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A sudden, sharp cracking sound
snap crack pop crash report whack clap bang blast boom click clink slam smack smash thunderclap thwack whomp whump burst crackle explosion wham clash thunder peal thump thud clang shot detonation clunk knock blow roar wallop tap clonk beat rap sound noise bump din rumble sharp noise hit bash blare slap box clack clout cuff punch belt sock reverberation welt pounding clip biff bellow buffet slug clump bop stomp clomp clobber discharge stroke stamp swipe bust plump larrup pelt hack hook bat pick stinger chop whop dab slosh lick stripe lam swat douse poke lash switch pound fillip boff spank whap haymaker strike racket smashing clatter whale dong clattering loud noise explosive noise tan pat echo gunshot wail loud sound honk thunderbolt clangour hoot chink snick clap of thunder flash of lightning crash of thunder clangor toot trumpet blaring clamour scream resound screech clamor howl banging hammering roll knocking crump clacking clicking drumming resounding sizzle scrunch crunch crashing click-clack resonance echoing thundering roaring thrumming blasting barrage cannonade drumfire re-echoing lambaste nail ding thrash impact jab uppercut butt swing jolt collision shock skelp roundhouse plunk bonk fist plug concussion beating jar thrust slog zap paste fisticuff whammy zinger bell-ringer one-two punch kick conk tonk dot clobbering touch nudge prod hard hit percussion glance dig attack lunge whang hiding thrashing drubbing whiplash lambasting assault smite flourish spanking prang blip potch percuss quilt striking head-butt battering stump drub brush cut knockout blindside KO hitting brunt shove straight elbow jostle throb plop flump knuckle sandwich stoush body blow king-hit pummel pummelled one-two jog lollop hammer tunk rat-tat-tat rat-tat shoulder ram stab push dig in the ribs

