Synonym of roll something up


To arrive, especially by a vehicle such as a car
appear arrive come turn up show up blow in roll in put in an appearance fetch up pitch up ride up enter present oneself make an appearance show pop up land bob up show your face check in materialize drop in pop in clock in materialise punch in get through reach make it come on the scene emerge attend get to punch the clock get here report get in turn out breeze in get there approach be along come along sign in make the scene pull in fall by fall in be present sky in ring in find oneself finish up end up come up walk in land up get as far as walk on set foot on pass in make it to come into view hit come to end up at reach one's destination come on wind up wind up at visit surface spring in burst through close in buzz through set foot in put in appearance punch the time clock clock on come out be buzz in hit town disembark bust in dismount barge in draw near drop anchor alight fetch up at stop wash up land up at pull up draw up go settle access come in drop by make way into go in step in take place kick in begin set foot come into occur go on start loom arrive on the scene present come forth make break through get go to be there join be a guest be at grace with your presence land at arrive at present yourself land on sail into unfold roll out assemble gather pile out gain ingress get inside reappear weigh in announce oneself find itself be at hand make yourself known beach patronise patronize take part be in attendance haunt show yourself frequent gain entrance cross the line gain admission cross threshold touch down cross the threshold intrude


To arrive or increase in great numbers or frequency
increase expand escalate rise multiply swell burgeon proliferate appreciate mushroom accumulate snowball climb enlarge mount bourgeon balloon spread accelerate boom gain wax build up grow augment extend intensify amplify develop rocket boost magnify aggrandize surge build raise soar heighten broaden enhance compound add to pump up widen spiral skyrocket up supersize shoot up flourish inflate mount up strengthen stoke hype grow rapidly improve go up double advance progress pile up deepen aggravate become larger upsurge become more numerous lift arise accrue thrive get bigger prosper dilate redouble bloom supplement go through the roof increase rapidly step up pick up thicken get higher uprise become greater scale up elevate sprout increment fill out spring up explode lengthen reinforce amass triple make larger gather intensate jack up increase in size beef up go through the ceiling flower increase exponentially add top up blow up increase in scope leap up leap make greater speed up slap on run riot rise rapidly grow greater grow larger blossom manifold aggregate mature stock up get stronger grow in fortify put on a spurt get to grow full become large start to be cumulate parlay rouse pyramid upsize diffuse embiggen vault tower collect escalade metastasize spring propagate be enlarged be stepped up be extended be increased be magnified be amplified be jacked up be hiked up incline ape up top succeed do well rise in value be successful come on spurt pervade reach flow bloat distend exaggerate pad further prolong annex luxuriate protract sharpen grow quickly pullulate mark up teem tack on annexe run up swarm develop rapidly hike up jump bump up exacerbate stack up surge up billow crank up spread out burst detonate burst forth go off diversify become bigger make bigger broaden one's horizons branch out extend operations wake up ascend move up go uphill rise up push up peak stretch crest puff up bulk get larger crescendo average up continue prolongate bulk up make headway ameliorate make progress germinate fare well consolidate make strides go forward come along cultivate bud upgrade evolve emerge hike accentuate move forward spread your wings make inroads gain ground move ahead get on well go places bear fruit go great guns get ahead nurture enrich bolster foster shine amp up get better batten fly high get places promote spike inflame shoot proceed rally uplift make better move onward press on press forward forge ahead develop well work up go well make it move on move forward in leaps and bounds come of age get somewhere look up get on hit it big optimize pump encourage sustain better fatten buttress worsen mend star upscale ratchet up flesh out excel vegetate stand out figure make worse arrive optimise march be promoted open puff out be brilliant be excellent be outstanding sweeten score be good be on the up become better turn the corner be skilled come to fruition shore up be in good health shape up reign supreme take steps forward be proficient cover ground stand out in a crowd take root be expert produce push forward buck up open out go on push ahead be very good grow well soup up put forth shoots take a turn for the better push on appear perk up be in the pink go to town make the big time have a gift for be pre-eminent be a success boost up steal the show put forth buds turn out well concentrate breed maximize stimulate increase dramatically increase suddenly well grow stronger reenforce upraise hot up become worse be distinguished be conspicuous be fine and dandy become wider follow up elongate jack go from bad to worse scale maximise bulge gallop develop quickly spread quickly develop buds send out shoots form buds become distended graduate go sky-high gain promotion convalesce breadthen refine go up in price build on intumesce tumefy come around recuperate increase in value complement abound spread wide widen out profit produce buds effloresce start to grow put forth new growth amend meliorate polish help perfect grow up maturate move along roll on march on forge on press ahead continue on advertise revitalize advertize show improvement endow exalt recover make a go grow vigorously make good do wonders yield get there make good speed grow rich become rich go ahead have legs catch on crack on be enriched add value make richer hop up jazz up incubate put up revitalise be take on a new lease of life be on the road to recovery be given on a new lease of life make a comeback turn a corner be on the mend bounce back triumph reaffirm perform prevail lead establish secure assure feature reassert reiterate restate be skilful come out of yourself blossom out come out of your shell work one's way nourish fuel be good at be skilled at sparkle be without equal be unsurpassed be the best be talented glow be second to none wear the crown come into your own be unequalled have a gift be unexampled be unparalleled be unrivalled renew support restore put on weight get plump round out fatten up gain weight swell out cement substantiate better oneself make one's way step forward climb the ladder work one's way up be elevated corroborate justify fix empower uphold be strong be well be vigorous authenticate embolden piggyback feed turbocharge tag on be in your prime go be in its heyday be on top of the heap go up in the world be in good shape inspirit nutrify endorse underpin settle prepare provide for poise make strong give strength to tone nurse nerve ready make healthy tone up make stronger make firm firm up back up lend more weight to give weight to confirm


