Đồng nghĩa của awfully hot

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Significantly high in temperature
searing scorching boiling burning heated roasting scalding steaming fiery piping red-hot sizzling ardent blistering broiling fervent fervid flaming red torrid aboil piping hot white-hot blazing boiling hot calescent decalescent igneous incandescent ovenlike recalescent smoking superheated thermogenic ultrahot white on fire like an oven sweltering sultry baking tropical parching glowing warm fevered febrile feverish baking hot withering scorched sweltry blazing hot tropic intense extremely hot ablaze like a furnace vehement violent parched very hot toasted close stuffy feverous humid summery passionate kindled very warm stifling conflagrant raging enflamed afire aflame ignited oppressive lighted emotional alight furious fierce impassioned hot-blooded passional charged religious demonstrative perfervid warm-blooded unbearably hot like a blowtorch burnt fired baked burned broiled warmed cooked fried burning hot smouldering dry hot and humid arid aglow suffocating barren spirited impetuous lively waterless desert dried earnest red hot live smoldering simmering burning up red-blooded tempestuous enthusiastic rash inflamed combusting lit excitable vivacious angry frenzied flushed flashing gleaming overheated flickering empyreal agitable turbulent flaring unrestrained acute ferocious aroused vivid incensed scintillating strong extreme fiery hot explosive dreadful heavy heavy-duty intensive terrible excruciating vicious exquisite fearsome profound keen deep hellacious almighty hard ghastly fearful frightful stormy in flames very great blistery very angry reheated made warm made hot warmed up

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Spicy to taste
peppery spicy piquant pungent sharp spiced strong acrid aromatic biting fiery highly seasoned racy tangy zestful zesty tart poignant acerb sour bitter vinegary acid savoury stinging stinking overpowering acidic seasoned zingy tasty savory sharp-tasting salty flavoursome snappy appetizing flavorful flavorsome harsh appetising rich pert odoriferous flavourful flavorous sapid nippy fresh zippy sweet gingery peppered sharp-flavoured stiff effluvial briny rotten distasteful highly-seasoned unsavory unpalatable brusque well-flavored severe critical unsavoury yukky yucky with a kick burning acidulous acetic acerbic acidy industrial-strength acetous effluvious nosey whiffy suffocating odorous active astringent strong-smelling austere highly flavoured picante perfumed aromal ambrosial scented herbaceous curried fragrant redolent red hot well seasoned strongly flavoured delicious delectable palatable acidulated unsweetened toothsome mouthwatering luscious scrumptious dainty sourish tartish unpleasant succulent vinegarish delish yummy tasteful smarting toothy lush savorous exquisite full-flavored lemony citrus amaroidal lively colourful witty highly-flavoured highly flavored strong-flavored humorous vigorous spirited sparkling caustic soured acetose green dry keen punchy full-flavoured colorful moreish good scrummy pervasive stifling powerful penetrating yummo choice nummy nectareous ambrosian gorgeous nectarean offensive nauseating irritating sickly nauseous inviting peng heavenly delightful magnificent fetid cloying mephitic finger-licking mouth-watering yum-yum lip-smacking wholesome respectable salt acceptable mellow relishing decent aperitive tempting perfumatory scentful balmy foetid perfumy sweet-smelling olfactory flowery odoriferant olfactive honeyed heady scent-laden sweet-scented

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Involving much activity, debate, or interest
fierce passionate intense stormy violent animated heated ardent furious lively ferocious fervent impassioned spirited explosive fervid fiery rabid raging tempestuous acrimonious excited feverish rough tumultuous turbulent convulsive cyclonic impetuous inflamed irascible paroxysmal passional savage touchy vehement volcanic aroused bad-tempered bang-bang blood-and-guts distracted emotional excitable hammer and tongs ill-tempered knock-down-and-drag-out temperamental wild frenzied volatile cataclysmal cataclysmic agitated boisterous unrestrained frenetic frantic forceful blustery uncontrollable flaming angry extreme uncontrolled squally ungovernable roaring windy howling rampant mad delirious hysterical unbridled confused excessive blustering heavy concentrated vicious disturbed riotous harsh storming unmanageable potent exciting unpredictable involuntary spasmodic ebullient bursting roller-coaster hectic chaotic aggressive at the boiling point brutal in turmoil foul gusting gusty full of upheavals bloodthirsty dirty nasty filthy full of ups and downs maniacal headstrong hotheaded rampageous intensified full-blooded drag-out knock-down boiling foaming choppy storm-tossed bumpy roily