Синоним turn one's hand to


(of a job or task) To agree to take responsibility of
accept assume bear shoulder take on take up tackle undertake handle manage meet take responsibility for approach attack attempt begin be responsible for commence commit to embark on embrace enter on enter upon face start take on oneself take over address oneself to agree to avow concentrate on deal with engage in fall into go about go for set about with become involved in devote oneself to get cracking on get down to get to grips with go in for have a crack at have a go at have a shot at have a stab at launch into make a run at participate in set about take part in take upon oneself venture on give something a whirl try institute initiate venture into embark settle down to plunge into set upon plunge go into carry out endeavour to do endeavor to do perform engage endeavour endeavor essay hazard do take upon yourself take the plunge set in motion put in motion take forward commit oneself address oneself contract execute implement commit oneself to follow through with set out with have a try at volunteer oneself to move into answer for have a hand in try out launch open go ahead get to work enter into get one's finger out get the show on the road fall to get down to the nitty-gritty get weaving on put one's shoulder to the wheel make a start lay the first stone get cracking lead off embar upon get to it get a move on jump into get off one's backside set to work knuckle down embark upon make a beginning set the ball rolling make a start on strike into jump in get the ball rolling pitch in get down to brass tacks buckle down begin undertaking get going swing into action get on with it get your skates on get weaving set out hit the ground running take first step start the ball rolling buckle to launch into it take the first step get one's feet wet get off plunge into it get down to it put one's hand to the plough ring up the curtain on get down to business make the first move fire away get stuck into get moving kick off set things moving get stuck in get on with work at transact effect accomplish get busy with be employed occupy oneself with


To devote effort to something
address tackle attack confront grapple with attend to deal with undertake concentrate on field focus on handle manage maneuver manipulate manoeuvre negotiate see to turn to apply oneself to buckle down to devote oneself to embark on engage in hack play swing take on take up treat attend concentrate contend with cope with dig focus get down to settle down to take in hand try turn become involved in get cracking on get stuck into get to grips with get weaving on go at go for hammer away have a go at have at peg away pitch into try to deal with try to sort out have a crack at have a shot at have a stab at knuckle down to plug away at take care of throw yourself into direct attention to approach attempt essay begin pursue accept get to work at start on work on set about embark upon step up to the plate try to solve make a run at try to cope with peg away at come to grips with take forward dive into try on for size take a shot at wade in sink your teeth into apply oneself start the ball rolling take measures about have a go busy oneself with give something a try give something a whirl wade into go for it set your hand to give something a go go about address oneself to take the bit between your teeth launch into square off bang away at hammer away at face take charge of sort out engage set to work on get to work on take look after occupy oneself with set to start in on get started on carry out go to work on control do work plunge into take control tear into square up get a handle on give attention to struggle against come to grips take control of commence challenge fight appropriate grab make a start on take somebody or something in hand contest answer grapple settle contend turn one's attention to begin to tackle orchestrate organize grasp influence master strive against get to grips wrestle organise get involved in turn your attention to serve deal respond to look in the eye face up to exploit dominate command reply to speak in response to make arrangements for take responsibility for react to bite off fix administer to act toward behave towards act towards behave toward conduct oneself towards manage with wrestle with come to terms with make do with get by with make out with tussle with get on with work at transact effect accomplish get busy with be employed perform cover be in control discuss bespeak pontificate on give a lecture on give a discourse on speak on give an oration on give a sermon on speak to deliver a sermon on sermonize on drone on about make a speech on take aim at preach to talk to talk about give a dissertation on give an address on speechify to give a speech on preachify to

Антонимом turn one's hand to

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