To move up higher on one's body


To make a cannabis cigarette


To accumulate
cumulate accumulate accrue amass collect garner gather hive hoard pile up store up deposit group corral constellate congregate lump concentrate assemble bulk up round up bring together pick up keep stow stockpile save cache reserve stash husband place put stock plant hold tuck archive preserve pack mothball warehouse retain park conserve maintain bank reposit squirrel treasure hutch store hide bury put aside put away pack up put up lay by stash away put down pack away put by squirrel away set aside tidy up get in supplies of put in store lay aside load up put to one side lock up put aside for a rainy day save for rainy day sock away tidy away stow away stock up on lay away lay up put away for a rainy day put into storage lock away stock up with salt away put in storage lay in keep in reserve heap up secure stock up scrimp withhold earmark allocate conceal build up buy up hold back hide away keep back dedicate scrape together acquire scare up pile lodge put aside for rainy day hang on to tuck away dump stack up save up rack up run up house devote tot up stack spare bottle shelve regulate shove position invest set leave lay file budget mount up stick stuff plonk plunk hold onto bung shut away heap use sparingly hang onto build up stocks put by for a rainy day set by lay down manage thriftily economize on be frugal with use economically draw together seal up keep safe set down save for a rainy day load up on defer buildup add sustain buffer economize secrete entrust consign posit pigeonhole load economise consecrate commit contain skimp rack control file away aggregate keep a place for muster put in the hole keep on hand accrete leave behind amound put in the bank get hold of keep out give up to mass cull top off keep intact hill pack like sardines get together put together be careful with go easy on gather in pull in add up clear away crate situate bunch clean up clear up fix emplace depose dispose possess safeguard pop drop install settle instal establish repress stifle set up keep hold of hold fast to hold on to keep possession of retain possession of put in a case box up put in a trunk keep for oneself hold in cling to not part with keep to yourself retain in one's possession station stand plump seat


To come or go near, or nearer to, in place or time
approach advance come near close come closer draw close draw closer draw near draw nearer loom appear arrive come close come near come nearer come up draw on edge near edge nearer go close go closer go near go nearer go towards loom up move near move nearer nigh verge belly up catch up close in creep up show up sneak up turn up waltz up push forward border reach surround get close to get nearer to draw nearer to move towards get near to advance towards come towards border on come to close in on draw near to touch on get closer to come close to come up to draw up to go up to close to come within reach of come near to advance on gain on move in on converge on verge on verge upon creep up on approximate to bear down on be close to touch draw nigh be near to draw be similar to edge proceed catch bear down converge progress nudge move closer make headway gain move neighbour neighbor resemble close the gap catch up with narrow the gap between catch up on press weigh down beckon head get nearer get near make move in improve gain ground get close get closer go move forward make progress lean progress toward be verging on overhaul approximate gain ground on move toward equal roughly draw level with compare with correspond to run down be not unlike be not dissimilar to be tantamount to stack up against stack up with get on for measure up to echo join be like compare impinge connect march lie near contact abut parallel lie next to match adjoin incline trench incline towards incline to tend towards lean towards gravitate toward tend to be on the edge butt on be more or less brink on move on trend towards be not far from


