Đồng nghĩa của agnize

Động từ

To identify from a knowledge of appearance or character
recognize identify place know recall remember recollect distinguish espy finger notice peg pinpoint spot descry determinate diagnose diagnosticate ken nail tab tag verify make out pick out be familiar button down call to mind flash on know by sight put a name to know again put one's finger on ring a bell determine discern discover locate name detect establish single out isolate pin down ascertain decide get a fix on ID differentiate discriminate separate figure out judge select point out analyze flag find analyse tell between tell apart label describe specify estimate perceive validate demarcate divine intuit substantiate deduce confirm tell decide on work out settle on sort out difference suss out secern set apart tell the difference between decide between make a distinction between bring to mind mention list associate set in context fix be reminded of find out ferret out put the finger on make certain of mark out singularize extricate signalize characterize sift individuate qualify collate classify part divide categorize mark make certain make up your mind on contrast see filter out weed out separate out mark off tell from set off observe discern a difference between draw a distinction between apprehend outline highlight define nail down run to earth zero in on track down home in on signalise characterise categorise individualize individualise read dig tell which is which pronounce interpret investigate identify problem take in make a diagnosis pick up on get a load of choose nominate designate indicate make peach tap recognise pick elect favour favor refer to plump for cite quote note drop give instance appoint set handpick prefer ordain touch on advert to touch upon go for call attention to draw attention to opt for hand-pick settle upon allude to vote for bring up assign depute constitute commission delegate earmark induct opt deputise charge co-opt deputize put down for adduce present advance spotlight emphasize invoke refer offer propose namedrop namecheck show advert reveal denote give as an example make reference to point to put forward underline point at remind of show us tell us emphasise take adopt accept predestine embrace fancy fix on discriminate between cherry-pick set aside take up make choice call for come down in favour of sift out make up one's mind detail state enumerate stipulate itemize particularize catalogue require settle prescribe postulate order agree slot condition limit specificate specificize inventory frame command specialize explicitize precise blueprint particularise itemise catalog explicitise specialise set out spell out draw a picture put down show clearly draw up be specific about get to the point come to the point tick off lay down set down insist on get down to brass tacks be specific go into detail lay out

Trái nghĩa của agnize

agnize Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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