seething unsettled unstable disordered strong weltering powerful ruffled moiling noisy destructive restless coarse stormful tremulous thunderous bitter rebellious swirling great stirred up resounding inordinate profound acute consuming rampaging excruciating devastating intemperate dreadful blistering sharp uncurbed severe immoderate biting terrible exquisite unchecked fearsome unfettered keen deep almighty emphatic ghastly fearful frightful overwhelming desperate enraged urgent energetic ruinous intensive forcible strenuous vigorous agonizing hellacious hard painful peppery agonising coercive dynamic outrageous out of control heavy-duty gale force full of force inclement breezy rugged blowy raucous thundery jarring threatening cacophonous tough bleak gruff menacing stridulent buffeting inharmonious mighty titanic stark powerhouse heaving grating discordant fresh roiled dangerous torrid rowdy draughty windswept trying hazardous typhonic stiff raw unmusical blusterous grim onerous rough-and-tumble blowing airy bracing burdensome drafty weighty dominant commanding puissant rainy wet risky exposed hoarse rasping husky dry ugly storm-wracked squallish flapping rocky well-ventilated troubled unpleasant disagreeable knockabout broken jerky jouncy ripply wavy full of conflict rolly crushing screeching piercing maddening blaring shrill full of waves annoying high vexatious irritating overpowering squawky strident squawking herky-jerky dissonant ear-piercing wuthering drastic tiring exacting brisk unmelodious active eventful arduous demanding challenging oppressive dark cruel laborious exhausting telling elemental punchy knockout hefty tremendous gutsy grievous testing unsparing taxing flustering madhouse tireless full bustling foreboding ominous murderous full on unruly wearing imperious busy action-packed perilous parlous precarious eruptive overwrought searing forbidding crazed berserk inhuman hardhanded inflammatory unsafe distraught neurotic raving unrestrainable punishing manic gloomy sombre murky malevolent sinister inauspicious baleful morbid somber unforgiving potentially violent fraught with danger high-risk unhinged deranged beside oneself maniac distrait swivel-eyed berko irrepressible worked up in a state carried away maddened driven to distraction incensed fuming crazy very upset unnerved possessed out of one's wits panic-stricken in a panic in a frenzy beside yourself overexcited nervous blazing in a fit hyper hysteric

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Filled with passionate excitement, anger, or other strong emotion
angry fuming furious indignant enraged inflamed infuriated wrathful angered apoplectic ballistic boiling choleric enflamed fiery foaming hopping horn-mad incensed infuriate irate ireful livid mad outraged rabid raging rankled riled riley roiled seething shirty sore steaming ticked wroth cheesed off steamed up teed off hopping mad hot under the collar fit to be tied in a huff bent out of shape going crook in a fume in a pet blue in the face irritated cross tooshie annoyed up in arms exasperated incandescent foaming at the mouth choked vexed beside oneself piqued in high dudgeon frenzied provoked on the warpath wild beside yourself upset off the air raving steamed ranting aerated irked in a temper browned off in a frenzy miffed resentful nettled aggrieved seeing red ticked off peeved aggravated displeased maddened very angry heated frantic put out with all guns blazing as cross as two sticks offended infected ropeable red swollen hacked crook soreheaded festering frustrated snaky waxy spare hacked off peed off in a lather in a paddy bummed out in a bate septic disgruntled dissatisfied affronted hurt acrimonious pained narked huffy bugged irascible antagonized roused splenetic desperate insane corybantic demented crazed maniac irrational bent unreasonable smoking stroppy perturbed scandalized antagonistic hostile not best pleased burned up scandalised shocked storming ill-humored dark passionate antagonised pushed too far worked up in a rage bad-tempered in a towering rage at boiling point hot-tempered fed up raging mad all steamed up overcome with anger ill-tempered blown a gasket wound up boiling mad in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage ill-humoured sombre sullen somber scalding steamy piping air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air airborne raw reddened chafing bitter rousted rancorous bothered raving mad festered itchy angry-looking painful itching smarting tender stinging burning black flaming blazing agitated berserk vex galled dogged uptight buffaloed stung ruffled embittered as black as thunder puffed up fevered sensitive full-on all-out uncompromising breakneck energetic concerted manic rubbed the wrong way at end of one's rope hot and bothered eggy grieved up the wall extremely angry scalded blistered burnt chafed bloodshot