Đồng nghĩa của a hassle

Danh từ

A disagreement or quarrel
argument dispute fight quarrel row disagreement scrap squabble altercation clash wrangle brawl spat tiff conflict contretemps donnybrook misunderstanding controversy fracas battle tussle skirmish rhubarb struggle bicker imbroglio kickup bickering scuffle contest fray combat barney brush scrimmage broil encounter dustup rammy scrum disturbance ruck miff commotion uproar scrape threap collieshangie tumult agitation clamour clamor try turmoil upset whirl set-to falling-out run-in argle-bargle argy-bargy dust-up free-for-all bust-up battle royal difference of opinion ding-dong shouting match cross fire war of words slanging match bit of argy-bargy turf war contention dissension afters feud affray disputation strife exchange shindig shindy ruction words confrontation rumpus beef melee fuss ruckus discord bunfight war engagement rumble tangle debate bagarre difference riot brouhaha warfare biffo face-off stand-up flap competition dissidence blowup rivalry tracasseries tracasserie friction wrangling fighting scene dissent collision rencounter squabbling quarrelling punch-up disunity disaccord quarreling brannigan duel match dogfight bone to pick bone of contention grapple embroilment boilover hostility variance fisticuffs disharmony argumentation tug-of-war difficulty dissention flak discordance falling out rift back-and-forth discussion hostilities action split flare-up sweepstakes opposition rough-and-tumble rupture bout passage of arms animosity arguing armed conflict sweep-stake go dissonance discordancy inharmony disunion schism division infighting rough and tumble trouble ball game ill feeling sour note static yike bloodshed breach incident polemic discourse velitation passage at arms vendetta objection roughhouse hubbub disapproval disorder scrabble antagonism swedge sparring clashing exchange of views nonconcurrence striving mix-up tension bad blood bad feeling tug of war factionalism bone faction verbal fight ill will brush-off jostle argol-bargol snarl slugfest hoedown acrimonious exchange throes angry exchange onslaught attack onset assault violence siege blitz blow-off scramble jump shuffle sharp words conflagration head-to-head resentment to-do field duke out heated discussion clash of views break knock-down drag-out dust catfight complaint spot of bother bovver exchange of blows powwow conversation gainstriving belligerency gainstrife wrestling match campaign knock-down-drag-out contestation firestorm contrariety talking-to squall fireworks refuting rebutting pitched battle intense battle fierce contest stoush romp stew knock down and drag out antipathy feuding discontent enmity opposing views bad vibes dissensus estrangement crossed wires jarring battle royale shoot-out verbal sparring jam grind undertaking rough house bitterness grievances grudges acrimony showdown armed confrontation armed clash petty quarrel jar incompatibility warring spar protest armed struggle power struggle counteraction hatred clashes defiance resistance demur remonstrance rebellion nonagreement insubordination nonconformism nonconformity race hullabaloo storm ructions refusal denial misbelief clinker lack of agreement emulation contentiousness hurrah cause célèbre alienation sedition break-up insurrection go-round severance separation disaffection dislike aversion grudge unfriendliness divisiveness mutiny problem divorce disgruntlement breakup parting souring animus repugnance withdrawal dissentience contradistinction violation parting of the ways oppugnancy scandal ugliness turbulence bother blow-up conflict of interest peeve divided loyalties polemics bloodletting clash of opinions barrage disruption upheaval lack of concord unorthodoxy dispeace independence controverting dialectic mooting forensic stooshie contradiction quarrelsomeness sectarianism bangarang go-around aggro unpleasantness divorcement bustup smackdown kerfuffle ruffle irreconcilable difference mix up blood feud chasm gulf dissatisfaction disloyalty hurdle obstacle family feud revenge scission crossfire secession restlessness frustration withholding isolation embitteredness antagonization distance insurgence drifting apart leave turning away dissociation distancing leaving disassociation removal disillusionment apathy cynicism obstruction sticking point matter at hand issue apple of discord grounds for war sore point point in question tender spot rancour obstructiveness hate loathing criticism non-compliance odium malevolence rancor malignity abhorrence malice jaundice detestation spitefulness venom spite gall demurral needle disrelish prevention defence repulsion negativism civil disobedience contraposition defense antinomy counterattack opposure antithesis aggression incongruity nonfulfillment rebelliousness noncompliance failure disobedience unrest dissonancy inharmoniousness

Danh từ

An inconvenience, typically one that causes annoyance
inconvenience bother annoyance nuisance headache trouble vexation aggravation pest irritant problem irritation trial pain exasperation difficulty peeve botheration frustration bugbear irk ruffle thorn aggro grief rub stress struggle fuss upset uphill hair shirt pain in the bum pain in the neck pain in the backside pain in the rear trials and tribulations worry drag distress strain burden bore bind tribulation nudnik nark hindrance plague fair cow source of irritation gall provocation anxiety source of annoyance bane skelf grievance thorn in the flesh adversity tease labour dilemma nyaff labor snag hardship issue worriment menace pressure predicament hang-up concern pip complication blister drawback disquiet agitation displeasure anger nudnick grind obstacle quandary drudgery harassment chagrin pickle offence load pet peeve hitch exertion infuriation setback aversion palaver rigmarole hard work misfortune indignation offense plight toil pill ire effort job nag obstruction weight infliction affliction torment mess chore source of vexation pitfall thorn in one's side imposition disturbance teaser difficult task bane of one's life encumbrance tension gadfly drain annoyer persecutor disadvantage gnawer resentment pains problems umbrage disruption awkwardness disgruntlement perplexity pique creep unpleasantness hurdle catch dislike discontent agony killer beast millstone shock nightmare alarm discomfort unease suffering bear dread impediment uphill battle strife discomposure bummer drip perturbation barrier tough grind tall order tough assignment hiccup stumbling block spanner in the works monkey wrench in the works no picnic burr under someone's saddle battle ordeal scourge animosity curse blight travail wrath downside test blighter torture antipathy enmity pesterer demands slog pinprick irksomeness crunch nudge besetment embarrassment heat challenge flurry catch-22 nervousness gripe choler urgency yawn bustle goad source of aggravation fear dispute crossness snooze anguish hate glitch hazard trepidation ado jam task unhappiness uphill struggle scrape snoozer exigency disquietude hot water terror uneasiness dullsville dissatisfaction point at issue can of worms disputed point albatross sore point confusion fright yawner turmoil droner handicap dismay disappointment surprise pet hate trammel muddle nervous tension imbroglio downer mortification puzzle to-do source of difficulty tedious thing tedious person tiresome person tiresome thing burr in someone's saddle fly in the ointment exacerbation antagonization disbenefit quagmire schmo complaint objection teasing case quibble source of disruption conflict molestation lesion wound cross to bear bedevilment pain in the behind issues chip on your shoulder lack of comfort bellyache frump insect botherment bum pester louse matter knot ghost cause of distress workout scutwork irascibility anathema poor excuse thorny problem fizzle pet aversion row duress facer pinch prob cumber thorn in your side cause of annoyance endeavor sorrow strenuousness laboriousness arduousness struggling old one-two bitter pill bete noire bête noire burdens exertions mix-up hot potato tight spot vexed question question mark gremlin hornets' nest source of trouble difficult situation consternation painfulness hangup travails dolour bafflement panic horror unwieldiness unfitness dullard pressure of work apprehension disillusionment nuisance value untimeliness unsuitableness unhandiness cumbersomeness demand long haul endeavour snore snoozefest yawnfest snorefest mental burden performance irritability troublesomeness incommode stew tiresomeness bothersomeness inopportuneness discouragement disenchantment temper spleen fury rage charge intrusion onus waste of time boring event bad situation boring thing boring person boring situation mind-numbing experience nonevent tormentor petulance tetchiness peevishness testiness fluster derangement dumps sadness the blahs blue funk blues funk cold feet depression cuss hard time trauma badgerer hot temper bad temper needling backbreaker presumption encroachment cheek liberty put out hurt defeat shake-up disarray ill humour stroppiness discomfiture weariness crabbiness tenseness hard row to hoe hard mountain to climb pressure cooker outrage work gruntwork slavery donkeywork obtrusion constraint obligation restraint imposure command crashing bore reversion letdown dislocation affront destruction commotion queasiness being rubbed up the wrong way heavy labor hard graft donkey-work heavy labour difficult project donkey work hard labour backbreaking work question tizzy turn-up subversion habit count squeeze doubt disagreement disapproval delay check hold-up oppression restlessness ferment fix entanglement negative aspect opposition thought care overextension misgiving distention intensity mistrust passion flutter apprehensiveness fearfulness stoppage hole box teething trouble corner block interruption complexity ill feelings bad feelings expectancy impatience joker gotcha gimmick expenditure controversy brouhaha enmeshment embroilment mishap hard feelings wounded feelings rigor sweat attention tight corner booby trap holdup land mine snafu bug tangle discontinuance rigour while sticky situation deep water soap opera complicated situation elbow grease

