Synonym of out of harm's way


Not hurt or damaged in any way
unharmed safe unhurt unscathed uninjured fine intact sound undamaged untouched whole all right OK unscarred okay protected unscratched alive and well in one piece not hurt safe and sound free from danger out of danger without a scratch secure alright well shielded sheltered guarded out of the woods healthy defended unassailable hale unimpaired protected from harm protected from danger in good shape unthreatened safeguarded O.K. unbroken unwounded unblemished unmarked scatheless as good as new impregnable sure confident reassured invulnerable immune unworried assured certain good fit snug riskless safe as houses in safe hands in a safe place up to snuff as fit as a fiddle in the pink as right as a trivet hunky-dory in good health in fine fettle as fit as a flea vigorous hearty able-bodied hale and hearty strong alive and kicking fresh robust fighting fit fit as a fiddle normal restored hardy blooming thriving full of life physically fit well-conditioned in good physical shape in good condition in good trim in tip-top condition wholesome active lively sturdy bouncing in shape chipper strong as an ox in good physical condition sound in body and limb in excellent shape solid as a rock in good kilter fit as a flea in fine feather in good form husky trim bushy-tailed bright-eyed up to par in rude health right as rain going strong still with us energetic surviving around bursting with health rested healthful strengthened together glowing able luxuriantly untroubled aerobicized flourishing relieved soothed comfortable muscular potent firm lusty tough athletic virile rosy-cheeked stout in top form radiant the picture of health better healthier right recovered refreshed rehabilitated ok healed cured mended invigorated fitter fine and dandy

Antonym of out of harm's way

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