hoha out of control flaming mad blazing mad very upset in a wax acrid afflicted weighty grieving brassed off hard annoying distressing troubled violent vehement fierce vicious frenetic rage poisoned putrefying suppurating putrid putrefactive diseased purulent pus-filled toxic discontented distressed gangrenous unhappy disturbed chagrined scornful p.o.'d miffy testy snuffy irritable ratty in a bad mood sulky spiteful crabby wounded insulted grumpy petulant scunnered peevish sour surly impatient grouchy snappy touchy wrath short-tempered malcontent hateful flustered churlish harassed cranky tetchy prickly out of humour quick-tempered out of sorts injured grudging disgusted fractious querulous nasty snappish crabbed fretful crotchety cynical waspish chippy perverse venomous snarky pettish snippy snippety liverish stuffy filthy raspy out of humor at daggers drawn needled disaffected rattled worried slighted anguished disagreeable cantankerous malignant vitriolic discontent disappointed unforgiving huffish harried malicious critical morose captious dyspeptic acid mean narky vindictive crusty grousing out of temper griping dirty unglued short ill-disposed gnashing one's teeth mardy caviling cavilling hard done by thin-skinned ill-natured with a chip on your shoulder pink unimpressed goaded excited burning with excitement anxious het up reproachful confused fretted hassled snubbed salty tormented snitty bloody dishonored humiliated perplexed cray-cray umbrageous dishonoured wronged wry revengeful harmed out of countenance ill-used woeful saddened malcontented crabbing bellyaching uncontent kvetching kicking ungratified contemptuous disdainful butthurt begrudging malevolent persecuted oppressed victimised depressed victimized bad tempered out of joint red-rimmed vengeful pernicious jaundiced severe disillusioned sardonic irreconcilable caustic alienated soured baleful virulent gory exacerbated estranged jumpy faultfinding malign catty maleficent malefic with chip on shoulder grudge-bearing antipathetic poisonous bloodstained ensanguined full of hate nursing a grudge tense implacable begruding evil-intentioned temperamental feisty bristly glum curt moody unsociable argumentative gruff volatile whingy shrewish brusque misanthropic hotheaded pouty oversensitive ornery obstinate quarrelsome difficult bilious contentious truculent harsh pertinacious uncooperative snarling contrary peckish whiny peppery hypercritical whining miserable grumbling curmudgeonly crybaby ungracious gloomy iracund tough brooding iracundulous edgy bearish pouting fussy disputatious scratchy waspy trying having got out of bed on the wrong side dour nasty-tempered mumpish growling tart sharp in a mood sorehead saturnine blunt cussed fault-finding on edge cross-grained carping awkward like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse complaining fretting vinegary whingeing childish foul-tempered out-of-sorts hasty hot-blooded ugly having got out of bed the wrong side obstreperous short-fused chuffy easily offended

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Showing a keen desire or enthusiasm
desirous enthusiastic excited crazy eager enthused nuts wild anxious impatient keen pumped agog antsy ardent avid hungry raring voracious athirst geeked greedy gung ho hepped up hopped-up juiced solicitous stoked thirsty great longing yearning champing at the bit craving passionate itching zealous dying hankering chomping at the bit pining desiring appetent intent fervent ready willing psyched aching gagging breathless ready and willing rarin' to go restless animated keen as mustard ambitious fanatical vehement covetous wishful thirsting fervid dying to hot to trot keyed up psyched up fired up wishing raring to go interested dedicated lively wholehearted energetic spirited thrilled acquisitive inspired stirred aroused earnest moved stimulated itchy as keen as mustard desirous of feverish worked up on fire exhilarated vivacious bursting mad heated devoted insatiable potty restive intense self-starting hopeful daft game grasping ravenous inclined intent on expectant rapacious mad keen charged high itching for on tenterhooks delighted dying for hankering after juiced up cranked up in a hurry pumped up beside oneself awakened geared up waiting with bated breath approving warmblooded obsessed desperate touched electrified elated atingle avaricious enamoured edgy lusting curious impetuous restored refreshed revitalized enthralled burning very keen chafing straining gotta have revitalised hoping straining at the leash amenable prepared impassioned nutty disposed bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless full of enthusiasm enamored up dotty enamoured of nutso hot for smitten with infatuated with devoted to all agog all a-gog ripe consumed with desire set exuberant sprightly longing for hoping for wanting in suspense chafing at the bit