Danh từ

A trying period or event
tribulation affliction trouble misfortune trial hardship misery adversity distress woe pain torment suffering difficulty burden tragedy blow problem setback mishap agony misadventure sorrow anguish torture ordeal grief worry reverse wretchedness trauma heartache travail anxiety curse sadness unhappiness headache hurt issue bummer vexation straits albatross excruciation drag downer rack visitation travails oppression persecution crucible care wronging bad luck cross to bear ill fortune stroke of bad luck hard time rainy day double whammy hard knock calamity disaster catastrophe stress bother cross annoyance dire straits rigor vicissitude rigour hard times irritation trials and tribulations bane tough luck nuisance pest heartbreak failure discomfort debacle accident mischance ill jam bad news rotten luck hot water hard knocks load pain in the backside pain in the rear pain in the neck pain in the bum inconvenience plague gauntlet disquiet fire privation irritant destitution gantlet poverty complication want need austerity penury deprivation fiasco grievance scourge beggary cataclysm lack hazard ruination pickle hardness asperity injury ruin drama pinch danger crunch exigency reversal scrape hell shock bad break crisis thorn in the flesh tough break ill-fortune ill-luck hell on earth can of worms stroke of ill luck ill luck deep water reversal of fortune millstone test agitation cumber indigence concern strain harassment difficulties malaise soreness impoverishment provocation nag nagging throe discouragement disappointment struggle calvary unholy mess ticklish spot holy mess aggravation crucifixion thorn in your side detriment disadvantage harm damage comedown letdown bugbear infelicity unpleasantness loss wrong down dud severe test trying time mishappening hitch commotion tumult snag sad event upset cause for concern buffet contretemps dolour bad experience clutch poison knock hurting nakba jinx skids boo-boo hard luck offense offence ill-treatment disservice prejudice mischief disbenefit evil eye the worst kiss of death harsh conditions tough situation neediness impecuniousness impecuniosity emergency predicament plight trials dilemma mess quagmire extremity mire quandary labor toil drudgery labour peril upheaval conundrum fatigue bind entanglement impasse chaos imbroglio disarray perplexity havoc stew hole meltdown disorder strait crash fix pass tinderbox shambles urgency muddle turmoil pressure collapse horror blight confusion devastation whammy depression monstrosity situation embarrassment bomb shipwreck disorderliness desolation holocaust apocalypse messiness bust puzzle tight corner critical situation sticky situation spot of bother big trouble vicious circle unfortunate situation hot potato hang-up tight spot worst-case scenario double trouble heavy blow sorry condition no-win situation awkward situation train wreck problematic situation rabbit hole tricky situation car crash tight situation sad state difficult situation Herculean task financial distress uphill battle casualty reverse of fortune defeat unluckiness downfall dole check wreck lapse unluck haplessness bale waterloo glitch blunder humiliation slip bitter pill hold-up unfortunateness curtains untowardness disturbance mishanter frustration doom fall flop mistake delay error hiccup unfortunate incident infliction undoing one in the eye miscalculation body blow bit of trouble kick in the teeth knock-back evil jolt dissatisfaction bad thing rout decline nemesis disgruntlement abyss non-success evil fortune evil chance descent bath mortification nightmare total pileup smashup discomfiture smash demise dismay washout obstacle shame flameout act of God stack-up crack-up fender-bender wrack-up hindrance impediment raw deal farce obstruction demotion downgrading balk chagrin holdup disgrace faux pas piece of bad luck damp squib baulk loss of status stumbling block dreadful thing awful thing terrible thing convulsion jar hardshi downturn cancer mischanter failing flooding canker catastrophy breakdown rotten break contingency devil's own luck hard cheese derangement outburst traumatization pestilence botched situation spectacle devastating blow squalor blue ruin stroke unpredictable outcome ill chance incident fuss sordidness flood lack of success business circumstance occasion adventure row scene tension melodrama affair collision lot dolor thrill fracas sensation excitement drawback shit show fell stroke rough situation casus befalling rear ender encumbrance hurdle barrier to-do serious accident bad fortune grievous blow rear-ender repulse tear-jerker holdback handicap turnabout vanquishment conquering humbling belittlement crimp trammel inefficacy insult spanner in the works catch-22 block fly in the ointment monkey wrench cramp bafflement slight cropper degradation dive loss of face lowering reality check comeuppance pratfall reduction pang destruction overthrow ache affront let-down fizzle miss lemon clunker turkey disillusionment anticlimax displeasure unseating deposition ousting vanquishing conquest toppling loser fail overturn end spleen elimination debasement annihilation death clinker rebuff sense of loss wound Waterloo labefaction discomposure bringdown regression slowdown backset regress foil bottom non-starter lead balloon non-achiever no-hoper frost dead loss drawing board flip-flop whole new ballgame unfortunate development about-face trip destroyer omission last straw loss of power stumble misstep bad omen flaw fumble final straw fault subversion fretfulness pique crossness exasperation bad trot anger resentment wrath fury rage discontent indignation umbrage smarting rankling ire peevishness ill-humour loss of success ill-humor crushing

