Synonym of blows one's own horn


To promote, boast or brag about oneself
boasts brags grandstands crows gloats swanks shows off pats oneself on the back blows your own trumpet hugs oneself flies your own kite sings your own praises toots one's own horn blusters vaunts gasconades swaggers flaunts congratulates oneself bulls flatters oneself talks big blows vapors skites puffs exults vapours aggrandizes showboats preens oneself exults in lays it on thick gives a good account of yourself blows hard blows smoke struts attracts attention glories in rodomontades trumpets shoots one's mouth off exaggerates flourishes prates advertizes triumphs roisters gives oneself airs mouths advertises plumes congratulates oneself on overstates preens jives hotdogs talks boastingly hyperbolizes shoots the bull shucks speaks for Buncombe divulges discloses declares tries to make an impression draws attention to crows about proclaims brags about reveals postures glories bullies cons fakes parades gases cackles prides oneself gurgles babbles whoops rubs it in triumphs over calls acclaims celebrates brays promotes revels boasts about gloats over puffs up makes much of name-drops lords it praises applauds rejoices extols esteems reveres jubilates advances overvalues swells piques flatters presumes prides exuberates delights displays flashes lauds pushes hypes exhibits revels in joys holds head high kvells drools shows off about gives oneself airs about feels satisfaction at piques oneself in preens oneself on flatters oneself on piques oneself on pats oneself on the back for feels proud about feels proud of feels self-satisfied about rejoices in rejoices at gives oneself a pat on the back for

Antonym of blows one's own horn

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