fain determined set on bent on frantic raving frenzied uproarious hysterical delirious partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust keen on minded in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on ebullient pleased untrammeled tumultuous untrammelled unrestrained anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for on pins and needles on the edge of your seat animate committed favourably inclined aggressive proactive bullish banzai in a frenzy very excited jumping up and down up for in the mood on for of a mind bright-eyed and bushy-tailed pysched up ready for willing for avid for driven titillated motivated gone on aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring lustful keen for hopeful for envious take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic high-spirited thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for predatious gluttonous edacious hoggish ravening piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish esurient unfilled insatiate turned on aspiring to with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of in want of active perky peppy bright full of beans gay sparky zippy frisky vital brisk buoyant bouncing happy vigorous jaunty zestful airy mettlesome snappy pizazzy pizzazzy springy kinetic jazzy pert spanking racy playful chipper dynamic alert upbeat sparkling chirpy bouncy jolly sportive cheerful joyful cheery diligent glad sunny hearty aflame fiery blithe frolicsome zesty spry full of vim and vigour full of life unquenchable rhapsodic jovial unappeasable encouraged roused prodigious joyous passional warm perfervid merry engaged uncontrollable assiduous hung up wolfish energized effervescent afire bubbly confident piggy gutsy gannet-like forceful carefree vibrant blithesome scintillating exciting inspirited gladsome activated breezy winsome lightsome gamesome frolic crank light-hearted eupeptic canty energised peart zingy lighthearted happy-go-lucky brash jumping swinging in good spirits needing aspirant wannabe would-be diehard habitual galvanized for ok with sympathetic longful daydreaming influenced uplifted lacking rabid unreluctant full of vim and vigor full of pep galvanised spoiling supportive urgently requiring stirred up agile nimble inquisitive fascinated quenchless wacky concerned tantalized industrious unqualified atremble aquiver mirthful self-driven tantalised bugged conscientious gaga sparkly zappy turnt red-hot festive crying out in great need of gleeful debonair wick entertaining dramatic positive unslakable inextinguishable inappeasable excitable enlivened overjoyed euphoric enraptured ecstatic insouciant frivolous full of energy fairylike as merry as a grig as lively as a grig dashing light hyper grooving spoiling for in urgent need up for it convivial cheering devil-may-care rollicking jocose fun-loving pleasure-seeking unconcerned slaphappy laughing rakish jocund jocular exultant sexy stimulating importunate clamorous urgent demanding insistent crying pressing unsatisfiable exigent limitless ludic waggish elevated giddy piqued tickled tickled pink on cloud nine intoxicated forward in high spirits as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy on top of the world pushy self-assertive presuming never satisfied exhilarating heady uncontrolled in favor in favour omnivorous alive blissful jubilant good-humored good-humoured reinvigorated invigorated strong distinctive piquant rich poignant tart sharp peppery clever tasty tangy pungent witty gingery forcible compulsive unable to be satisfied anticipatory go-getting revivified rejuvenated renewed rested cock-a-hoop devouring waiting expecting revived vitalized reenergized relaxed empty gorging starving starved dog-hungry gross sating awaiting anticipating agape anticipant like a new person like new untired rehabilitated reanimated unwearied fresh bright-eyed strengthened tireless unfatigued bushy-tailed fresh as a daisy fortified perked up like a new man indefatigable pepped up freshened quickened watchful apprehensive very hungry starved to death looking for waiting on on edge with bated breath anticipative vigilant bubbling irrepressible vivid lusty rocking full of fun full of the joys of spring bright and breezy

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Currently popular, fashionable, or in demand