Danh từ

A state of noisy and confused activity
fun commotion uproar disturbance furore tumult turmoil rumpus pandemonium hubbub ruckus fuss ruction ado stir hullabaloo row bother furor bustle clatter ballyhoo hoopla storm pother bluster blather whirl welter bobbery shindy foofaraw squall williwaw hurly zoo racket disorder flurry din upheaval unrest fracas outcry clamour clamor melee lather outburst brawl fever scuffle fret outbreak cacophony eruption fray mêlée farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness to-do hurly-burly helter-skelter hue and cry flare-up monkey business hoo-ha kerfuffle stew moil brouhaha splore hurry do hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hurry-skurry clutter corroboree hurricane coil confusion hoo-hah alarums and excursions riot noise carry-on trouble bedlam mayhem flap agitation palaver chaos turbulence pantomime babel song and dance ferment performance havoc excitement free-for-all frenzy rigmarole folderol quarrel affray dither strife shouting bangarang broil jangle scene bobsy-die discord fuss and bother procedure disruption clangor violence donnybrook clangour maelstrom activity hubba-hubba convulsion big scene roar tizzy blare altercation business production anarchy yelling upset stramash nonsense bagarre stink flutter splash complaint tamasha controversy carrying-on shout annoyance mix-up anxiety exclamation shivaree hustle and bustle fuss and feathers remonstrance protesting buzz clinker lament wingding red tape hell broke loose struggle discordance katzenjammer rattle bowwow decibels bruit chatter hurrah madness shindig babble rowdydow scrap stooshie dust-up madhouse loud noise upheavals disarray worry sweat fluster craziness rhubarb unsettlement wildness seething upturn fight hype uncertainty convulsions rampancy roughhouse bickering nuisance trappings tohubohu panic twitter all hell breaking loose to do all hell broken loose perturbation disquiet ailment anxiousness topsy-turviness instability hectic distress disquietude rough house aggro excitation kick-up tempest in a teapot storm in a teacup much ado about nothing Sturm und Drang paraphernalia discomposure ructions restlessness action fermentation fireworks breach of the peace hustle backwash big stink combustion argy-bargy swelter state huff swivet lawlessness rampage twit nervous state howl vandalism state of agitation state of anxiety ritual street fight wilding lengthy process tedious business mutiny street fighting violent disorder demonstration shower rebellion misrule uprising run-in snarl distemper burst insurgence revolt insurrection revolution protest brannigan mob violence anarchism rumble tizz vociferation jumble hysteria disorganization whirlwind rage fury tempest disorganisation distraction muddle disarrangement mess disorderliness shambles explosion delirium feverishness cataclysm earthquake bouleversement paroxysm disorderedness muss unruliness tumble imbroglio fighting passion screaming deliriousness elation animation movement clash clang craze busyness snafu biffo dishevelment drama misorder messiness hell uneasiness wild disarray pell-mell discombobulation ataxia mare's nest three-ring circus toing and froing a madhouse comings and goings swirl a three-ring circus sound rush sensation thrill babbling scrimmage scramble heat dissonance ululation liveliness restiveness entropy destruction enthusiasm chance-medley heck spree scandal life seething mass charivari rioting caterwauling mobocracy unquietness disaster mania derangement stimulation shock tremor incitement fisticuffs crash entanglement untidiness jangling stridency overthrow snake pit strike rocking tension complication blowup detonation spasm car crash mob rule rat's nest reign of terror huddle scene of confusion draft draught haste roaring baying blaring wrangle squabble skirmish interruption shemozzle spin tussle set-to party carousal frolic dance bash revel fancy merrymaking provocation glow ecstasy whirlpool lunacy fad conflict feeling emotion transport hectic activity confused noise bugle call hurly burly an outcry euphoria spot of bother consternation scuffling chaotic situation tizz-woz confusedness tower jargon scrum circus boisterousness tintamarre shaking trembling quaking seism tottering punch-up rough-and-tumble discontent quake irregularity trepidation melodrama calamity wild excitement wilderness hindrance hell to pay devil to pay dissatisfaction rammy battle royal firestorm anger argument fussing rout dislocation haze intricacy grief high winds incitation ride soap opera seesaw saga work temper rabidity nihilism misgovernment words battle brush knock-down-drag-out slip-up cry demand appeal call request fling binge orgy tear splurge enterprise activeness state of unrest threat harassment nongovernment hostility disregard ochlocracy static terrorism stirring flip-flop alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe violent change about-face temblor menace boilover hazard boiling point a maelstrom incidents events hijinks motion alarm absence of government more heat than light war of words adventure rollercoaster a mess a muddle a shambles clank clink proceedings occurrences happenings concern topsy-turvydom topsy-turvyness holy mess an omnishambles utter confusion tremble jingle clanking new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game goings-on tiz-woz state of panic state of confusion blue funk state of nervous excitement disharmony jarring a car crash nervousness fear solicitude nervosity apprehension concernment arousal agita care apprehensiveness unease a buzz a charge jingling chink clinking clanging chinking clashing disconcertment a kick jar reverberation rattling mixing rising tizzy, tizz nervous excitement insurgency tintinnabulation raucousness stridor bang coup harshness thud blast peal ring boom shot sonance subversion drumming sedition reform putsch inharmoniousness plot jacquerie insubordination guerrilla activity overturn act of resistance underground activity change foment bloodshed regime change seizure of power coup d'état act of defiance loud sound rash lack of harmony sour note epidemic upsurge spate flash flicker breakout flare flood wave spurt ebullition recrudescence boutade blaze plague fit crack sundering thunder discharge bursting rending sudden appearance occurrence break surge sortie breaking effervescence irruption sally outpouring volley gushing gush

