Synonym of acceding to somebody's demands


The action or process of appeasing, conciliating, or preserving the peace
appeasement conciliation pacification accommodation concession placation propitiation soothing allaying blunting easing mollification palliation quieting reconciliation relieving softening acquiescence calming compromise dovishness lessening lulling mitigation peacemaking peace-mongering quelling solace abatement alleviation peace offering sweetening tranquillization accession adjustment amends grant moderation reparation restoration settlement tranquilization bread and circuses bread and games relief assuagement easement comfort dulling reduction reprieve cure balm ease extenuation allayment remedy rest diminution amelioration respite decrease slackening alleviating weakening comforting mitigating assuaging tempering release deadening attenuation remission satisfaction deliverance refreshment mediation explanation excuse aid care succor waning decline repose lightening palliative relaxation arbitration succour ebb modification contraction diminishing sustenance support assistance consolation cushioning restfulness extrication cheer modulation subsidence damping well-being stilling let-up easing off tailing off cutback curtailment slowing slaking dying down ebbing dwindling subsiding wane dying away dying out petering out loosening qualification fading drop fade fall diminishment improvement sinking falloff shrinkage salving cooling off tapering off retardation dilution vindication justification letup dropping away dropping off minimizing minimization letting up secours minimising quenching deterioration recession degeneration decay slash depreciation loss retrenchment downsize lowering flagging de-escalation fading away rollback decrement relenting cut attrition drop-off step down relaxing loosing sagging


The action of approving something
approval consent blessing agreement compliance sanction acceptance acquiescence assent endorsement permission authorisation authorization licence mandate ratification concession concurrence countenance imprimatur validation support approbation backing confirmation favor okay recommendation assenting endorsation leave license nod ratifying accord carte blanche clearance favour good wishes permit yes go-ahead OK say-so green light O.K. rubber stamp seal of approval stamp of approval thumbs up authority warrant dispensation empowerment allowance encouragement right affirmation sufferance granting power recognition accreditation sanctioning adoption acknowledgment passing liberty acknowledgement advocacy privilege enactment espousal admission certification commendation nihil obstat warranty passage freedom promotion commission testimonial validating delegation charter fiat championship tolerance authentication verification establishment championing solidarity legislation say so legalization patronage entitlement exemption proclamation moral support legalisation understanding prerogative discretion substantiation corroboration evidence accession avowal all clear buy-in consent to embracing attestation signal welcome praise assurance plug justification approving decreeing ordaining handshake reference acclaim acclamation affirming supporting laudation clean bill of health secondment homage clear coast extolment legislating appliance implementation application accepting visa authorizing the nod A-OK grant appreciation authorising adherence all-clear signal pat on the back salutation signature consensus compliment thumbs-up word go ahead credentials decree yea esteem positive feedback the right order indulgence command affirmative condonance latitude condonation good word making law sanctification seal no objection toleration favourable mention special mention words of approval favorable mention words of approbation character reference official sanction a blank cheque agreement with blank cheque blank check instruction endorsement of benediction love regard satisfaction no complaints guarantee formalization strength ability nurturance defence defense backup formalisation seconding notarization mentoring valediction notification auspices legitimization agreement to okaying Godspeed faculty letting stamp embracement droit official approval rubber-stamping upholding deputation undertaking OK'ing aye access certificate covenant proxy brevet agency endowment allotment suggestion assumption welcoming impunity pass run admittance tip positive response tackling power of attorney green-light free hand free rein embrace proof tribute judgement mention judgment taking on urging testimony testament following integration upvote vote up like witness documentation ignoring endurance honourable mention letter of support honorable mention two cents' worth voucher demonstration abidance credence plaudit conformity alignment favourable reception proving deference respect goodwill harmony partiality unity fellowship verifying corroborating authenticating accedence edict putting up with association union affiliation unanimity oneness alliance blandishment ukase subscribing to acceding to subscription sympathy compliance with rave review precept dictum diktat accedence to recognition of adoption of cooperation with belief in backing for support of acceptance of demand rescript favorable reception deference to acknowledgement of accession to conformity with abidance by respect for adherence to assent to concurrence with acquiescence in like-mindedness canon injunction directive bull promulgation ordinance ruling dictate commandment pronunciamento firman irade decretal esprit de corps


