Synonym of make somebody's blood boil


To cause to become angry
infuriate enrage incense irritate annoy exasperate anger madden wind up drive mad inflame provoke upset vex gall aggravate make somebody's hackles rise drive crazy outrage make you see red roil nark drive you out of your mind make livid pester possess shatter get your back up frustrate drive you off your head tick off rankle steam up drive out of mind raise your hackles distract get your dander up drive you crazy umbrage rile drive you to distraction mad get your goat craze drive you round the bend send into a rage hack you off drive to distraction agitate ire make your blood boil drive up the wall irk bother get your hackles up drive you round the twist unhinge make someone see red put your back up enflame pique bug needle nettle peeve displease miff ruffle hack off gravel antagonize rub up the wrong way put out antagonise burn up grate chafe get get to hassle ride get across disturb give someone the hump tee off get under your skin offend rasp get on your nerves eat bum out persecute get in your hair spite make angry frost goad harass exacerbate rark gripe hump affront fret give someone the pip itch rub the wrong way get at perturb trouble make cross drive round the bend drive round the twist get on one's nerves plague nag harry worry ruffle one's feathers empurple torment tease embitter T-off fire up try your patience get on your wick dissatisfy distress disgust rattle try stir up abrade rattle someone's cage cheese off get up someone's nose rankle with make waves discompose rouse insult excite molest pain chagrin disgruntle gnaw burn badger egg on turn off grate on give a hard time drive bananas rub you up the wrong way put someone's nose out of joint incite depress disquiet dismay cross hound grill get someone bait brown off sour mither bite hurt scandalize raise hell bedevil be a thorn in someone's flesh incommode mortify acerbate ask for it whip up scandalise work up give someone grief be at be on your back be a pain in the neck be a thorn in someone's side eat away at get a rise out of hit where one lives be on the back of drive nuts hack make you angry discountenance bristle get someone's wick make see red discourage push one's buttons boil arouse drive insane fester dishearten rattle one's cage nudge break henpeck blow up dispirit beleaguer inconvenience discommode make sore lose one's temper taunt afflict distemper jangle niggle get on the wrong side of make an enemy of somebody be like a red rag to a bull push button heat up work on chide cause resentment to cause annoyance to start mess jar on eat at fluster rile up embarrass get on someone gnaw at obsess unman chill daunt unnerve demoralize fuss push someon's buttons mess with drive you up the wall mist irritate greatly disappoint eat up discontent disaffect work into lather repel demoralise make discontented perplex revolt stick in one's craw try the patience of wear on set one's teeth on edge disoblige set off zing fog mist up fog up cloud misplease get across someone set on take a rise out of aggrieve appal appall wrong give a bad time mix up play dirty cut to the quick give offence to make indignant cloud over cause offence to be an affront to boil over become misty become misted cause offense to mist over become covered with condensation

Antonym of make somebody's blood boil

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