Danh từ

Complaint, criticism
flak abuse criticism hostility censure complaints condemnation disapproval stick brickbats disapprobation opposition calumniation calumny castigation denunciation execration obloquy opprobrium denigration disparagement excoriation fault-finding knocking lambasting panning revilement slamming tongue-lashing vilification aggravation bad press brickbat complaint knock pan rap sideswipes slagging swipe verbal slagging off a bad press reproach vituperation upbraiding reproof rebuke slating attack blame reprimand reproval invective stricture admonishment animadversion broadside objurgation tirade reviling harangue berating scolding admonition fulmination slander insults blast vitriol diatribe contumely philippic sideswipe defamation rant slur denouncement chastisement chiding aspersions derogation bad-mouthing mud-slinging scurrility aspersion stream of abuse polemic reprobation character assassination battering jeremiad verbal onslaught bashing libel smear remonstrance faultfinding roast nitpicking railing decrying lecture put down curses rubbishing billingsgate discredit slam backbiting insult discourse onslaught screed slap hit sledge detraction commination recrimination critique scorn accusation a caning a roasting disfavour derision contempt a wigging a rocket a rollicking objection arraignment disfavor carping cavilling cavil riot act a bollocking caviling verbal disapproval nit-picking assault barracking teasing jeering hectoring cursing exchange screen jab mocking comment odium verbal attack torrent of abuse depreciation signifying disputation dressing-down ridicule a lashing belittlement belittling disdain lessening degradation admonishments antagonism animosity rebuff debasement deprecation damnation telling off mocking diminishment raps reprehension knocks enmity rejection observation perception backstabbing underestimation conviction sentence outburst fire ill will dressing down prejudice proscription doom judgment punishment sermon malediction dispute anger ranting judgement blaming slandering venom malice evil-speaking spitefulness slurs spite fulminations examen quibble cattiness takedown notice captiousness a bawling-out an earful a bashing cut mauling savaging a row critical remarks critical remark call down bad notice verbal abuse incrimination charge telling-off remonstration wigging indictment inculpation imputation disesteem roasting impeachment curse ticking off ticking-off disrepute earful bollocking rap over the knuckles carpeting shame rollicking implication attribution rating expostulation ignominy rocket disgrace caning imprecation slap on the wrist repudiation infamy dishonour penalty serve displeasure anathema dishonor talking-to ban bawling-out dislike dissatisfaction boycott disagreement distaste exprobation ill repute chewing out abomination scandal ruling plaint retribution warning comeuppance stigma malison verdict humiliation decree damning stain blot pronouncement decision argument loathing loss of face hate hatred persecution allegation exception demurral dissent fault abhorrence detestation onus discountenance culpability notoriety discontentment citation sanction discipline correction excommunication row thumbs down winze beef slight spot determination blemish ill-repute slap on wrist penance justice swearing hard time black eye blasphemy punitive action censoriousness lamentation moan lament groan keen prohibition stigmatization debate controversy protest dooming embargo wail harsh criticism counsel advice hex smearing stigmatisation upbraidment caution blowing-up interdict vociferation nemesis deserts wrath repulsion repugnance discharge intimidation debarment talking to animus address speech slap in the face chewing-out kick in the teeth going-over taboo aversion antipathy revulsion disgust malevolence expletives declamation oration homily jibe summons confrontation disreputableness atrocity exhortation blur brand resentment unpopularity dispprobation traducement pugnacity defilement talk peroration threat ill fame offense indignity bad language philippics swear words prosecution combativeness spiel villainy outrageousness blackball zing boo catcall nix ostracism hiss discontent foul language counterblast sarcasm epithet insolence belligerence count anathematization loss of reputation notoriousness outrage shamefulness enormity impropriety impugnment condemning imprisonment offence penalization warrant bill detention writ findings statement comment presentment profanity expletive swearword cussing detesting oath black list bar sinister threat of punishment spouting pep talk reading out assertion claim verbal assault pronouncement of guilt declaration of guilt determining guilt asseveration beating suit crimination insinuation gripe lawsuit squawk roar exposé stink rumble dido reparation jumping responsibility guilt accountability recompense punition redress blameworthiness disrespect bum rap order finding holding strike fine amends rule compensation damages embarrassment taint crime liability harassment bill of indictment debasing tarnish pollution abasement disbarment misgrace sin turpitude ingloriousness venality strife baseness comedown prostitution humbling corruption meanness edict sleep dictum considered opinion term vacation getup clock jolt trick sending up the river book hitch fall torment hounding forfeiture answerability bias crime offensive hate crime beating up burden guiltiness culpableness buck ragging grooming going over oral punishment bawling out what for calling down flea in ear piece of your mind

Danh từ

A task or enterprise
undertaking task effort enterprise operation project business venture affair endeavour activity assignment campaign job plan pursuit scheme attempt charge exploit game mission procedure proceeding process expedition exploration quest transaction adventure commission deal duty endeavor engagement essay experiment happening hazard move outfit play proposition responsibility shop striving struggle thing trial try work what one is into exercise occupation function action act deed concern brief errand crusade feat role calling post labour labor detail employment office obligation goal fling manoeuvre maneuver shot vocation chore performance objective matter stab province programme program trade go caper doing position crack experience bid burden situation whack stunt bash onus whirl purpose aim event step movement service assay risk field pass push exertion measure craft industry course of action piece of work occurrence line incident profession accomplishment drive baby offer commitment sphere gamble speculation escapade implementation case racket problem appointment achievement art cause episode romp toil part stint contract interest travail setup capacity career pigeon gig place drill pet project coordination métier piece of business line of work hard work flier initiative big idea course antic flutter trip time trust issue handiwork circumstance devoir worry emprise gest ground plan game plan care battle bag stroke niche bailiwick do lifework speciality system specialty one's all one's level best dodge day job walk of life bandwagon execution proposal directive plunge lesson idea stake business enterprise proceedings chance crapshoot investment flyer gesture jeopardy voyage journey instruction conception arrangement question tryout imperative incumbency preserve hunt challenge juggernaut lookout lark strategy grind occasion toiling pains delivery headache geste number trick attainment behavior ballgame coup behaviour test use practice phenomenon hap eventuality interlude department station plan of action area bother intention lay ambition follow through target leap in the dark throes berth billet avocation trouble living dry run area of interest tour de force line of country all one's got best shot involvement goings-on chosen work rat race slot handicraft set of circumstances line of employment line of business blitz survey secondment entrada right productivity progress message pursual requirement agenda foray conduct beat design prerogative contingency contribution tilt suggestion wheeze committal need pledge custody remit briefing seeking go-down departure workout lick privilege scene endangerment dealings deployment maneuvering shopping run collection hobby pastime taskwork area of activity blueprint workflow resolve application determination end preoccupation triumph spree life's work nine-to-five life work subject happenin' bit byplay winning securing dealing fun and games entanglement slog slap jab pop dab moral obligation try-on manoeuvring long row to hoe topic resolution one's darnedest blow pet road map outline master plan field of expertise wish aspiration hope pretension ideal holy grail desire intent path route mechanics technique mechanism motion person's task chores tour of duty steadfastness doggedness tenacity resoluteness earnestness heroic act daring act expertise competency competence skillset job description crash project something done point funeral drudgery negotiation graft servitude focus participation rôle item sector form machination style way employ skill forte livelihood bargain utility pain moil domain channels development lobby faculty connection biz realm world walk discipline element circle arena front thing to do enactment approach workings routine fashion method inconvenience diligence gruntwork elbow grease value donkeywork point at issue object raison d'être meaning mark power terrain demesne territory jurisdiction zone training progression agreement demonstration throw peril wager turf fief barony bubble precinct sport fiefdom section gauntlet load albatross difficult task hardship blood, swear, and tears appeal organization mobilization sale pact bond compact treaty spec artistry manner realization evolution growth firmament orbit area of study kingdom dedication settlement promotion fight war impetus complication carrying out rendering realisation purchasing disposal intercourse covenant buying selling convention purchase organisation mobilisation conundrum dilemma knot perplexity solution designation business deal puzzle difficulty quandary nut predicament set of tactics consignment legation embassy command try on puzzlement formal order matter of contention point of contention

