up about think it probable swear decide harbor suspicion think probable rule take as gospel truth cross heart take the view lay money on set down take stock in swear up and down buy lap up subscribe to the opinion bet one's bottom dollar entertain the idea aver swear by account win glimpse expose disclose land wangle reach reveal encounter bag secure hit earn be abreast of be acquainted with be informed about be up-to-date with rumble regard as unlock hold to be debunk elicit explore view as take for conceive to be look on as take to be interpret as estimate as class as see as believe to be feel to be calculate to be imagine to be meet project get on to get wind of the fact get wise to the fact light upon think of look up wise up to come to have get one's mitts on come by get your hands on get hold of lay hold of get a hold of be one's lot meet with fall to the lot augur portend forewarn forebode entertain vaticinate presage prevision premise plan say auspicate previse adumbrate foretaste preknow spae forefeel have the impression think likely figure on crystal ball regard as likely see it coming psych out allow for call it take it as given reckon on count chickens prepare for have funny feeling have vibes


To hear with attention, obedience, or compliance
hearken heed attend mind hark hear harken listen catch overhear eavesdrop apprehend get auscultate descry devour give read strain take make out give attention be all ears become aware give ears pick up get an earful give an audience to note pay attention pay attention to mark notice listen to take notice of observe regard watch lend an ear pay heed give ear to concentrate on attend to pay heed to take note of follow respect hear out take heed of get a load of be heedful of take into consideration bear in mind take to heart obey perceive give ear discern be attentive pick up on tune in to give heed goose-step to give a thought to comply with adhere to take notice hearken to be all ears for follow orders behave according to lend an ear to do as you are told give thought to be mindful of have regard for conform to keep listen up yield to register give one's undivided attention remark eye see behold view detect give attention to listen in to eavesdrop on take in hark to focus on keep one's mind on listen up to apply your mind to think about check out be attentive to devote yourself look on keep one's eye on occupy oneself with understand behear tune in auscult monitor concentrate consider keep your ears open tune in on prick up ears accept listen intently concentrate on hearing agree believe assent pin back one's ears hang on someone's words hear tell pin your ears back dig hang on take note pay regard to give heed to toe the line be guided by do as one is told by take into account take heed abide by do one's bidding

Антонимом to get wind of

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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