Synonym of a conscientious


Wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly
careful meticulous painstaking diligent thorough industrious punctilious assiduous attentive particular dedicated hard-working laborious sedulous accurate close correct exact faithful fussy loving minute persevering scrupulous searching studious ultra-careful unflagging religious rigorous strict complete dependable exacting fastidious heedful punctual reliable tough upright hanging in hanging tough playing safe walking on eggs heart and soul into minding p's and q's zealous precise pedantic tireless persistent methodical finicky indefatigable untiring earnest elaborate active nice demanding constant persnickety busy conscionable detailed driven intent keen bustling steadfast nitpicking eager perfectionist committed finical determined dogged engaged pertinacious tenacious employed working strenuous mathematical pernickety unrelenting plugging operose steady picky eager beaver unswerving tied-up hopping occupied hardworking thoroughgoing intense swotty exhaustive proper delicate persisting overnice purposeful orderly observant fine pinpoint refined cautious hair-splitting hairline by the book by the numbers spot-on concentrated fussbudget stickler rigid unwearied unremitting focused grinding whiz alert circumstantial unfailing undeviating unerring systematic involved dutiful right aggressive resolute focussed microscopic ordered controlled severe loyal restless bold enterprising unwavering ambitious wholehearted passionate enthusiastic dynamic hard energetic stickling duteous stiff stiff-necked ceremonious stilted formal decorous starchy assertive spirited ball of fire daring forceful militant radical literal overconscientious overscrupulous polite civil seemly formalistic courteous conventional white-glove dotting the i's crossing the t's nit-picky well organized with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone verbatim right on good eye definite similar lifelike word for word resembling deliberate judicious provident thoughtful full circumspect intensive timely prompt solid prim regardful concerned selfdisciplined chary discreet in-depth slogging plodding going to great lengths immediate early speedy seasonable on time expeditious recurrent in good time on the dot periodic regular cyclic quick ready on schedule when expected to schedule in time well timed spot on time on the nose under the wire bang on time on the button


