Synonym of get one's mitts on


To come into possession of
get acquire obtain come by come to have come into possession of receive gain earn win come into come in for take possession of take receipt of be given buy purchase procure possess oneself of secure gather collect pick up appropriate amass build up hook net land achieve attain get hold of get your hands on grab bag score snag glean nab collar have cop latch onto rack up access lock up swing inherit take lay hold of snap up realize wangle realise get into one's hands lay hands on get one's fingers on prehend haul in pull in gather up garner reap draw capture carry annex catch hustle grasp annexe corral make pull down scare up knock down bring in understand know claim reach feel extract sense hit hit up lay claim to hold out for meet elicit get a hold of be one's lot meet with fall to the lot find patronize redeem patronise get in exchange make the purchase of make a purchase of splash out on take up make a purchase put money into deal in sign for pay for make a buy trade for shop for invest in contract for go shopping for seize derive take over clinch accomplish commandeer assume usurp chalk up conquer expropriate occupy accumulate arrogate notch up clock up confiscate fetch produce pocket arrive at preempt carry off get possession of wrest fulfil fulfill log pull off requisition clear hijack scoop be awarded ring up effect consummate sequester take home take control of convert press pirate locate sequestrate raise walk off with walk away with impound establish compass snare encounter steal yield accrue harvest nail develop help oneself to rake in pull hold snatch come away with accept retrieve effectuate have conferred on one strike be paid get paid clean up recover return bring to fruition bring about attach bring off carry out disseize distrain poind misappropriate get at be presented with gross pre-empt profit blag wrap up complete accroach make a profit of invade come across drum up scrape together possess manage bring home record luck into take away take in take control latch on to come up with succeed in get done carry through add increase overrun pot colonize be provided with arrange cull solicit reify be in receipt of liberate swipe bring take on glom corner execute accede to fix garrison search out succeed buy out engineer borrow come upon fall upon happen upon stumble upon knock off win possession of colonise perpetrate take possession put on glom onto actualize be elevated to knock up make good on do discharge turn in follow through with sew up deliver on grab hold of prosecute follow through on bring to completion gather in contract uncover discover unearth adopt gain possession of originate extricate captivate hit on turn up ferret out evolve reserve bank overcome profit with stem canvass walk away experience form trap bring to light run to earth advance ameliorate enlist accept delivery of take into one's possession agree to receive ingather presume demand cinch source save hoard schlenter salvage register tally guaranty guarantee ice ensure assure insure undergo trace track round up realize a profit of take delivery of make a profit dominate maneuver manoeuvre work induce polish off make claim to scrape up lay up gobble up retain enjoy own succeed in making get in make use of succeed to succeed in finding deprive of property notch make it to get as a result be sent hegemonize cash in on beg borrow or steal be appointed to grow command make sure of give security make sure catalyse catalyze finalize wind up pay recoup be worth bear track down bargain for go shopping barter for buy quickly buy eagerly maintain face keep sponge prevail over make free with claim unduly tie up kipe finalise finish off go through with control accede bring around oppress manage to get make a haul prevail upon buy up come into contact with partake in fix up sort out rule over dig up stockpile moonlight requisition arrogate to oneself be granted fall heir take responsibility for clap hands on filch shoplift purloin pinch abstract tot finish perform snaffle use rob snitch lift nick conclude mount up half-inch scrump take for oneself abscond with bone nobble heist whip negotiate organize grip honor conduct commit honour pilfer tief snavel clutch clasp do justice to get the job done take care of live up to make it nail it put it over do the trick get there keep faith with put the tin lid on do a bang-up job get someplace fulfill one's potential make hay perfect do one proud put through be true to satisfy intercept clench pluck simulate glove grow in pick take hold of reach for seize hold of hang on to fasten on take out organise add on increase in set up acquire more of something

Antonym of get one's mitts on

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