Synonym of mind someone else's business


To look around or pry into something
nose intrude interfere meddle pry obtrude mess snoop interlope poke intermeddle busybody inquire enquire nosy stickybeak mouse examine inspect butt in muck about muck around be inquisitive enquire impertinently poke around interfere in meddle in be curious poke about intrude on be a busybody be nosy be nosy about nose around inquire impertinently poke your nose in stick your nose in peek peer spy peep mess with nose into meddle with stick one's nose into be inquisitive about poke one's nose into do some detective work interfere with interpose encroach intervene barge in horn in infringe put your two cents in invade impose mix in stick your oar in interrupt tamper trespass intercede kibitz encumber scrutinize probe bother scrutinise muscle in sidewalk-superintend fool with worm in put your oar in push in dabble in chime in come uninvited mess around break in on crash the gates step in investigate impertinently encroach on impose oneself on snoop about in snoop around in horn in on snoop round in eavesdrop on be curious about enquire impertinently into inquire impertinently into reconnoiter poke into gossip thrust oneself stir the pot interject work undercover reconnoitre disturb pester intermediate gatecrash cut in break in burst in butt into muscle in on pry into intercede in kibitz on entrench on get involved barge into get involved in impinge on intervene in intrude into tamper with chisel in poke one's face in charge in get into the act impede hinder advance molest investigate abuse rights ferret in hunt around in spy on ferret about ferret around in ferret out inquire into ferret about in poke about in delve into poke around in

Antonym of mind someone else's business

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