(accede to) Present participle for to assume an office or position


Present participle for to become a member of an organization


Willing to accept or agree to something without objection or resistance
acquiescent consenting compliant agreeable submissive amenable pliant yielding assenting biddable complying ingratiating obsequious tractable willing accepting accommodating agreeing approving conforming cooperative deferential flexible nonresistant obliging passive persuadable unresistant meek obedient obeisant persuasible servile subservient toadying tolerant tolerating unassertive unprotesting bootlicking convincible docile easy malleable resigned acquiescing assentive longanimous resistless suasible susceptive unresisting game ready respectful easily persuaded self-effacing Uriah Heepish complaisant manageable pliable dutiful tame governable adaptable manipulable law-abiding conformable mild controllable humble subdued lamblike forbearing responsive soft duteous ductile easy-going patient impressionable slavish polite indulgent susceptible suggestible lenient under the thumb under one's thumb uncomplaining gentle timid self-abasing influenceable cowering at beck and call easily influenced orderly fawning spiritless courteous reverential forgiving quiet abject regardful happy easygoing teachable milky receptive amiable considerate good thoughtful sycophantic well-behaved charitable mannerly helpful sympathetic grovelling eager keen well-disposed unquestioning supine conciliatory conformist go-with-the-flow supple transformable bendy accordant civil glad nonresisting enthusiastic disciplined spineless permissive non-resistant attentive menial liberal docious easily handled cringing lax lowly groveling disposed friendly mellow under control enduring reverent long-suffering open weak-kneed forthcoming in one's power in one's clutches in one's pocket generous trusting gullible cheerful downtrodden moderate subject seemly supportive favorable favourable workable good-natured good-tempered well-mannered good-humored good-humoured like putty in your hands rolls with punches putty in one's hands acceptive assentient consentient compromising quiescent stoical craven weak truckling non-resisting awed snivelling willing to compromise deferent restrained solicitous proper open to change stoic dancing sniveling ingratiatory easily swayed submitting tameable rolling with punches at one's mercy a slave to shy unobtrusive demure cowed selfless concurring tamable ungrudging sheepish supplicatory with the patience of Job devoted venerating loyal faithful mindful decorous onside domesticated obeying comformable giving-in bowing down timorous unambitious hesitant tentative apprehensive fearful observant trained untroublesome convenient amendable kowtowing surrendering subordinate placable sheeplike hearsome honoring disciplinable handleable trainable honouring mim self-conscious accessible companionable useful eager to please well-trained well behaved well mannered well brought up moldable well-brought-up well disciplined well trained inclined eager to help wrapped around finger on a string in accord in agreement prepared glad to be of assistance pleased kind unassuming benevolent kindly content set predisposed prone magnanimous unselfish neighbourly desirous dominated cool childlike usable complacent subjugated bullied browbeaten zealous one fain minded understanding sweet genial pleasant affable gracious nice oppressed like-minded nothing loath so minded so-minded in favor in the mood in accord with in favour of a mind loose laid-back cordial bighearted breezy decent altruistic warmhearted unrestricted intimidated repressed free easily manipulated softie marshmallow neighborly overindulgent nagged libertarian well disposed warm-hearted good-hearted willing to please kind-hearted even-tempered favourably disposed constrained uxorious compassionate deceivable henpecked allowing dupable clement unprescriptive ground down treated like dirt without a mind of one's own in fear of one's partner led by the nose tied to someone's apron strings subjected to nagging wife-ridden under someone's heel permitting nonjudgmental merciful pampering naive unsuspicious mollycoddling deludable unoppressive pardoning benign temperate unburdensome humoring spoiling excusing light condoning fleeceable humouring open-minded broad-minded non-restrictive free and easy easy-oasy hands-off laissez-faire live-and-let-live peaceful peaceable civilized civilised easily led nonviolent dedicated filial changeable unwarlike non-violent calm tranquil peace-loving nonbelligerent diplomatic weak-willed feeble-minded loving following bendable spongy mouldable credulous conscientious plastic unformed inexperienced solid honourable virtuous honorable righteous responsible encourageable punctilious obligatory binding sequacious peacekeeping moral ethical controlled incumbent on adjustable variable pacific alterable ruly placid amicable modifiable pacifist pusillanimous fluid non-aggressive non-combative non-belligerent inoffensive conflict-free dovish pacifistic versatile lawful at peace weak-minded mutable irenic dovelike serene anti-war still restful undisturbed balmy ordered pacificatory yellow-bellied without guts hospitable elastic accommodative handy user friendly on tap on deck willing to help

Antonym of acceding to somebody's demands

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