Synonym of some outcomes


The conclusions to which any course or condition of things lead
results consequences conclusions corollaries ends reactions by-products product effects produce sequels issues termination concomitants footprints aftereffects development end products end results fate outgrowths resultants sequences side effects events out-turns aftermaths ramifications repercussions effect impact implication fallout pay-offs payoffs upshots after-effects backwash denouements influence work workings responses eventualities follow-ups precipitates ripple effects endings children matters of course offshoots chain reactions fruit ripples blowbacks side reactions creation spawn scores bearings weight impressions imprints reverberation power marks finales culminations actions developments fallouts backwashes culmination spin-offs realization realisation climaxes fulfilment backlashes success legacies yield finishes consummation fulfillment resolution handiwork output flak cans of worms completions accomplishments windups closes cessation wind-ups omegas pursuance wrap-ups termini bottom line achievement reflexes closings desistance grand finales sequents knock-on effects execution determination formulation byproducts expiry last words epilogs labor epilogues stops finished products curtains attainment spinoffs shock waves desuetude payouts adjournments discontinuances closures discontinuation origination actualization expiration rewards production cappers aftershock trails manufactures labour periods endgames retirement derivatives homestretches concoction harvests hangovers remainders profit affairs sign-offs wakes perfection invention emergence complication payback aftercomes follow-ons materializations beings afterglows scars externality deductions inference induction analogy destinations dues dole lots future doom destinies codas checks stoppages perorations lapses breakups arrestments cutoffs shutoffs arrests halts shutdowns surceases closedown residuums residuals returns fruition benefits advantage geneses deeds conception feats innovation triumph act brainchildren aspiration articles doings offspring handicraft design implementation application commodities crops brands remains amounts things artefacts leftovers vestiges residue fabrication relics heritage gain contrivances artifacts remnants construction wanes stoppings catastrophes dissolution summations swan songs appurtenances auxiliaries complements supplements derivations derivates adjuncts branches appendages rebounds echoes kickback sways feedback re-echos follow-through recoils crowning glories pinnacles settlements retribution days of reckoning remunerations recompense moments of truth judgments pay adjustment judgements punch lines payment reckonings clinchers ends of the line targets

Antonym of some outcomes

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