popular cool fashionable sought-after big hip in crowd-pleasing dope fab faddish faddy favourite favorite groovy happening in demand modish must-see neat nifty now pop popularised popularized red-hot trendy vogue voguish culty in favor in favour approved favoured favored glorious in fashion latest super well liked well loved all the rage du jour in vogue the new all the go chic stylish large fly smart with it modern trendsetting current contemporary up-to-the-minute a la mode in style mod up to the minute chichi sharp swanky new swank natty au courant upscale well-liked newfangled in-thing tony swinging fresh up to date exclusive swish swell supercool in thing dashing prevailing usual rakish genteel kicking wanted a go-go snappy kicky customary snazzy latest thing spiffy sassy de rigueur funky posh elegant up-to-date liked designer last word celebrated desirable trig with-it bang up to date on fleek classy prevalent preferred def hep downtown turned-on desired marketable schmick good appealing likeable prominent high-class high-toned glamorous saleable massive styleworthy welcome commercial likable sophisticated merchantable swagger down coveted vendible salable state-of-the-art requested le dernier cri merchandisable well received sought after to die for well-heeled expensive dressy dapper sexy flippant newest youthful party young smartest nice finest formal Sunday nicest passing on trend flash rage exciting avant-garde cutting-edge legendary well-known admired notable renowned accepted plugged-in bang up-to-date leading edge in the mainstream commercially successful successful widespread à la mode acceptable awake savvy knowledgeable perceptive familiar versed observant knowing alive informed apprehensive conscious aware on to plugged in turned on tuned in up on in on switched on hep to wise to hip to attractive leading lovable beloved notorious sought agreeable enviable covetable valuable pleasant pleasing trending fave famous in the know excellent eligible wantable looked-for longed-for sellable required mass-market corporate like gold dust at a premium in great demand fit trafficable bankable selling profitable for sale sound cosmopolitan gnarly ultra-modern ritzy impressive big thing debonair flashy fancy fine polished fad chi-chi craze bling fancy-pants latest fad dernier cri new look latest fashion latest wrinkle beautiful urbane sleek jazzy ostentatious pretentious steezy slick modernistic dap tasteful showy uptown in with it well turned-out dressed to the teeth dressed to kill on the cutting edge in the latest style

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Having a high quality of its kind
excellent awesome top elite fine quality consummate fantastic great notable peerless premier prime prominent superb terrific blue-ribbon commanding eminent famous frontline gilt-edged grand high-class leading primo prizewinning sensational stellar supreme topflight unsurpassed first-class first-rate five-star slick top-class top-grade top-notch top-quality top-tier A-list par excellence wonderful marvellous splendid fabulous divine choice marvelous cool fab fantabulous sterling neat superior cracking swell heavenly groovy radical dandy nifty peachy superlative mean classic immense dynamite lovely crackerjack phat dope beautiful righteous corking supernal topping tip-top noble capital keen banner bumper top-of-the-line out-of-sight gangbusters boss gangbuster bang-up jim-dandy top-shelf prize A-OK blue-chip wizard bonny bully gilt-edge first-string peachy keen boffo brag number one numero uno down bonnie hype brave four-star gone out of this world super outstanding magnificent brilliant exceptional smashing wicked exquisite glorious perfect tremendous ace too much select sublime brill supercalifragilisticexpialidocious champion best very good rad impressive world-class schmick admirable top-hole remarkable beaut striking good mega matchless ripping high-quality topnotch bosting on fleek magic spiffing sik high-grade extraordinary tiptop bodacious accomplished amazing premium A-1 of the first water worthy rare stunning mind-blowing greatest highest unrivaled incomparable top-drawer pre-eminent dazzling spectacular bonzer exo of high quality unrivalled belting delightful chillin' phenomenal flawless incredible unreal stupendous finest class unparalleled preeminent deluxe sovereign dreamy applaudable of the highest quality of the highest standard pearler crack barrie crucial amazeballs def enjoyable elegant exclusive outrageous nice transcendent unique exemplary formidable awesomesauce gorgeous sound splendiferous winning top-level fly bosker breathtaking dominant chic valuable fancy too good to be true grade A of the first order special desirable invaluable attractive pleasurable ideal vintage bad memorable fantastical faultless distinguished unequalled lofty solid unequaled unmatched optimum spanking optimal A1 singular way-out hunky-dory solid gold the dog's bollocks beyond compare far out top of the line top of the range highest quality very best of the highest order illustrious state-of-the-art entrancing plush enchanting legit certified skilful skillful praiseworthy radiant laudable pleasant commendable mint noted high meritorious priceless estimable agreeable satisfying rewarding colossal standout prodigious masterly first pleasing delectable unexcelled heavy top-of-the-range scrumptious surpassing far-out cream star precious renowned lead