Governed by conscience
just honest moral scrupulous conscionable honorable principled ethical honourable responsible straightforward strict upright high-minded high-principled incorruptible dutiful pious right true upstanding good righteous decent virtuous trustworthy respectable right-minded noble reliable dependable fair straight faithful proper worthy trusty reputable nice stand-up pure law-abiding correct equitable anti-corruption loyal all right square truthful sincere constant laudable irreproachable blameless exemplary devoted steadfast creditable moralistic true-blue admirable steady fair-minded staunch elevated firm kosher unswerving sure chivalrous unimpeachable unwavering tried stable reasonable morally correct respected impartial sensible rightful competent fitting estimable trustable guiltless calculable solid humane praiseworthy meritorious rational of good repute noble-minded commendable right-thinking sound magnanimous unfailing on the level dedicated punctilious impeccable clean venerable trusted lawful lofty sinless justifiable above board saintly tried-and-true safe true-hearted fast true blue full of integrity fastidious loving unchanging uncorrupted circumspect devout veracious gallant tried and true tried and tested allegiant resolute ardent salt of the earth unbiased unprejudiced adult objective even-handed unbribable legitimate dispassionate capable anti-discrimination disinterested non-discriminatory capable of being trusted neutral open-minded non-partisan excellent committed evenhanded nonpartisan equal indifferent knightly due candid unstained forthright innocent nondiscriminatory legit uncolored distinguished aboveboard faultless copper-bottomed deserving angelic incorrupt of principle secure justified immaculate stanch holy spiritual reverent self-righteous attached on the up-and-up obedient down-the-line up front high squeaky-clean enduring confiding hard-core behind one of good report patriotic genuine lordly dyed-in-the-wool greathearted on the up and up charitable squeaky clean liege affectionate philanthropical string along with philanthropic particular prudish idealistic strait-laced prissy finicky sane chaste heedful punctual exact precise critical delicate fussy seemly supportive condign legal deserved merited God-fearing mature discreet truehearted veridical wholehearted no lie undistorted confirmed above reproach honest-to-goodness guileless unerring above-board perpetual persistent inextinguishable immortal undestroyable untouchable saintlike godly warranted decorous matchless godlike peerless go-to unbigoted egalitarian pernickety extremely careful thinking twice wholesome courteous rocklike sturdy certain Christian morally right morally acceptable pure as the driven snow whiter than white dignified balanced uncoloured proportionate clean-living squeamish level even-steven upfront cricket impersonal fair-to-middling good as one's word always there to be counted on carrying the load irreprehensible proud sanctimonious above suspicion predictable infallible level-headed prestigious without fear or favour decisive determined natural fair shake square deal fair and square with no axe to grind worthwhile valuable positive careful unequivocal fine sterling immovable esteemed model applaudable invaluable believable true to life honoured established first-class recognized of repute reputed well thought of name well-thought-of well respected A-1 notable well known favored famous well-known renowned prominent popular famed eminent high-ranking redoubted celebrated acclaimed honored illustrious considerate benevolent generous altruistic thoughtful gracious favoured with a good reputation highly regarded recognised tried and trusted qualified able effective efficient self-reliant compassionate caring selfless kind-hearted kind in high favor of good standing kindly bighearted kindhearted understanding merciful sweet liberal tolerant big-hearted goodhearted big public-spirited tender heroic giving free helpful valiant great-hearted princely goodish humanitarian unselfish large-hearted great self-sacrificing hospitable munificent grand august important polite courtly imposing stately outstanding inculpable exalted beneficent glorious mannerly refined civilized noteworthy magnificent superior influential gentlemanly lily-white cultivated leading well-mannered civil respectful civilised revered bounteous urbane sublime well mannered well behaved sportsmanlike unblemished genteel paradigmatic classic quintessential easy obliging batting a thousand not too shabby thankworthy meritable pre-eminent principal stainless spotless noted praisable preeminent peaceful sportsmanly bueno neato prototypical classical powerful beyond reproach orderly bountiful duteous modest unblamable exceptional high-powered perfect acceptable majestic redoubtable open regal not bad moderate aristocratic flawless seminal peaceable sporting dominant highest brave extraordinary gentle distinctive suave worthy of admiration serious gentlemanlike representative typical illustrative characteristic foremost lavish ideal high profile high-level undefiled unsparing sympathetic portly accommodating ladylike major league well bred credible strong couth suitable impressive loose soft-touch unstinting attentive compliant prim courageous benign premier prime sedate commanding main uplifting valued consequential iconic first integral formidable resonant prized pivotal puissant monumental disciplined stout high-up mighty top-ranking admired bold intrepid big time far-reaching valorous formal tractable cultured polished untainted ceremonious unsullied profuse pleasant befitting highest-ranking unspoilt unaffected celibate becoming apple-pie smart ungrudging prodigal open-handed hallowed well-bred copybook venerated fulsome openhanded freehearted freehanded affable handsome willing inflated consummate classy solemn unobjectionable kingly highbrow composed untarnished vestal frank lenient conventional staid primary intellectual of note stalwart detached white friendly amiable according to the rules stellar indulgent amicable imperial clean-cut clear sociable supreme dinkum conforming done G-rated memorable genial astral exaggerated excessive immodest self-respecting major comely key legendary predominant chief top-notch royal orthodox palmary central de rigueur prevailing notorious fabled unfaltering splendid uninvolved worthy of commendation eventful arch magnific alpha all-important authoritative grave pleasing without fault historical material fundamental well-connected highfalutin' core superb comme il faut remarkable essential of influence senior incomparable signal marvelous potent fair-and-square in the clear number one top marvellous unassailable resplendent top-drawer of high standing pompous brilliant big name big-time big league protective peacekeeping soft-hearted warm-hearted complying highly respectable uncorrupt right-hand favorite rectitudinous professional close intimate proved palatable incorrupted favoring submissive biddable amenable manageable conformable docile chivalric well-behaved even inspiring individual sporty according to Hoyle abundant ample deferential daring favouring saving religious time-honored number elegant needy eligible free-handed ready well favoured well-favoured card-carrying pukka on up and up savory savoury reverenced kin inoffensive full-figured well-rounded plump womanly eleemosynary almsgiving plentiful full independent self-sufficient straight-arrow favourite terrific mean uncompromising deep-dyed self-important overblown sophisticated stylish archetypical imitable archetypal textbook definitive top-level head controlling spirited well-regarded much touted manly quixotic acknowledged virginal higher meretorious appreciable on-the-level right and proper on the square crimeless worshipped fearless dauntless stout-hearted on up-and-up picture-book cleanhanded picture-perfect letter-perfect absolute indefectible seamless crucial humble authentic fit maidenly in good faith die-hard plenteous willingly given unstinted cardinal unfeigned uncontrived unpretentious irreprovable eloquent rich oratorical towering four-star upper-class VIP upper cogent successful phenomenal deciding virgin lionized demure debonair in limelight dapper alright goody-goody unmarred precious very good focal grandiloquent considerable vital reproachless pristine awe-inspiring epic grandiose heroical massive baronial Homeric sacred reverend sage prodigious acquitted higher up high up snow white tasteful graceful meritious winner meedful golden boss choice world-beating durable edifying of distinction reserved indispensable high-priority intrinsic major-league requisite heavy-duty earnest big-league necessary needed skookum conspicuous wise public unchangeable immutable puritanical priggish fixed rigid good-natured approachable cordial forthcoming bonhomous good-hearted complaisant benignant mild congenial bland unctuous female motherly highbred flattering preux adulatory complimentary high-bred studied lionised matriarchal philosophical experienced patriarchal worshipful worshiped non-erotic improving non-violent continent unprofaned inviolate unspotted unblighted characterful meet top drawer imperious of mark of great consequence in the public eye licit not to blame not guilty beyond criticism guilt-free in line by the book by the numbers lasting unshakeable gone tough swell slick keen select pillar gnarly quality lily white wide-eyed sombre magisterial somber distingué starchy nifty momentous fateful landmark gratifying permanent simple equable pure as driven snow babe in woods wet behind ears historic invigorating envigorating hygienic commonsensical open-faced ruddy practical together fresh-faced sanitary normal blooming settled matronly neighbourly deserving congratulations first-rate wicked bulletproof perdurable cheering unforgettable shining satisfying triumphant significant pleasurable rewarding bright fulfilling meaningful groundbreaking wonderful epochal red-letter heart-warming ace smashing tip-top champion super fab brill splendiferous long-standing long-lived long-lasting foolproof guaranteed presentable salt of earth just so agreeable comradely top-hole bully beaut all there well balanced well-built well-balanced neat tidy spruce accepted up to the mark nasty believeable satisfactory organic deep-rooted regardful companionable in the pink hale and hearty in fine feather appropriate ordinary mediocre neighborly straight-up never-failing rock solid sure-fire as good as one's word worthy of trust fly right boy scout to be trusted down home capital well-disposed well-brought-up paramount superlative learned triumphal without reproach of excellent character overbearing unparalleled primal first rate of the first rank unsurpassed gifted prior unexcelled unequaled unequalled highly rated arch- greatest


