Đồng nghĩa của a wake up

Động từ

To give new life to, or to restore to a healthy condition
resurrect renew revive regenerate rejuvenate resuscitate revitalise revitalize restore awaken reanimate recharge reinvigorate rekindle renovate revivify rewake rewaken kick-start re-establish reinstitute reintroduce relaunch stimulate animate arouse brighten encourage energise energize enkindle enliven exhilarate inspirit envigorate invigorate quicken rally reactivate reawaken recondition recover refresh relieve repair restart rouse save strengthen bring back bounce back bring around bring to make whole touch up breathe new life into give the kiss of life to give a new lease of life to freshen stir refreshen recreate perk up pep up buck up brace vivify liven up wake vitalize uplift excite fortify come to life come to come around pick up regain consciousness come round waken hearten galvanize bring back to life awake cheer activate replenish update fire modernise regain modernize galvanise stir up recover consciousness raise from the dead restore to life boost gladden improve trigger prompt prod fillip reinforce spike recuperate zap buoy up juice up take a turn for the better blow away the cobwebs give a lift get going jump-start give a boost to give a shot in the arm to ginger up look up jazz up brighten up amp up come to one's senses zip up give new strength to cheer up rescue reignite conjure up reestablish call up reproduce recall redevelop give new life to bolster help inspire clean summon up change freshen up bring round give a new lease on life build up get going again put new life into re-energize put some spark into prop up spring up again emerge breathe spark buoy liven motivate spice enhance knock up vivificate make more lively brace up put pep into waken up let sunshine in work up make more exciting make lively give life to fire up light a fire under lighten cool become lively become active come alive show signs of life mend electrify clear up become cheerful snap out of it take heart raise spirits make happy convalesce harden nerve turn on put new heart into snap up put new strength in put new heart in put new life in ameliorate cool down top up brush up be refreshed be on the mend get better spring up elate lift elevate embolden delight steel incite console intoxicate raise move pump up be heartened give someone a kick reassure give a buzz give a lift to spur comfort instigate assure enhearten enrapture thrill titillate transport charge warm chirk up bear up rejoice psych up give shot in arm juice raise the spirits give someone a charge become livelier make lighter become more cheerful make happier make brighter grow buoyant edify lift up relax drive empower incentify light up make more cheerful applaud push become optimistic become hopeful rise soar pique disinhibit impassion goad sway enforce refine better enthuse egg incentivize whip up kindle jumpstart spur on build cheer on ignite reenforce rev up provoke boost up cultivate civilize overjoy loosen up lighten up spice up feel happier get into the mood enchant nudge take a load off please wow fuel advance civilise enrich gratify praise prick flush grip soothe stimulate spiritually raise your spirits lift the spirits of give confidence to raise the morale of spirit up give hope to boost morale bield gee up stiffen the resolve of tickle grab solace incentivise key up give joy to pleasure content satisfy glad go over big blow away fire with enthusiasm race one's motor knock your socks off give pleasure to upraise suit feast gas warm the cockles of someone's heart bring joy to do someone's heart good give someone pleasure tickle pink agree with make someone feel good put on cloud nine let the sun shine in put on top of the world improve in outlook take on a new lease of life improve in spirits improve in mood send commove exalt pep turn someone on make very happy put zip into give someone great pleasure give someone a thrill make someone's spirits soar

Động từ

To raise one's eyelids, typically to look around

Động từ

To trigger a passionate feeling or reaction
excite provoke incite rile stir up foment impassion inflame rally roil rouse stir trigger agitate animate electrify fire up goad inspire instigate arouse enthuse galvanise galvanize incense irk prime stimulate whip up charge egg on elicit encourage enliven grill kindle pique pump up rev up set off vex vivify wind up work up activate awaken bring about bring out cause charge up commove energise energize enkindle jolt motivate needle pep up spark off touch off trigger off work into lather intensify madden shake shake up start feed the fire inspirit buoy push exhilarate prompt jumpstart drive precipitate actuate move prod initiate create generate occasion produce run begin spark lead to kick-start bring on turn on crank up give rise to set in motion put in motion boost revivify lead spur urge induce fire waken raise impel evoke spur on quicken engender whet promote call forth influence sway wake ignite ferment abet incentivize prick incentivise propel invigorate fuel fan persuade brew draw forth touch envigorate invoke light a fire under awake foster pick fire the imagination of nudge exhort thrill get going vitalize bestir bring into being make summon press steel revive sting incline impress result in embolden educe hearten call into being buoy up effectuate affect beget breed bring work fire the enthusiasm of fan the flames of sharpen summon up set on strike bring forth conjure up key up call up set going fillip fire with enthusiasm innervate uplift build up disturb cheer on increase psych evince instil set alight extract titillate compel catalyze upset instill tap force pressure goose grab sic stoke up mobilize mobilise impact get to put up to drum up catalyse get draw out startle have an impact on effect intoxicate manifest empower incentify reassure procure set egg actualize agitate for psych up further hatch hound drive on exalt spook taunt boost up cultivate refresh bear up coax tempt chirk up dispose root on coerce spur to action buck up gee up whip spirit up cheer up challenge contribute to put a bomb under remind lash pressurize help get someone going invite elate talk into sow the seeds of necessitate reach infect pressurise call to mind be the cause of involve carry have an effect on tell on make an impression on flip incentive intrigue give incentive shock agitate against irritate heighten inform hook exacerbate call exercise build a fire under dynamize make wild suscitate make enthusiastic motive heat up reproduce conjure juice up fluster liven up activize jazz up ruffle spawn fester cajole convince stun astonish zap frighten forward craze juice solicit set ablaze set aflame set fire to set afire incarnate originate incent whomp up resurrect add fuel bring around chivvy breathe life into convert advise inveigle badger add fuel to the flames bring back act as an incentive to act as a stimulus to make for recall advance harass put into action give someone a kick imbue infuse innerve be conducive to muster up get up switch on stir embers make waves fan the fire hint to prevail on win over suggest to refine cheer strengthen overcome bully dragoon push forward add fuel to fire yield extort draw endue beghast applaud set afoot start up nurture put one in mind of remind one of roust exact mark set on foot cause to appear add to entice disinhibit fortify enforce impact on soften melt bring to mind derive obtain give a shot in the arm whet one's appetite do be responsible for start off set up give impetus touch a chord make an impression leave an impression on give one an idea strike a chord get through to fetch constrain comfort brighten enhearten build disquiet give a boost to reenforce assure revitalize restore make happen risk contribute conceive take hold of hit be instrumental in develop have a hand in bring to pass entail gladden end in have a part in propagate conduce to muster prevail upon conduce be at the bottom of cost praise console set on fire sensitize sensitise stimulate spiritually raise your spirits raise the morale of give shot in arm give hope to boost morale prop up lift the spirits of give confidence to give a shot in the arm to bield stiffen the resolve of translate into draw on give birth to revitalise tug at your heartstrings get smoking burn up

Động từ

To become reasonable, comprehending, or responsible, especially after having behaved in an opposite manner

Trái nghĩa của a wake up

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