Synonym of really don't like


To feel an intense dislike for
hate despise detest dislike loathe abhor resent abominate execrate mislike oppose scorn disdain spurn deplore disrelish deprecate disapprove disfavor disfavour dislike greatly feel hostile towards find intolerable regard with disgust bear a grudge against can't stand feel aversion towards feel malice to feel revulsion towards object to regard with contempt be revolted by shun antipathize condemn eschew mind contemn reprove discountenance reluct regret disesteem disapprove of be averse to find repellent take exception to shrink from shudder at disagree with recoil from frown upon hold in disfavour have no liking for frown on not take kindly to not appreciate find distasteful regard with distaste not endure be repelled by have an aversion to look down on lose interest in be unable to bear take a dim view of be unable to tolerate be unable to abide be unable to stand be turned off to have hard feelings bear malice toward have no taste have no taste for not care for have no stomach for tsk-tsk be unable to stomach grossed out on be allergic to have a down on not be able to bear make faces at tut about tut-tut over tut over tut-tut about have it in for revile have no use for reject feel aversion to look down upon deride disrespect dis diss snoot misprize snub high-hat repudiate sniff at sneer at feel disgust for not be able to stand treat with contempt turn your nose up at look down one's nose at slight disregard belittle feel revulsion to undervalue have a strong aversion to scout mock find unacceptable regard with repugnance pour scorn on show contempt for pooh-pooh jeer at feel repugnance towards feel contempt for hold in contempt dislike intensely scoff at be contemptuous about be down on feel hostility to feel distaste for turn up one's nose at feel hostile to feel repelled by greatly dislike be displeased with be dissatisfied with discommend denounce sneeze at walk over discourage resist vilify have a poor opinion of thumb nose at distaste dread be scared of fear be terrified of be frightened of be afraid of be revolted be repulsed be grossed out by take dim view of have a problem with decry excoriate anathematize not stand for slam not go for look askance at hold in disdain dismiss view with dislike hold no brief for not think much of think wrong be against look down at view with disfavour have a low opinion of not be able to stomach feel contempt curse imprecate vilipend refuse revolt decline gibe accurse objurgate have a horror of curl your lip at run down spit on be scornful about spit in the face of turn down heap scorn on turn back on laugh at spit in the eye of down on feel animosity to be hostile to feel aversion toward feel hostility towards feel repugnance toward feel hostility toward feel disgust towards feel repugnance can't bear have aversion to find disgusting disparage put down

Antonym of really don't like

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