Exact in correspondence or adherence to something
strict accurate exact precise literal meticulous scrupulous careful fastidious unerring painstaking particular punctilious unwavering faultless rigorous stringent thorough defined judicious unmistakable veridical errorless methodical rigid systematic detailed perfect specific unambiguous certain definitive flawless reliable correct explicit infallible formal pinpoint delicate uncompromising clear-cut error-free discriminating scientific finicky fussy picky inflexible choosy persnickety exacting prim stiff mathematical faithful close prissy choosey sticklerish tough fixed priggish puritanical veracious authentic true factual right truthful regular fair realistic convincing lifelike proper nit-picking nit-picky genuine just verisimilar veristic nice deft solid definite skillful concrete distinct discriminative true to life skilful sharp punctual on the mark on the nail bang on on the beam spot-on matter-of-fact spot on fact-based telling it like it is on the button ultraprecise word-perfect on the nose as it really happened on the money impeccable unimpeachable unfailing valid good without error irrefutable unquestionable dead-on on-target on target dead on sure undistorted credible assured conclusive undisputed unrefuted undeniable authoritative uncanny unmistaken actual inch-perfect deadly right on minute absolute trustworthy similar direct effective omniscient canonical believable safe identical word for word straight official final fail-safe kosher failsafe all right unequivocal downright express clear verbatim unswerving inevitable nailed down bull's-eye blow-by-blow on the numbers dead positive invariable inerrant inerrable sure-fire elaborate refined fine subtle dainty finical nuanced exquisite ultra-fine finicking hairsplitting orderly hairline fine-drawn incorrupted finespun winning nifty superior appropriate so standard OK O.K. acceptable okay legitimate righteous equitable stone amen for sure on track right stuff on the right track along the right lines right as rain on the ball free of error on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle


Following carefully and exactly a set of rules
strict devout fundamentalist orthodox pious religious conservative reverent traditional prayerful pure dedicated devoted faithful true genuine loyal sincere staunch ardent committed passionate steadfast deep fervent firm zealous profound resolute serious unwavering adherent stanch sworn vehement fervid revering dutiful venerating conformist observant doctrinal constant dependable patriotic impervious fanatical steady unfaltering emphatic stalwart trusted enduring stout trustworthy true blue obdurate solid supportive impassioned of the faith of the true faith reliable strong close inexorable hardened persistent allegiant trusty unflinching perfervid stable good unswerving immovable true-blue true-hearted tried and true true to life tried and tested keen fast dyed-in-the-wool down-the-line enthusiastic honest upright sure earnest attached unfailing diligent honourable tried honorable assiduous wholehearted hard-working card-carrying unchanging deep-dyed responsible truthful straight tried-and-true hard-core behind one scrupulous incorruptible driven pledged studious confirmed eager avid trustable obedient calculable uncompromising effective mad keen high-principled confiding truehearted loving liege affectionate string along with circumspect on the level attentive concerned motivated active bound intent veracious in good faith die-hard consecrated admiring engagé infallible boon as thick as thieves bosom inseparable on one's side unmistakable tested certain red-hot correct believable unshakable never-failing fond rabid adoring big doting exuberant intense sound industrious impeccable principled adult rational tireless capable of being trusted nationalistic competent capable qualified efficient able self-reliant through and through purposeful sedulous unflagging dynamic hard untiring energetic indefatigable single-minded jingoistic nationalist chauvinistic spirited persevering out-and-out single-hearted old faithful as keen as mustard given over to true to the end flag-waving righteous right secure just moral virtuous ethical nice safe decent right-minded xenophobic jingo loyalist no lie on the up and up worthy veridical undistorted estimable up front creditable square all right spreadeagle isolationist statesmanlike


Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm towards an activity
keen eager ardent avid enthusiastic earnest fervent impassioned fervid passionate zealous athirst dedicated industrious perfervid excited wholehearted willing assiduous crazy raring spirited driven hopeful intense longing voracious enthused intent warmblooded diligent ebullient hungry motivated vehement desirous devoted fanatical solicitous wild ambitious committed craving lively yearning desiring fierce interested zestful mad keen bright-eyed and bushy-tailed keen as mustard determined warm vigorous exuberant hearty pumped rabid obsessed thrilled fiery animated energetic vivacious titillated stoked dynamic fascinated passional exhilarated agog great ready forceful antsy rhapsodic animate anxious tantalized geeked aflame concerned afire unqualified nutty impatient appetent thirsty nuts wacky gaga itching active tantalised pleased sprightly juiced bugged zesty turnt gone on red-hot greedy hopped-up ready and willing hot to trot hepped up as keen as mustard gung ho high-spirited raring to go keyed up full of beans aspiring hardworking chomping at the bit champing at the bit striving dogged resolute enterprising tenacious untiring unwavering unyielding full of determination self-driven single-minded go-getting self-starting goal-oriented hard-driving infatuated addicted obsessive fanatic mad extreme hooked enamored enamoured absorbed hot burning fond devout potty frenzied fixated smitten infatuated with devoted to in love addicted to dotty frenetic gung-ho sincere possessed occupied engrossed engaged go-ahead immersed covetous dependent breathless in love with hooked on enamored of enamoured of very keen on smitten with inclined dependent on disposed habituated jonesing for under the influence strung out jonesing on wishing dying intent on insatiable daft keen on nutso ravenous grasping acquisitive avaricious rapacious hot for mad on gotta have dying to diehard heartfelt habitual militant using urgent pushy purposeful hung up hankering amenable restless happy unreluctant pining game restive glad itchy ripe zealotic fired fireball wild-eyed immoderate crazy about passionate about nuts about enthusiastic about mad about over-enthusiastic compulsive wasted abusing shooting up captivated prone with a … habit strong profound deep full-hearted deeply felt from the heart visionary coming on strong wackadoodle wackadoo bigoted overenthusiastic incorrigible credulous impulsive biased willful raving violent erratic opinionated monomaniacal unruly feverish partial stubborn obstinate headstrong contumacious domineering lost preoccupied concentrating participating busy rapt turned on nuts for high on dutiful influential faithful activist contributing overwrought dizzy buried involved caught up employed working hopping forward bustling hysterical obsessional fond of sweet on beside oneself very enthusiastic imbued predisposed accustomed hyped attached tied-up prone to spaced out used to given to using given to given over to in the habit of using given to abusing wedded to two-fisted


Conscious or aware of something
mindful aware conscious sensible cognizant alert careful alive to attentive respectful thoughtful wary watchful chary heedful regardful alive apprehensive sentient ware witting aware of cagey cautious conscious of conversant knowing knowledgeable observant observative observing sensible of solicitous vigilant acquainted with alert to awake to careful of chary of cognizant of heedful of wary of watchful of wise to au courant hip to on to plugged in recognizant of regardful of tuned in be up on in the know on one's toes on the ball on the job with eyes peeled know all the answers know ins and outs circumspect prudent conservative gingerly guarded considerate safe taking notice paying attention on guard on the alert on the qui vive informed acquainted apprised perceptive discerning abreast versed savvy familiar percipient apperceptive in on awake understanding sensitive with it versant grounded sensitive to no stranger to up on judicious certain sure responsive enlightened self-aware receptive perceiving recognizing noticing keen recognising up in the know about ware of hep to introduced kept posted able to recognize au fait at home with well up in versed in sophisticated dutiful canny wise experienced leery concerned skilled across deferent deferential competent seasoned on your guard feeling live living advertent duteous intentive arrect reactive switched-on at ease with used to well-informed up-to-date clued-up familiar with sussed sensible to animate sentimental seeing emotional sapient sensate flesh-and-blood breathing intelligent knowledgeable about conversant with au fait with up with noting assured appraised privy well versed in au courant with well up on well informed about down with up to date remarking cluey clued recognizant enthusiastic admiring supportive capable of feeling wide-awake clued in on on the beam genned up on in the picture up to date with in the right mind sympathetic seized of responsive to mindful of clued-up on percipient of pleased favorable positive friendly good approbatory approving commendatory applauding complimentary sharp encouraging appreciative cordial satisfied cooperative affectionate favourable generous


Excessively protective, wanting to give too much protection (especially to children)

Antonym of a conscientious

Music ♫

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