Động từ

To produce a recurrent tapping sound or indicate by such a sound

Động từ

To carry out or accomplish
perform do execute achieve accomplish fulfil effect complete discharge carry out bring off implement work commit compass conduct dispatch fulfill make negotiate observe perpetrate prosecute satisfy effectuate realise realize enforce finish meet transact act out bring about carry off follow through with pull off put through acquit oneself of act upon carry through dispose of be engaged in carry to completion deliver the goods wind up do justice to go that route take care of business do to a turn run with the ball enact follow conclude consummate apply undertake engage in engineer administer manage produce act bring to fruition attain put into effect obey keep put into practice deal with comply with honor tackle fill adhere to settle abide by honour wrap up put into action actualize go through with operate make happen cause take care of occasion practise pursue perfect conform to practice succeed in heed finalize result in polish off go through bring on sort out translate into sew up create act on organize engender end succeed live up to generate secure bring win exercise induce organise render procure spawn prompt finalise clinch beget draw on contrive take redeem catalyze score begin impose breed give rise to invoke make good catalyse take part in get through put into operation carry on wreak establish crown polish engage initiate answer keep to cap fix handle ply make good on respect participate in act in accordance with stick to affect administrate hit finish off gain run yield land bring to pass put to bed set the seal on play mind reach work at follow up on take up put in force deliver on follow through on devote oneself to stand by nail see through start in on defer to keep faith with be true to be faithful to have complement inflict be involved in provoke terminate originate precipitate pull chalk up clock up add the final touch to round off go whole hog go the limit call it a day bring to a conclusion add the finishing touch to make perfect bring to maturity do thoroughly round out bring to an end put the last touches on make up top off put the finishing touches on start accept obtain notch up live out kindle serve follow through set up be responsible for rack up hold trigger play out acquit take effect attempt commence deliver survive ultimate acquire process turn respond to work out be guilty of bag cope with net set about go about make it earn be to blame for get there snag promote introduce foster button down bring home the bacon do the trick consent to develop be true be faithful measure up to bring forth hold to pay attention to acquiesce in clean up make it through put the tin lid on bring to bear be as good as undergo take action motivate have an effect on actionize exhibit give arrange direct determine work on be behind action take action on annex transgress expedite make ready annexe make work up and do stage swing present cut carry something on set off accelerate occupy hack employ enable exact officiate put screws to press specialize in exert assign distribute reify authorize authorise put on embrace regard consecrate sanctify close incarnate advance force contribute to put over do the job come through sail through follow up follow out provide the means for pass spend take notice of act according to be bound by have regard to be successful wrap can grasp strike conquer seize earn one's wings make real score a success push through wrest make short work of serve out bring into effect bring into play deal out do to a T materialize reorganise make concrete materialise reorganize corporealize function labor labour form inspire approach be employed occupy oneself with get on with get busy with adopt ring up log get done arrive at thrash out mop up top it off knock off put away bear put lid on fold up put finishing touch on put the finishing touch to call a day nail it get someplace latch onto bring to completion hammer out institute muster hatch conjure found enkindle oversee see to fulfill one's potential make hay make a reality stir up touch off sow the seeds of multiply work up spark off put it over get up bring into being whip up do a bang-up job lead to inaugurate do one proud steward overlook do business button up be heedful of field TCB toil through goose-step to launch address juggle wage fit in match maintain continue equal preside over tend to put in place be at the helm of be in charge of watch over hold down fit arrange for call forth start up respond come into effect react continue with cultivate proceed adhere proceed with act in perform in merit justify get deserve actuate persist in go ahead with take further proceed in be occupied in persevere in stick at stick with keep on with go on with carry on with cause to occur cause to happen play in warrant be efficacious take hold progress be effective comply reap come around to concur in knuckle to fall in with bow to agree to fit in with knuckle under assent to play the game concur with yield to accede to don't rock the boat cave in to acquiesce with submit to give in to stay in line go along with play ball suffice tie gratify apply oneself to keep on apply oneself turn the trick turn out put across carry draw find garner capture go in for match up to knock down come to have bring home gather scare up make fast buck cop be in line for wrangle scrape together bring home the groceries be deserving of hustle bring in come by be entitled to be worthy of be gainfully employed have a right to pull down make it big eke out derive pay dues pick up profit sock measure up come up to launch into commit oneself to take on commit to get down to endeavour to do embark on get cracking on enter upon enter on set in motion concentrate on endeavor to do put in motion address oneself to get to grips with set out with incite instigate elicit be the cause of arouse stimulate trigger off spur evoke drive foment end in compel spark make for rouse be at the bottom of excite be conducive to contribute influence kickoff give birth to construct constitute further conceive make possible culminate in build provide encourage bestow issue spell forge amount to activate design entail be instrumental in bring out add up to conduce bring into existence conduce to assemble fashion lead knock up knock together compose return fetch involve raise afford brew supply sway quicken abet move propagate agitate push forward progenerate tender pick add to impel help play a part in dispose finish in put together concoct devise have a hand in ferment instil instill play a role in erect draw out urge mete out have a part in craft author set in set pull in rake in pay out mould mold cook up fabricate lay on machinate make the grade give off be a source of open inflame mean necessitate invite reproduce procreate risk break the ice break in imply pose be a factor in mediate open the door for birth cost pay forward oil the wheels of have the effect of be partly responsible for have as a consequence have as a result deal gain fulfillment fulfill your potential bear out persuade set down accrue start off bring up furnish fire up get things rolling start the ball rolling parent mother unleash piece rig shape install instal germinate cast proffer objectify give birth give life to vent condition innovate offer blossom admit beam predispose dawn spring break appear arise bring into the world pioneer incline convince haul in sell for gather in emit indulge express visit manipulate dispense dole out wield command redound to terminate in represent portray symbolize result goad bias invent transmit coordinate nurse fan nurture increase wax wreck bring round make willing prevail on impress on entice revolutionize prevail symbolise plan for schedule orchestrate force upon give free rein to give vent to receive set on drum up fan the flames of fan the flames sow the seeds appropriate hook collect kick out grow into throw make arrangements for pencil in fix up make preparations for come up with prepare for glean amass usher in bring to life give life stir wangle grab give out run into nab access collar draw up kick off spearhead modernize throw together come out with father conceive of discover cause to be coin possess oneself of come into possession of get your hands on get hold of glom onto modernise put up revolutionise induct start out throw up ring in uphold get going synthesise synthesize manufacture accommodate acknowledge coincide with pay regard to cooperate with cohere with tally with pass muster check with fill the bill harmonize with square with be good enough accommodate to cut the mustard be guided by perform according to cater to fit the bill be in accordance with be loyal to chord with

Trái nghĩa của a tick

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