Синоним trainsick

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Having the feeling that one is about to vomit
queasy nauseous sick ill nauseated bilious unwell seasick squeamish airsick carsick crook queer travel-sick bad dizzy liverish peaky poorly sickish uncomfortable upset awful funny giddy groggy lousy off peculiar qualmish queerish rotten rough terrible crummy dreadful indisposed peakish concerned doubtful dubious fidgety odd off colour out of sorts pukish restless rocky sickly suffering from motion sickness troubling uncertain unsettled unsettling woozy suffering from altitude sickness green about the gills green around gills under the weather sick as a dog grotty seedy ropy wabbit not oneself below par peaked run down not up to par washed out ailing queazy peely-wally unhealthy faint not well under par run-down weak not very well infirm lightheaded down light-headed sickened off-colour not in good shape not up to snuff diseased bedridden punk in poor health in a bad way green debilitated frail feeble unsound infected off-color green around the gills impaired barfy laid-up disordered like death warmed up afflicted shaky mean invalided feverish valetudinarian iffy vertiginous reeling bummed laid up on the sick list green at the gills about to throw up pale at death's door delicate wobbly invalid hospitalized incurable suffering dazed sick to one's stomach under medication rickety broken down disgusted unsteady hospitalised hazy whirling tipsy sick as dog off balance punch-drunk not a hundred percent laid low motion sick slightly unwell nauseatic unfit fatigued tired not up to the mark horrible not so hot imperfect confined tottering defective declining travelsick ugly unsightly chunderous ropey ghastly qualmy disturbed distressed failing low poor paltry lame not yourself uneasy off form miserable throwing up vomiting blah off one's feed pallid pasty pasty-faced drained haggard achy hypochondriacal in pain decrepit ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced anaemic corpse-like cadaverous sallow ill-looking not feeling well wan pinched the worse for wear deathly pale off-balance unbalanced unstable volatile swooning light ditzy suffering from radiation sickness sickly-looking drawn emaciated etiolated thin peelie-wally grim anemic as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless strange in poor shape running temperature on sick list a wreck got the bug feeling terrible feeling awful off one's feet feeling rotten hypercritical annoyed exacting mincing prim puritanical cowardly uncompromising captious hysterical easily upset easily offended confused muzzy swimmy aswoon puzzled punchy gaga dopey muddled not with it weak-kneed weak in the knees slap-happy seeing stars enfeebled enervated exhausted prostrate incapacitated weakened wasted languid sapped prostrated asthenic down-and-out slight weakly effete tender out of action doddering wimpish wimpy unsubstantial worn-out worn out rundown out of commission puny soft softened doddery fragile insecure flimsy wavering disabled injured spent weary pooped beat confined to bed knackered dying wretched crippled down with broken-down weedy worn tottery gaunt spindly dragging raddled tired out tuckered out out of gas vacillating tenuous vitiated trembly meagre pathetic strengthless sapless meager in bad shape lacklustre lackluster out of shape hollow-eyed languishing valetudinary handicapped housebound immobilized unwholesome in bed wasting ill in bed in bad health slender stricken hors de combat contaminated tainted septic blighted sinking reduced sensitive nesh susceptible got a bug immobilised peccant abnormal not healthy sick as a parrot powerless without energy infectious dainty fishy shatterable brittle fracturable shattery wispy bockety languorous depleted sluggish cranky chronically ill always ill pining often ill laid-low helpless impotent burned out low-energy in ill health in poor condition irresolute stressed out of condition shilpit faltering out-of-action not feeling up to snuff experiencing nausea feeling queasy ticklish quaking feeling nauseous feeling nauseated feeling woozy inconstant staggering tricky trembling in a decline indecisive unsafe uneven tense strained half-hearted emasculated flabby gentle insufficient flat aged halting anile sensile out of humor down in the mouth in declining health careworn wonky precarious withered fraught hollow-cheeked teetering dead loggy aweary bushed jaded logy washed-out wearied beaten bleary done limp teetery fluctuant rattletrap wavy wiggling unsure dilapidated tattered unkempt dishevelled disheveled coarsened debauched feeling sick wiped out played out stressed out burned-out all in tapped out on one's last legs with sunken cheeks worse for wear

Антонимом trainsick

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