Đồng nghĩa của appropriate demeanor

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The social, non-verbal behaviors that are characteristic of a person
comportment deportment behavior behaviour conduct disposition etiquette manner bearing carriage cast character mien nature personality temperament air attitude manners persona port presence tenor way actions address appearance expression image mannerisms set style temper gest geste performance poise way of acting way of behaving way of standing way of bearing oneself way of carrying oneself way of holding oneself way of conducting oneself demeanour aspect stance habits posture look activities decorum countenance deeds dignity mannerism pose propriety acts dealings breeding politeness good manners protocol courtesy guise form figure facial expression taste movements amenities polish formalities civilities elegance culture mores ceremony action convention contortion refinement social graces tone politesse physiognomy visage ways position good breeding good form gait seemliness exploits practices tenue garb regard dress outside p's and q's mug tact practises front station positure engagements acceptable conduct polites correct behaviour polite behaviour feel doings decisions handling of matters aura portance idiosyncrasy done thing face affectation peculiarity act bedside manner ease capers social behaviour gesture gestures motion pace way of moving step fit hang turn polite social habit kinesics cut of one's jib person's presence condition seeming performances gests delivery dignified demeanour dignified air dignified bearing inclination urbanity sophistication body language morals nonverbal communication physical response body movement way of sitting brace ethics speech talk practice course mode code savoir-faire what's done way of life decency properness respectability correctness appropriateness decorousness demureness gentility appropriacy modesty courtliness punctilio civility convenance restraint correctitude good grace appropriate behavior gravity orderliness order good behavior good taste formality sedateness custom habit customs wont procedure rule ritual routine approach pattern policy praxis tikanga characteristic principles trait standards fashion use practise method scruples usage proprieties tack policies rules tradition modus operandi way of doing things rapport relationship attribute oddity habitude trick propensity proneness tendency aptness consuetude second nature modus vivendi groove traditions ilk conventions spirit quirk procedures usages system morality integrity tenet custom and practice established ways routines patterns traditional customs rites codes values social conduct rituals quality thing description how solemnity ceremonial rite formula observance social practice tactics recipe technique regimen strategy methodology ideals beliefs matter of course norm conventionalism design precept canon proceeding by the book kawa channels setup by the numbers right practice law ropes set formula process regulation ethos way one is ethic norms dogmas personal principles

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A manner of doing something
fashion manner style way method approach mode system form tone vein attitude demeanour guise mores formula locution methodology order procedure recipe strategy technique phraseology tack tactics tendency usage modus operandi practice process means plan how routine line custom course policy scheme channels tactic course of action modus programme program MO tenor character quality disposition habit rule nature mechanism stratagem pattern praxis route proceeding red tape method of working mood plan of attack spirit line of attack line of action wont note temper trick temperament convention use characteristic ritual feel conduct ploy behaviour personality condition humour atmosphere protocol move tradition flavour flavor touch complexion direction behavior regimen road practise humor blueprint design tikanga modus vivendi nuts and bolts plan of action angle how-to stamp agency turn inclination campaigning generalship manoeuvres option alternative key bent path organisation methods organization feeling devices planning diplomacy device defence maneuver defense campaign manoeuvre maneuvers maneuvering variation prescription idiosyncrasy tinge arrangement idea concept state shift set trait capacity technic medium organizing system mind wave tang schema rubric attack operating procedure model attribute mannerism framework regularity wrinkle ingredients instructions receipt directions oddity habitude peculiarity theory genre situation posture wise book type status kind sort manoeuvring operation artifice propensity proneness aptness perspective slant stab game plan whack plot step mind-set point of view viewpoint master plan game ground plan way of achieving means of achieving guidelines source of way of ensuring steps means of ensuring compound set of procedures logical order logical process frame of reference orderly process set of principles set of guidelines set of channels fixed order systematic process ways and means M.O. workings consuetude second nature groove the book etiquette likely cause of method of operation manner of working rule of thumb method of operating mode of operation method of functioning way of doing things ceremony formality rules manners air decency solemnity ceremonial rite observance social practice propriety proprieties decorum effect precept canon convenance setup law ropes regulation drift grain right practice set formula done thing aspect frame trend by the book by the numbers kawa colors clay current ambiance genius gist constitution colours self strain aura ambience climate vibrations vibe impression smell suggestion odor odour halo property essence karma patina aroma nimbus semblance sense look overtone element cast color undertone colour appearance hint emanation environment bearing subcurrent background makeup make-up individuality vibes identity traits undercurrent timbre meaning streak mien affectation surroundings echo persona soul frame of mind attributes mould substance kidney energy significance presence colouring context shade mold individualism milieu ambient suspicion tincture outlook trace countenance comportment deportment feature heart ilk psyche address coloring mentality qualities mark features ethos setting distinction hallmark state of mind particularity emotions fingerprint backdrop affection degree specialty singularity speciality stripe essential quality implication actions nuance whiff strand ring hue variety geste gest taste emotional state expression shape glow indication quintessence mettle front being mental state spirits feelings intention description component facet purport selfhood feather self-identity purpose intent quirk earmark calibre trademark diagnostic criterion faculty specific attribution point morale stuff core caliber differentia marker virtue characteristics badge penchant turn of mind sum and substance typical feature scene vagary class movement leaning scent force facade tint circumstances conditions importance reminiscence reverberation connotation intimation association exterior façade intonation inflection brand space ch'i chi ki modality zeitgeist seeming fibre embodiment dimension mise en scene breed druthers selfness selfdom symptom proclivity insinuation smack innuendo image manifestation outline inflexion representation scale fiber like essential foible person's character cast of mind thumbprint bag endowment lineament originality thing carriage theme secondary meaning inference hidden meaning murmur mental condition inner nature mindset standing persuasion burden cheer gradation subtlety resonance refinement nicety thread import pose port portance standard belief lifeblood ethic principle way of being message aim thrust temporary psychological state action acts deeds habits fundamental nature dominating characteristic prevailing tendency evolution body course of thought pith run meat motivating force animating principle graduation shading modulation activities delivery morals dealings quiddity essentiality soupçon shadow dash ethics basic characteristics psychology make mannerisms seemliness talk code savoir-faire tenue speech tact detail constituent inherent attributes inherent qualities inherent characteristics ability side ingredient factor fine distinction subtle difference subtle distinction essential qualities inherent features basic attributes basic features essential attributes basic qualities essential features essential characteristics uniqueness properties distinctiveness way of life social graces what's done bottom line nature of beast name of game name of tune complex mystique estimation sign power differential highlight marked traits crasis