To become improved or more advanced
progress develop advance evolve grow improve mature upgrade augment refine update ameliorate expand modernise modernize revolutionise revolutionize transform blossom build up flourish increase make progress prosper thrive build come along come of age come on gain ground get better get on make headway make strides move on scale up shape up take steps forward work up be getting there better grow up become better ripen straighten up make first rate turn over new leaf proceed move forward bloom elevate perfect get ahead succeed burgeon forge ahead move ahead further enhance boost strengthen be successful get somewhere rise go forward do well press forward press on push on push ahead age lift raise cultivate promote make inroads polish go places flower take the next step hone move forward in leaps and bounds pick up season step up fine-tune fortify enrich beef up get on well take shape maturate go great guns boom mushroom move move up shine meliorate build on arrive uplift work on bear fruit touch up cover ground show improvement make it fare well culminate prime emerge extend improve on move onward reach adulthood mend optimize brush up smarten achieve bourgeon optimise propel amplify reinforce score push forward go well look up shoot up spread your wings fly high get places go on be a success skyrocket arise enlarge unfold change work one's way intensify be promoted foster smarten up straighten out motor aggrandize gain rally drive forward take it to the next level continue go supplement batten pull ahead push reenforce fast-track continue ahead drive make headway with change for the better excel prevail polish up on triumph revamp work out level up appreciate be in good health go up make the grade make good cut it come to fruition get going develop well envigorate take a turn for the better perk up be in the pink go to town make the big time help invigorate turn out well hit it big run riot climb complement mellow germinate march give a boost peak better oneself make one's way step forward climb the ladder work one's way up be elevated show progress be fine and dandy ascend magnify heighten rocket show promise keep going make ground graduate spruce up take to the next level add value to embellish compound pick up speed make up for lost time proceed forward profit soup up sharpen turn out convalesce rectify burst forth recuperate yield produce wax correct amend reform fix up transcend gain promotion crack on be strong be well be vigorous industrialize technologize civilize reach maturity elaborate on temper top up tighten up polish up make perfect endow illume inflate burnish consolidate vitalize stimulate boost up smooth make a go grow vigorously do wonders get there grow well make good speed grow rich become rich go ahead have legs catch on be enriched star be in good shape shift up make better become adult be fully developed develop fully be in its heyday stand out figure be on the up be fully grown round out be full-grown fill out make a breakthrough recover fix mitigate assuage forward remediate redress perform lead train be in your prime be on top of the heap go up in the world feature hasten launch bolster exalt be skilful be brilliant be excellent be outstanding civilise industrialise forge ahead with multiply bring forward get with it prefer sparkle glow dominate get ahead of be take on a new lease of life turn the corner be on the road to recovery be given on a new lease of life make a comeback turn a corner be on the mend bounce back convert reign supreme be proficient be expert be talented be very good be pre-eminent be unparalleled be unrivalled be good at be good be skilled at be skilled be without equal stand out in a crowd be unsurpassed be the best be second to none wear the crown come into your own be unequalled have a gift have a gift for be unexampled steal the show go far carry all before you strike it big crack it attain control achieve success attain ascendancy hit the jackpot gain ascendancy carry all before one get to the top gain control carry off hit the target beat the game yield results beat the system give a higher position to kick upstairs give promotion to improve the position of improve the status of give a higher rank to place in a higher rank come about be someone make your mark gain advancement make a name find a place in the sun do all right for oneself move up in the world set the Thames on fire rise in the world advance oneself achieve a great deal make a name for oneself climb the ladder of success set the world on fire make one's way in the world get on in the world do well for oneself elaborate unroll grow older grow feeble become older put mileage on grow old get along become old advance in years alter metamorphose spread differentiate transmogrify head adapt turn it up step it up get better at shoot truck speed educe derive work hard at brush up on devote oneself to crank it up step up one's game increase one's intensity rise to the next level take it to the limit propel forward take it up a notch raise one's game kick it up a notch elevate one's game boost one's game pick up the pace go forth open out march on adapt yourself

Antonym of roll something up

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