inspired flagship unbeatable unusual quintessential uppermost tops marvy untouchable model fabby effusive goodly beezer extreme excessive top quality high quality exalted uncommon inflated lank exaggerated kif worthiest noteworthy in a class all by itself super-duper second to none without equal top-flight the best above and beyond of highest order award-winning majestic luxury key sharp quick reliable bestselling bewitching captivating charming agile deft clever smart unforgettable arresting celebrated refined enviable blissful virtuoso masterful fashionable unorthodox deep wild sophisticated polished idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious stylish spruce posh ritzy mighty peak advanced crowning creditable foxy juicy rocking cardinal paramount tough world main chief hand-picked elect upmarket classy upscale distinctive choicest selected paragon luxurious baller crash hot dainty really nice ka pai gnarly really good grade-A elevated august splendorous favored 10 popular preferred preferential banging best ever like wow out of sight cat's meow sup rior all very well well and good proud not too shabby of a high standard moving eloquent surprising agitating most unbelievable five star of the highest type highest-quality top grade best-quality prize-winning the very best a standout ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly handpicked plum favorite better improved enhanced with it pretty cool virtuous top drawer nang No. 1 superfine better than usual first class of the best quality better than average favoured favourite cherry-picked astonishing zero cool carefully chosen first-line 24-karat immaculate impeccable untainted unmarred pure stainless spotless indefectible unblemished culminating prized primary unspoilt interesting significant important indispensable inestimable absolute respected profitable treasured valued noticeable conspicuous hot property observable mentionable different citable namable nameable up to par up to standard up to snuff up to scratch worthy of note of particular interest worth mentioning worthy of mention meaningful serious utmost murder splash underlined stand-out patent manifest evident worth taking a look at something else red-letter out of the ordinary major-league high-profile of note the end pick fat imposing foremost expert dignified signal adept honorable honourable major unprecedented stately especial gifted regal able principal inimitable powerful skilled royal extraordinaire talented lordly imperial predominant educated influential proficient master particular exceeding aristocratic central competent high-ranking prestigious magnific privileged honoured mind-boggling awe-inspiring honored intellectual dexterous practised marked grandiose higher versed epic experienced magical anomalous ultimate practiced delicate baronial wondrous seminal rich gallant complete essential veteran esteemed monumental well-known professed heroic venerable towering authoritative unsurpassable compleat greater big reputable dextrous upper-class Homeric highly regarded high profile high-level high-powered bigger advantageous abnormal peculiar intelligent astounding odd genteel proper respectable resplendent prevailing head atypical aberrated freak unwonted aberrant uncustomary kingly integral unexampled miraculous tasty famed recognized classical extravagant heroical preternatural massive learned larger arch- trusted iconic high-up senior top-ranking puissant resonant well known high-end grander out-of-this-world unimaginable recognised top-end more formal topmost decorous brainy largest genius bright VIP high-minded palatial astute staggering happy finished unaccountable inexplicable consequential trained strange favourable princely capable creative acute irreproachable pivotal preponderant red-carpet polite artful workmanlike bravura knowledgeable scholarly imperious to die for core fundamental eventful patrician portentous gentle precocious arch revered uplifting penetrating inventive profound erudite discerning cerebral perspicacious titled well-connected notorious win-win fabled archetypal refreshing eye-popping eye-opening highborn costly dear pricey expensive acclaimed rational fast alert knowing of influence historical alpha all-important potent magisterial world class industry leading unconventional highbred wellborn unusually good pompous Einstein sharp-witted spendy big-ticket well born eggheaded silk-stocking favorable supersmart very intelligent ultraexpensive well versed nonpareil whip nimble one in a million hyperintelligent quick-witted major league whiz kid supermundane blue-blooded whip-smart big-time ultrasmart upper-crust pricy high-born in a league of their own big league far-reaching high-ticket piked professional best in class definitive loftier unimpeachable efficient seasoned controlling blameless sumptuous amiable high-test eclectic critical