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Mental attitude
mind-set perspective view attitudes position stance air approach belief character demeanour disposition headset inclination mood opinion outlook philosophy sentiment stand standing standpoint temperament mental attitude mental outlook mental state world view frame of mind point of view way of thinking viewpoint attitude slant mindset thinking perception persuasion judgment judgement thought predisposition bias vein ideas conviction eye leaning convictions turn of mind partiality sensibility prejudice thoughts mind orientation bent predilection angle impression evaluation assessment estimation take interpretation consideration vantage point way of looking feeling vision conception eye view notion reading shoes aspect posture side idea direction frame of reference feelings sentiments school of thought verdict understanding reaction twist policy theory line two cents' worth determination conjecture beliefs awareness observation hypothesis views conclusion proclivity thesis speculation contemplation assumption light supposition estimate reflection surmise appraisal say-so mentality contention suspicion where one is at frontage context setting apprehension grasp variation exposure assimilation location situation analysis comprehension discernment way concept elucidation deduction prospect colour representation color inference guess call presumption postulate fancy vantage presupposition theorem way of looking at things two cents worth considered opinion way of looking at it facet sight deportment hand insight manner world-view spin explanation picture account tune pose treatment alteration fashion construal impulse emotion framework version examination clarification regard POV firm stand paradigm declaration say vantage ground liking scene bearing respect ground emphasis input comment will look translation grip glimpse emotional state gut reaction optique scope complexion hue guise appearance hunch proposition resolution vent wish vote desire option broad view overview value judgment Anschauung premise where one stands point of vantage say so preference decision suffrage part riff long view postulation participation choice voice diagnosis point of observation psychology ethos psyche mode of view private opinion reasoning reflections from the perspective of proposal argument vox populi personal approach right of speech right of free speech rationale stab guesswork presentiment supposal provision tendency way of looking at something imagining medicine behaviorism therapy conclusions propensity penchant think creed faith inclining doctrine opinions viewpoints mental processes mental make-up science of the mind personality study where head is at psych what makes someone tick denomination credo reason deliberation musing rationalization rationalisation cerebration study introspection cogitation meditation logic line of thought rumination ideation cognition ism method style points of view behaviourism school stamp accepted wisdom way of life

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Distinguishing characteristics
things characteristics aspects attributes details factors features traits facets points qualities bents calibre conditions demeanour dispositions distinction essence virtues caliber form marks particularities parts peculiarities properties quirks slants streaks strong points temperament tendencies trademarks frills stripes tinges twists determinants components elements reasons consideration constituents bases pieces dynamics influences ingredients issues causes particulars circumstances items fundamentals instruments instrumentalities subcomponents building blocks essences means antecedents members strands property stamps character quality particularity hallmarks affection markers note touch fingerprints differentiae attribution diagnostics criteria specifics signs virtue idiosyncrasies indications badges specialties specialities symbols earmarks tokens individuality singularity detail casts oddities ways nature indicators complexions symptoms evidence emblems savours manners sides habits savors identification labels lineaments manifestation uniqueness proof niceties mannerism penchant differentials tones endowments customs foibles frames tags temper styles brands flavour eccentricity makes moods faculties makeup flavor distinctiveness individualism personality signatures pledges constitutions notability kinds air highlights clues dimensions angles value merits ability power strain edges birthmarks denominators abnormality tricks signals prodromes testimony status symbols addition incidentals accessories subtlety finishes respect material articles marking themes integrants gimmicks gags originality essentials inclination proclivities turns bags bearings thumbprints crosses sorts geniuses grace affirmation charm predication parameters description tenors spirits crases mentalities personas feels clay identities mettle humour moulds sets psyches veins feelings estimations ambiences mold mystique psychology shapes auras humor sense complexes make-up appearance selfhood grain frames of mind ethe keys kidneys omens demonstrations indicias presages expressions representation gestures warrants attestation recognition security reputations odor standing odours hints eminence repute prestige

Trái nghĩa của appropriate demeanor

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