Danh từ

A lengthy and aggressive speech
harangue rant address diatribe lecture speech tirade polemic declamation homily oration broadside exhortation admonition criticism peroration philippic talk berating censure fulmination invective reproval sermon spiel admonishment jeremiad tongue-lashing obloquy verbal attack verbal onslaught condemnation discourse scolding screed spouting pep talk chewing out reading out reprimand castigation upbraiding rebuke reproof denunciation reproach attack slating abuse blast vituperation telling-off dressing-down wigging stricture talking-to knocking bashing flak rocket remonstration chiding lambasting earful vilification denouncement revilement rollicking reviling roasting stream of abuse brickbats railing decrying dispute battering brickbat carpeting chastisement bollocking warning scurrility vitriol outburst disparagement billingsgate ticking off complaint rap over the knuckles malediction anger ranting disquisition panning assault onslaught argument blame insult libel objection slamming denigration slander bawling-out sideswipe caning contumely calumniation rating defamation calumny vociferation aspersions counsel advice caution ticking-off preaching dressing down telling off slab passage lamentation moan lament keen groan exchange screen debate controversy swipe plaint wail monologue mouthful discipline row remonstrance protest going-over heat monolog recrimination arraignment excoriation execration rap preachment moralism reprobation blowing-up serve discharge intimidation curse fault-finding opprobrium disapprobation insults slap on the wrist appeal call entreaty enjoinder curses talking to slandering backbiting venom malice evil-speaking bad-mouthing spitefulness slurs spite fulminations stick rubbishing verbal cattiness mud-slinging injunction charge objurgation animadversion derogation disputation rhetoric bluster mauling slagging off savaging persecution malevolence slagging jibe bombast fanfaronade obtestation protreptic verbal abuse confrontation pugnacity traducement defilement raving histrionics fustian rage yelling rhapsody offense indignity combativeness derision insolence disagreement belligerence disapproval slur impugnment instigation bidding offence bad press character assassination verbal assault reprehension riot act commination accusation notice caveat expostulation hard time implication piece of your mind inculpation incrimination indictment monition comeuppance ragging scorn contempt deprecation knock going over flea in ear rap on the knuckles verbal blasting a slap on the wrist censoriousness imputation disfavor repudiation opposition impeachment depreciation attribution dissatisfaction blowing up displeasure shame rebuff disrepute discredit exprobation verbal thrashing odium ultimatum slap on the wrists intimation hint citation summons order forewarning pan correction slight stain upbraid scold blemish stigmatization flea in the ear swearing expletives chewing-out disfavour bad language philippics swear words cautionary advice slap in the face put down kick in the teeth stigmatisation upbraidment smearing cursing damning being put in one's place tick off haul over the coals tell off foul language blasphemy sarcasm counterblast epithet grooming bawling out what for calling down oral punishment slap on wrist