oratorical upper cogent successful deciding lavish virtuosic paradisiacal paradisiac pro tophole apex coruscating utopian opulent hotshot golden demon delicious deadly beyond words beyond description pretentious number-one biggest marquee supereminent considerable vital well trained strong a million dollars like a million dollars a dab hand at habile tip top outshining extremely good eximious A-number-1 mostest hundred-proof worthwhile well-favored very agreeable very pleasant very nice awful providential a cut above the rest best possible elder exciting fascinating thrilling meritable dream pretty bulkier longer weightier deserving supernatural shipshape intrinsic requisite novel typical prototypical enthralling material focal enormous huge vast copacetic hunky dory worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas glittering magnolious cordon bleu freakish the utmost wonderworking numinous supranatural monstrous stupefying unheard of exhilarating theatrical unearthly one-off irreplaceable splendacious swanky high-priority of high standing heavy-duty earnest big time big-league necessary needed skookum festive of mark of great consequence well thought of in the public eye public awe-striking heart-stopping jaw-dropping exacting momentous historic cultured no-expense-spared unparagoned sui generis one of a kind extra special A-grade mysterious whimsical cultivated courteous spesh paranormal unchallenged unassailable unattainable partisan unheard-of purpose-built new without precedent unrepeatable fresh one and only once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate unordinary in a class by itself newfangled dominating celebratory solemn staid well-bred well-born traditional magnanimous transcendental astral fortunate unthinkable self-important lucky overblown immodest blessed streets ahead highest-ranking excelling preferable reserved courtly ceremonious partial ripe mature overbearing primal first rate admired of the first rank prior legendary triumphal idealistic redoubtable highly rated gentlemanlike blue upper crust Brahmin silver-spoon gentlemanly knightly civil born with a silver spoon in your mouth ladylike queenly ennobled aristocratical weird metaphysical irregular mystical otherworldly uncanny supernormal unworldly other-worldly ambitious covetable grandiloquent higher up high up sedate upright haughty correct decent conventional cooler unnatural highbrow gracious portly composed recherche presentable untypical ghostly occult deviant unrepresentative deviative bizarre very fine of moment sombre somber couth distingué highfalutin' starchy grave right accepted desired sought-after biased discriminatory self-respecting just so welcome tempting exciting envy pukka much to be desired worth having comme il faut well-respected well-placed noble-born luminous of noble birth of gentle birth more desirable most valuable most precious most successful most important most desirable

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Having a strong primal desire
concupiscent lascivious libidinous lustful passionate excited horny randy aroused lecherous licentious lubricious lubricous wanton carnal goatish hypersexual itchy prurient satyric salacious lewd sensual sexy erotic amorous steamy raunchy lickerish unchaste dissolute ardent debauched libertine impure degenerate dissipated sexual depraved torrid dirty loose hot-blooded voluptuous desirous impassioned naughty loving immoral promiscuous amatory coarse sizzling indecent aphrodisiac sinful aphrodisiacal fast intemperate fleshly stimulated corrupt filthy ribald epicurean red-hot romantic lusty turned on abandoned decadent wicked erogenous turned-on ruttish erotogenic perverted smutty crude incontinent arousing pervy amative provocative sensuous vulgar toey disorderly hot and heavy sultry immodest profligate wolfish obscene gross hedonistic animal frisky titillated hircine unvirtuous sensualistic enamoured lovesick venereal blue squirrelly bawdy reprobate sentimental heavy stimulating lovey-dovey smoochy spoony kissy hot to trot unprincipled of easy virtue venereous sportive enamored infatuated hedonic voluptuary sexed up X-rated sexually arousing rude uninhibited zipless sex-hungry disgusting bestial suggestive sexually excited orgiastic low-down red-blooded warm-blooded love intimate warm wistful scorching hankering seductive craving uncontrollable unblushing rakish itching obsessive enthusiastic avid rousing uncontrolled wild racy explicit uncurbed trashy profane stag porny foul pornographic whorish gutter nasty unprintable bodily physical illicit adulterous spicy impious shameless disreputable unconstrained swinging amoral unruly unmoral lax relaxed scabrous off-color raw kinky Rabelaisian fervid purple wayward unscrupulous inflamed foxy mushy icky corny colourful lovesome maudlin colorful sloppy desiring earthy anacreontic locker-room sexually exciting sexually stimulating in the fast lane fast and loose sexually aroused sybaritic luscious lush luxurious in heat hard up on fire toey as a Roman sandal hot and bothered appetitive unspiritual Dionysiac animalistic moving corporeal stirring exciting rough tactile delightful physically gratifying sharpened pleasing sensory fond doting affectionate tender pleasure-seeking goo-goo erotical in love attached sweet on boy crazy girl crazy sweet for lovey dovey have a crush on

