Đồng nghĩa của archontes

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Plural for a person who manages an organization, project or people
directors administrators managers supervisors superintendents executives execs administrants chiefs bosses leaders head controllers officers overseers governors organisers organizers gaffers honchos foremen chairpersons officials baases managing directors principal head honchos zookeepers presidents bigwigs big wheels inspectors conductors top dogs chairwomen numero unos Mister Bigs straw bosses chairmen CEOs custodians premiers skippers employers proprietors forepersons producers commanders chairs kingpins MDs comptrollers superiors slave drivers super chief executives curators gangers brass hats stewards caretakers players helmers executive officers big cheeses sitters examiners forewomen line managers handlers high muckamucks entrepreneurs hierarchies sachems big kahunas businesspersons VIPs padrones tycoons higher-ups cos suits brass industrialists chief executive officers fat cats heavyweights prezzes captains ministers consuls Presidents ambassadors bureaucrats agents deans mandarins front offices functionaries authority judges admin commissioners mayors masters chieftains rulers big guns taskmasters representatives headmen magistrates big shots public servants civil servants helmsmen jefes dignitaries keepers wardens owners lords officeholders monarchs office-bearers manageresses jacks-in-office apparatchiks guardians elders moderators promoters financiers sovereigns impresarios wheels dominators chancellors watchmen appointees top brass provosts number ones government officials seniors businesswomen businessmen spokespersons ringleaders arbitrators prolocutors speakers presiders janitors magnates attendants doyens conservators chamberlains patriarchs warders Justices of the Peace overmen supremos lords and masters speculators top bananas dealers servants traders movers and shakers taskmistresses kahunas chargehands gurus team leaders tsars capitalists czars big noises patrons watchdogs suzerains princes pit bosses commanding officers justice groundskeepers kings marshals commandants moguls grieves JPs contractors bailiffs diplomats introducers monitors conveners intermediaries brokers betters headliners doyennes accountants planners ariki dictators top cats maistry pushers ramrods indunas bossmen panjandrums treasurers secretaries incumbents tops board members checkers drivers trainers pedagogues overlords pedagogs lieges matriarchs archivists groundsmen people outfits management meal tickets slavedrivers juice establishment corporations jailers gaolers preposituses employees lackeys minion dogsbodies seneschals intendants regulators chiefs of state viceroys guv proconsuls venture capitalists partners arrangers fixers operators advisers coordinators bodyguards gamekeepers doormen deacons watchkeepers porters concierges overlings point persons skips Mr Bigs masterminds high priests high priestesses commanders in chief kingfishes dons symposiarchs ecclesiastics professors guides legislators lead pilots elder statesmen tacks courtiers wealthy people millionaires plutocrats big enchiladas squillionaires grandees nabobs zillionaires magnificos investors merchant princes captains of industry barons billionaires potentates multimillionaires lions toastmasters fathers of the chapel spokesmen MCs masters of ceremonies shop stewards rectors land agents headteachers protectors head teachers reeves headmasters clerks factors subordinates delegates emissaries legates assistants prime ministers plenipotentiaries underlings lieutenants envoys aides liaisons enterprisers backers middlemen hustlers undertakers go-getters wheeler-dealers founders merchants guv'nor princesses counselors mentors counsellors mistresses big names figureheads emperors big hitters torchbearers queens politicians pencil-pushers stabilizers mediators pacifiers alleviators arbiters stabilisers go-betweens mitigators soothers referees facilitators peacemakers

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