Động từ

To harass or pester someone
harass bother annoy pester irritate plague trouble worry bug aggravate harry torment badger disturb nag hound persecute ride bedevil agitate chivvy beleaguer devil mither heavy stress discommode dun keep after keep on at get on your nerves go on at give a hard time be on your back get in your hair harp on at breath down someone's neck vex irk provoke needle exasperate gall rile nettle nark anger pique tease upset peeve ruffle infuriate get to hack off drive up the wall goad put out miff rankle rub up the wrong way madden bait displease enrage chafe antagonize wind up get bully gravel rasp distress grate eat fret afflict molest antagonise beset perturb get at burn up incense tick off heckle rark torture drive round the bend give someone grief exacerbate drive crazy get across hump offend taunt give someone the hump spite frost gripe pick on drive mad tee off dog hector make someone see red hack you off oppress agonize pain inflame bum out besiege make angry importune get under your skin roil try rack itch agonise anguish drive round the twist frustrate gnaw prod get your back up drive to distraction pressurize burden harrow chivy pursue outrage make cross niggle discompose give someone the pip disgust get on your wick affront pressurise work on disquiet curse insult perplex nudge excruciate get on one's nerves rub the wrong way lean on put your back up fuss strain inconvenience browbeat bend someone's ear get your goat intimidate terrorize incommode make somebody's hackles rise henpeck haze get your dander up interrupt victimize rattle disoblige haunt hurt embarrass stew press chagrin burn sting assail victimise be at terrorise breathe down someone's neck impose on scold T-off rankle with make waves pressure pick at give a bad time make your blood boil drive bananas ruffle one's feathers disrupt make things hot for someone get up someone's nose fluster dissatisfy grieve dragoon faze intrude upon abrade peck at fear attack sweat push around strong-arm prick egg on be a nuisance to send into a rage turn off wear on gnaw at find fault with stir up try your patience rattle someone's cage get on someone's back raise your hackles remind bore berate abuse mistreat rouse bulldoze aggrieve upbraid disgruntle maltreat tantalize repel wring curdle rag disaffect embitter excite criticize tantalise ill-treat concern cross discriminate against bullyrag stress out urge bite ail grate on carp at beat break be down on punish unfairly disconcert grill complain dominate railroad weigh down grumble whine criticise have it in for carp try the patience of give the business be on one's case moan at grumble at hustle mess with stick in one's craw put pressure on put the screws on put the squeeze on bring pressure to bear on have a down on nag at cheese off keep complaining to set one's teeth on edge fall on be a pain in the neck be a thorn in someone's side get across someone hit where one lives make it hot for someone drive you up the wall be on the back of get your hackles up keep at unsettle harp on prompt petition solicit spur blight chide insist infest insist on goose cavil question examine quiz tweak tear give someone hell be hostile to show antagonism to be against be set against disapprove of be prejudiced against work up mortify dismay estrange weary scorn rib chaff sour scandalize mess distemper drive insane push button fire up heat up feel ill will towards push about bear a grudge towards show ill will towards wear noodge macerate despoil foray tear away at barrage ply run up the wrong way incite discontent ask for it ire enflame mad bristle push someon's buttons belabour empurple eat at start prey on buttonhole arouse hostility in rub you up the wrong way eat away at misplease wing zing disappoint revolt cool sound cap be prey to be the victim of put someone's nose out of joint crucify injure expel wrong hunt exile craze boil arouse steam up acerbate jerk around be a thorn in someone's flesh wear out punish smite bone alienate get someone jeer sicken nauseate snit pet tiff huff scandalise cause suffering to rattle one's cage be in someone's hair raise hell blow up barrack boo get on someone yap at scratch around rag on weigh heavily on lie heavy on single out make sore lose one's temper play dirty search high heaven work into lather set on set off take a rise out of get a rise out of be a pest to cow sadden alarm shout down lead someone a merry dance play cat and mouse rub salt in wound put through wringer get the knife into stick the knife into smother belabor bombard threaten disadvantage tire distract disparage hiss spook puzzle squeeze mangle cut to the quick lose the affection of menace grind psych reproach revile domineer discomfit dis gibe ridicule brainwash mau-mau coerce blackjack bogart interfere with suffocate depress meddle discombobulate cause someone difficulty discommodate interfere cause concern to cause discomfort to jibe at shout at override tyrannize push grip impose upon cause inconvenience to barge in on intrude on steamroller put screws to make someone fed up bring pressure to bear put the bite on make uneasy prey on your mind make uncomfortable lie heavy on someone's mind make anxious weigh heavy on someone's mind flip out be a problem to horn in on butt in make game of tyrannise enslave swagger ride roughshod over bluster use strong-arm tactics on overtax overstretch tense hang up give someone bother give trouble create difficulties for butt in on make someone go out of his way make it tough put in a spot put on the spot put to trouble shout catcalls at affect stretch traumatize overwhelm immolate use demonize entangle hamper aggress be autocratic demonise bounce mix up beef grouse yowl holler mutter kvetch squeal crab yammer wail moan caterwaul grump scream grouch repine kick squawk inveigh whimper bellyache bleat growl murmur yaup croak keen grizzle yawp whinge maunder overextend traumatise crunch fast-talk crowd jump on one's case egg fall upon overdo stack the deck have your knife into start in on moan on at give the needle tyrannize over brood find fault cause to feel emotional strain cause to feel mental strain put on trial make tense tense up put in traction push to the limit surround bust someone's balls bust chops take it out on mope overrun upset oneself pine sigh sorrow feel unhappy feel uneasy be upset be anxious obsess be distressed concern oneself jostle encircle sweat it out lose sleep carry a heavy load lose sleep over eat your heart out distress oneself fume bleed get into a dither feel peeved make a fuss take on descend on swarm around converge on set upon mob crowd around crowd round scare impede hinder get on someone's case frighten mock wound put down flurry deride martyr scourge unnerve discomfort unhinge frazzle make fun of alarum derail hagride dump on freak out weird out take the piss out of terrify weigh on hang over scoff at jeer at throw exercise be a burden to poke fun at cause anxiety to undo make sport of take the mickey guy razz twit rally satirize pother slam shock appall appal sneer at discountenance satirise be a great weight on take over poke mullock at enforce weigh heavily on someone's mind shake up throw off balance hurt somebody's feelings devastate destroy excoriate tax possess kid inflict suffering on inflict pain on sneer misuse roast test banter damage panic slight disdain sledge martyrize lead on confuse lacerate brutalize brutalise despair flout scout fester slap press down on lout laugh at lampoon force scar compel cause anxiety flirt with be a burden on oblige pooh-pooh affright niggle at awe ill-use shake put off constrain bludgeon send up swipe at make jokes about make miserable indispose confound flout at heap scorn on floor weigh heavily on one's mind take control of do a number on scare the bejesus out of twist someone's arm do in issue threats to tear to pieces bedog ravage ruin convulse roust lie heavily on get on the nerves of exploit manipulate humiliate violate dishearten cause disquiet to recur get in the hair of rend be critical of accost encroach intrude obtrude cause to panic belittle preoccupy cast down addle subdue daunt frenzy derange throw off psych out entice titillate stir come back to beleague petrify abase suppress weigh be on at someone punish repeatedly and unfairly make nervous nit-pick cut up cause anguish to arouse anxiety in strap make wretched push buttons make it tough for desolate stay with inflict trauma knock for six deeply upset break in caricature dishonor cause resentment to cause annoyance to be afflicted with suffer from be plagued with be troubled by buffalo overawe stump put into a flap put someone off their stroke furbelow frill flummox fuddle cause someone to lose their composure throw into a tizz throw into tizzy tempt intrigue beguile fascinate lure allure sap drain exhaust be bothered get down be ever present parody be blighted with be burdened with be bedevilled by knock eat up harm gibe at turn incapacitate flip debilitate bewilder cramp be a weight on someone's mind laugh horrify scarify fright startle take advantage of dishonour do an injustice to be a weight on one's mind jab twitter dig baffle charm thwart snicker at smile at snigger at key up turn on lay up pillory contemn disrespect diss rock the boat make a scene subjugate tyrranize drive impel cajole make wheedle strike terror in strike terror into step on the toes of scare off dismiss detract scoff denigrate tear to shreds overbear manhandle obligate argue vilify skewer jibe give offence to make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on tire out overpower sweat out inspire panic in frighten out of your wits scare to death put the fear of God into fill with terror put the frighteners on sway muscle sandbag talk impress go for jugular give no quarter lay a bad trip on pan detract from jolly keep hanging mishandle mutilate whip maim impale hurt the feelings of have someone do something put the heat on prevail on come at hold up to ridicule pour scorn on shoot down grind at inflict grind down weaken mess with someone's head do someone's head in treat with contempt make your mouth water work over wreck wreak impose befall cock a snook at be cruel to kick around play the heavy with treat harshly be brutal to walk all over mess over keep someone hanging on josh joke jive give someone the works put on the rack warn avenge visit fun chiack descend upon adventure risk venture peril force upon jeopard jeopardize imperil compromise endanger hazard bring down on slang make threats against comminate fulminate blackmail look daggers scowl forewarn shake fist at make threat walk heavy snarl admonish threaten to harm flex muscles caution threaten to kill make threats to shuck smoke rot spoof snap chill scare hell out of utter threats to bad-eye portend jeopardise gamble with whip around impend lower put heat on loom goof on be sarcastic about sling off at put on make a monkey of have on mess around pull someone's leg poke borak at pull one's leg

