Синоним vestiaries


Plural for a dressing room or storeroom for clothes, especially in a church or other religious house
dress clothing attires gear apparel wear duds habits raiment clobbers costumery vestures weeds rigs toggery riggings garb costumes outfits get-ups kits wardrobes finery arrays trappings habiliments glad rags uniforms turnouts suits getups ensembles regalias schmutter vestments strip drag covering robes gowns garments frocks accouterments drapery togs civvies liveries guises equipment sportswear apparatuses accoutrements disguises regimentals equipage albs cassocks tunics surplices chasubles shift skirts Sunday best drapes muumuus pinafores smocks togas attirement dry goods overclothes mufti trousseaus frippery panoplies underclothes tatters caparisons fashion bedclothes baggage clothes attire threads habit clobber rags wearables rig vesture vestiary rigging outfit costume kit get-up wardrobe regalia array rig-out uniform garms habiliment ensemble suit livery getup turnout articles of clothing articles of dress rigout robe vestment accouterment garment guise things gown frock colours disguise tog trousseau bib and tucker caparison colors veils shrouds coat cloaks rig out personal attire apparatus implements accoutrement trapping raiments effects camouflage style mode national dress pinafore muumuu toga smock drape skirt aprons feather best panoply stripes khaki OD set of clothes tailleur gaiety gayety feathers evening clothes bravery cinctures amices hoods stoles olive drab monkey suit coordinated outfit full feather hand-me-downs fine clothes full dress cassock orale surplice chasuble tunic alb commode armoire chest dresser chiffonier trunk buffet bureau covers items of clothing collection of clothes riding clothes riding dress shawls mantles capotes capes wraps manteaus cocktail dresses nightshirts wedding dresses ball gowns evening dress nightdresses nightgowns wrappers dolmans negligee kimonos bathrobes peignoirs housecoats robes de chambre dressing gowns djellabas kanzus dishdashas

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