Động từ

To argue or quarrel with someone
quarrel argue squabble wrangle bicker fight row dispute scrap altercate brawl argufy spat quibble controvert tiff brabble jar fall out disagree lock horns spar bandy words clash have words cross swords have a row go at it hammer and tongs be at odds chop logic differ be at loggerheads fight like cat and dog feud battle have a fight have at it fail to agree be at variance mix it up set to threap contend have a disagreement cavil have a misunderstanding bump heads talk back shift pretend chicane waffle evade avoid fence flip-flop debate struggle carp caterwaul contest tangle paralogize nit-pick hypercriticize have a tiff come to blows butt heads put up a fight take on argue over catch at straws hem and haw blow hot and cold put up an argument make a big thing about pettifog wrestle grapple argy-bargy war dissent have an altercation have a spat pick a bone have an argument be at sixes and sevens hash over nitpick niggle prevaricate criticize equivocate split hairs pick to pieces criticise encounter get into conflict tilt light into lay into kick up a row raise Cain get into a dispute have a difference of opinion have shouting match discuss scuffle scrape dig bandy agitate discept vary bump disapprove charge collide embroil complain strive divide canvas moot canvass jump on one's case bat back and forth exchange views toss around hash out talk over bat around kick around thrash out nastily argue pick at have a barney trade zingers cause a scene sass rehash have it out break with find fault object to get tough with take exception hammer away be at each other's throats knock around get in one's face pick an argument go one on one face down sock it to put up a struggle jump on each other face off verbally fight have at each other stick it to scrimmage rassle rough-house vie have a dust-up tussle have a punch-up have a set-to romp exchange blows conflict box go up against be pedantic fratch jaw scold berate ream bawl out tongue-lash call on the carpet skirmish combat challenge engage do battle oppose confront attack be in conflict come into conflict wage war go to war have a dispute contradict object disaccord discord duel assault take issue with protest against lock antlers make war engage in hostilities jostle campaign engage in conflict roughhouse buck demur protest repudiate reject nonconcur have a scrap joust clash with quibble over disagree with take issue be in dispute bandy words with somebody slug mount an attack to fight face trade punches tourney compete mess go at it be in opposition tackle duke it out manhandle push cut and thrust close with battle with engage with crusade trade blows enter the lists break a lance cuff do battle with exchange blows with struggle with scrap with come to blows with tussle with gainsay mess with drive press demonstrate start fighting go for each other slug it out raise your fists haggle palter zap come up against square up become involved be of a different opinion be incompatible differ in opinion have a different opinion be divided bang heads not see eye to eye advocate shoot bombard stir up opinion raise a fuss cry out essay grunt endeavor exert work strain take the field engage in combat be at war conduct a war take the field against take up arms march against join battle campaign against grapple with bear arms skirmish with carry on hostilities rip into each other jump on let someone have it contradict each other go for the jugular endeavour come to grips get to grips diverge stoush refuse stickle renounce rebel abjure swedge shy decline balk rumble baulk argue with express disagreement be at odds with decline to support say nothing doing express disagreement with be at variance with withhold assent express objection not ratify fail to agree with say not a chance say no way refuse to support fly in the face of go the knuckle fight like Kilkenny cats fight nastily rebut refute debunk disprove counter address question discredit deny examine query contravene answer disaffirm disavow invalidate disclaim negate crush confute argue against disconfirm squelch quash dissent against blow sky high declare to be untrue call into question prove to be wrong show to be wrong contend over quibble about tear down prove false wonder about shoot full of holes put up argument differ with argue about show up have an argument about prove to be false agitate against blow out of the water pick an argument with hammer away at argue the pros and cons of shoot down in flames bandy words concerning prove wrong show to be false shoot down take a stand against give thumbs down to

Động từ

To insult or put down, especially in a spiteful way
needle ride tease bait taunt heckle haze mock torment ridicule provoke rib goad rag chaff guy bother gibe take the piss out of annoy irritate harass plague deride badger razz pester aggravate bedevil harry twit rally quiz wind up sledge scoff at jeer at pick on tantalize slam tantalise make fun of poke fun at take the mickey put down make sport of give a hard time swipe at hound persecute nark irk torture gall get nag anger hack you off insult be on the back of get on the nerves of get in the hair of jeer sneer revile sneer at get at gibe at jab twitter flout reproach scorn affront offend lout disdain criticize scout slap dig outrage criticise upbraid dump on kid josh joke jive satirize roast banter fun worry chiack slang shuck smoke rot hector vex importune devil nudge gnaw beleaguer disturb spoof dog sound snap satirise laugh at jibe at send up make jokes about goof on rag on be sarcastic about poke mullock at sling off at put on make a monkey of have on flout at pull someone's leg pull one's leg poke borak at be at flirt with lead on mess around pillory treat with contempt scoff laugh to scorn make a monkey out of lampoon treat contemptuously skewer jibe jape humiliate show up heap scorn on shoot down hold up to shame hold up to ridicule poke borack burlesque parody frazzle hoot buffoon show contempt show contempt for thumb nose at call names tear to pieces pour scorn on mimic pan jolly fleer raz cartoon deflate expose unmask pooh-pooh run down make a fool of expose to ridicule make a game of rail at laugh out of court make a laughing-stock make someone a laughing stock

Động từ

To bother or cause distress in (someone)
flurry disturb upset worry perturb bother unsettle agitate discompose distress disquiet alarm concern dismay discomfort distract disconcert fluster fuss unnerve rattle unhinge distemper ail frazzle ruffle alarum faze undo exercise hagride confuse derail perplex discombobulate bewilder provoke frustrate excite hurry bustle flutter hustle quicken freak out weird out annoy harass vex irritate trouble fret pester irk plague get to discountenance bug throw confound torment throw off balance discomfit displease harry anger needle peeve frighten afflict miff shake nettle give a hard time embarrass make nervous grieve stress persecute chafe panic nag oppress nark strain torture fuddle depress try aggrieve sadden offend hurt make anxious wound burn up floor tantalise tantalize get across hack off wind up spook psych throw into a tizz put into a flap flip craze indispose stir up get at tick off make waves pick on startle make uneasy appal incommode pain appall unquiet make restless make fretful rack anguish curse hound agonize injure hit a sour note disaccord discord jangle disharmonize exasperate nit-pick agonise strap prick push dog break desolate harrow martyr cause anguish to cause suffering to tax eat at arouse anxiety in make it tough for weigh on make miserable cut up do a number on be on one's case make wretched push buttons aggravate stir rile scare bedevil besiege beset burden despair beleaguer put off affect tease badger grate pique shake up gripe itch rasp frost niggle get eat spite gall weigh down test importune put out tear goad hector dun nonplus stump bully frill disrupt flummox browbeat wear furbelow cow bluster abrade intimidate cause anxiety to put someone off their stroke gnaw at cause someone to lose their composure heat sweat out lie heavy on be a great weight on weigh heavily on one's mind mess with someone's head do someone's head in rattle one's cage throw into tizzy mortify abash addle put on edge muddle mystify puzzle inconvenience work up send into a spin disappoint rock the boat turn on get on your wick turn sicken incapacitate make a scene hurt somebody's feelings get someone lay up flip out cramp give someone grief bum out fire up key up debilitate pother egg on take aback derange chagrin demoralize demoralise surprise throw off disarrange dishearten psych out set someone back on their heels baffle daunt unbalance dumbfound rouse make uncomfortable disorder arouse discommode preoccupy catch off balance foul up put someone off their stride make someone scratch their head haunt tangle frenzy occupy incite inflame cause disquiet to horrify prey on your mind occupy thoughts bamboozle befuddle shock daze stimulate disengage unfasten separate unhitch disconnect uncouple detach disorientate discourage dispirit eat away at outrage astound complicate amaze intrude tire interfere jolt destabilize unman worst down disorganize dement displace jumble rummage disarray astonish dizzy dash ferment cause anxiety get in the way chill disillusion paralyse terrify destabilise ventilate examine move make self-conscious disorient take the wind out of your sails make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth make someone laugh on the other side of their face drive insane affright disgruntle disenchant be throw into confusion paralyze terrorize snafu let down terrorise send over the edge suffer be unwell make flip bug up pull the rug out from under throw into uproar pull the rug from under throw into disorder knock sideways carp cavil be indisposed be crook mix up catch unawares give a turn mess up put the wind up fill with consternation screw up throw into a tizzy knock for six louse up muck up fear gravel balk hinder sweat stew quibble be sick be wrong with feel pain be in pain feel unwell be ill be weak be the matter with nitpick baulk take by surprise flap fidget put out of countenance be agitated upset the applecart stop someone in their tracks take pains be in a tizzy be worried labour over cause to be at a stand be in a flap get worked up get in a stew be in a stew make a big thing out of make a big thing of make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill make a thing of

Động từ

To demand earnestly or pressingly
push press pressure pressurise pressurize urge encourage influence persuade advise compel implore admonish drive goose hustle oblige promote beg bother hound incite spur advocate constrain expedite harass badger browbeat bully force pester beseech induce inspan prod solicit intimidate motivate nag recommend harry inspire make obligate prompt railroad adjure coerce dragoon goad nudge propel entreat exhort impel insist steamroll key up speed up try to persuade push around put the screws to strong-arm press-gang put up to railroad into dragoon into pour it on prevail on insist on push for steamroller into bulldoze into turn on appeal to fire up sell one on egg on exert influence on use pressure on go to town on put the heat on bear down on browbeat into put pressure on put the screws on use strong-arm tactics on provoke stir squeeze instigate whip lean on sound sic trigger rowel bulldoze oppress impress brainwash bludgeon sandbag blackjack muscle sell politick fast-talk come at foment work over put the squeeze on turn on the heat twist one's arm twist someone's arm breathe down someone's neck bring pressure to bear on rouse stimulate animate rally arouse spur on stir up inflame excite move work up sting activate fire quicken whip up awaken prick galvanize enliven galvanise spark waken agitate fan exhilarate electrify kindle actuate inspirit needle whet fuel revive vivify bestir wake intensify light a fire under set off get going pep up spark off enkindle energize evoke invigorate vitalize root on awake generate titillate juice craze strengthen engender act as a stimulus to act as a incentive to support fortify uplift challenge thrill bring into being call forth perk up touch off liven up steam up call into being envigorate energise rev up buck up gee up bring out draw forth amp up dig countenance favour favor egg give the incentive to root boost roust lash feed initiate reignite rekindle give rise to recall exacerbate nurture sustain pique power nourish charge up stoke up work sharpen instill get smoking instil burn up set going work into lather put into action mobilise mobilize cause annoy irritate aggravate tease worry enthuse delight nark revitalize overjoy lift elate accelerate lash at be on your back rejuvenate fillip intoxicate charge enchant brighten disturb anger startle speed foster wow refresh spike brace flush grip dynamize increase pick abet brew raise ferment go over big give someone a charge tickle grab blow away give a buzz fire with enthusiasm race one's motor knock your socks off give pleasure to give joy to pump up give someone a kick wake up juice up act as a spur to give a new lease of life to commove jump-start get one started ginger up act as a impetus to set up revitalise jazz up put new life in build a fire under act as a fillip to zip up set on drive on procure mount bug fire the enthusiasm of magnify enhance deepen innervate fire the imagination of heighten make waves ask for it rile intensate redouble wind up innerve set breed forward coax psych further taunt agitate for get to talk into fan the fire

Động từ

To engage in competition to attain a position or prize
contest fight wrangle scrap brawl contend battle struggle feud conflict scuffle duel compete vie fight over take on battle for challenge for compete for contend for fight for struggle for vie for go for try for tussle for square off try to win jockey for position clash lock horns challenge dispute squabble cross swords strive face off argue grapple quarrel war oppose wrestle engage bicker tussle rival race encounter confront combat skirmish altercate row face wage war disagree spar quibble jostle meet jockey spat controvert come to blows scrimmage attack tangle push have a row have a fight argufy tilt scramble for fall out go for broke vie with be at loggerheads set to romp play off be in conflict exchange blows go to war do battle have a dust-up have a punch-up engage in hostilities make war emulate differ run pit match jar join battle play tiff brabble go after dissent go head to head joust go up against collide fence compete against go for the gold go for the jugular have a misunderstanding have words fail to agree have a tiff be at odds bandy words fight like cat and dog chop logic be at variance tourney contend against rassle rough-house assault be in the running fight a duel go out bump heads have a set-to box put up a fight counter sweat buck be rivals trade blows break a lance enter the lists take part take part in a race slug match yourself against mount an attack come into conflict scramble vary have it out charge find fault complain divide get tough with take exception bump carp cavil disapprove go at it hammer and tongs break with caterwaul embroil object to mix it up have a spat maneuver show manoeuvre event steeplechase juggle campaign brave shoot bombard struggle against bid attempt bandy essay try strive against take the field against be at each other's throats take up arms march against take the field campaign against grapple with engage in combat be at war bear arms conduct a war skirmish with carry on hostilities clash with debate cope with go up against in contest try to beat show jump participate in be in the hunt match strength pitch oneself against seek prize pit oneself against match wits run for content against contend with compete with gainsay contradict go one on one with be opposed to face off against go toe to toe with go eyeball to eyeball with be pitted against object disaccord discept zap haggle discord palter jump on let someone have it rip into each other be at sixes and sevens take issue with contradict each other take issue lay into tug oppugn litigate cope withstand stand resist have at tangle with shoot for shoot at push for deal with nominate yourself put up with go for jugular put yourself forward give your all make play for go for it knock oneself out give all one's got mix it up with

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