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Tending to provoke a strong primal desire
racy lewd salacious carnal erotic prurient sensual lascivious licentious lustful indecent obscene dirty lecherous smutty raunchy vulgar libidinous bawdy crude pornographic lubricious degenerate concupiscent depraved suggestive unchaste debauched dissolute horny offensive titillating dissipated unwholesome immodest steamy libertine sexual desirous fleshly voyeuristic hankering unhealthy longing itching orgiastic X-rated coarse filthy gross profane foul impure nasty blue improper ribald shameless scatological wanton scatologic vile indelicate unclean scurrilous shocking disgusting loose scabrous indecorous rude porno rank raw barnyard trashy gutter explicit porny unprintable sickening stag risqué off colour locker-room immoral repugnant loathsome evil wicked noisome impolite adult inappropriate uncouth horrible hideous atrocious crass abusive blasphemous naughty off-colour low sleazy foul-mouthed page-three unseemly unbecoming unfitting tasteless uncultured bad-mannered uncivil unsavoury insulting discourteous brash lowbrow unmannerly tactless base undignified unladylike indiscreet ungentlemanly bad uncivilised off-color affronting tawdry unsavory inelegant boorish unrefined ill-mannered degrading unutterable colloquial vituperative unpolished unsettling sordid derisive vilifying rough uncivilized churlish ungracious loutish untoward distasteful forward bold outrageous scandalous sexy goatish amoral cheeky brazen fresh sick saucy porn fruity Fescennine Cyprian ithyphallic excessive out of keeping near the knuckle beyond the pale

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Stolen or otherwise illegally obtained
stolen illicit smuggled bootleg dodgy contraband illegal unlawful bent knockoff shonky illegally obtained under the counter prohibited banned forbidden interdicted proscribed black-market unauthorized verboten taboo unauthorised criminal illegitimate felonious unlicensed unofficial barred actionable lawless wrongful outlawed unwarranted unconstitutional crooked shady wildcat unwarrantable heavy prosecutable irregular racket extralegal violating not approved not legal sub rosa outside the law under the table lawbreaking unsanctioned under-the-counter malfeasant under-the-table off limits against the law non licet not allowed bogus not permitted bootlegged impermissible tabu excluded disapproved shut out dishonest corrupt villainous immoral evil indictable improper wicked wrong dirty nefarious dishonourable culpable dishonorable sinful bad iniquitous unethical vile vicious black dark unrighteous out of bounds rotten restricted base fraudulent reprehensible unscrupulous unprincipled haram depraved delinquent unsavory flagitious unfair miscreant disallowed unsavoury unjust vetoed no-no despicable not cricket foul tapu adulterous ruled out dissolute reprobate barbarous guilty underhand no go blameworthy not acceptable out of line transgressing unjustified punishable heinous hateful atrocious detestable abominable mean monstrous diabolical fiendish outrageous unacceptable odious contemptible shocking ungodly execrable horrible profane murderous diabolic sacrilegious unholy blasphemous degenerate off-limits sordid amoral offensive roguish scoundrelly low-down unapproved egregious warped stinking beastly rascally scandalous morally wrong uncertified unaccredited dastardly inappropriate pirated two-timing chargeable unconscionable devious unnecessary undeserved reserved clandestine refused furtive infamous undue indecorous cruel ignoble debased unbecoming against the rules disreputable uncalled for irreligious unseemly peccant impious indecent erring fallen impure off base godless low disgusting sullied tainted maleficent perverted unworthy shameful polygamous bigamous underhanded contrary to law peccable in violation of law undemocratic black-hearted out-of-bounds closed off undocumented penal inadmissible convictable off the record unclean debarred responsible condemned closed groundless inaccessible pirate secret out not sanctioned hooky treacherous plagiarised plagiarized over the line unmentionable controlled ignominious disgraceful notorious unreasonable indefensible uncharitable wretched undignified abject closed-up closed-down paperless triable litigable tortious not on cowardly abhorrent inequitable condemnable no-go unspeakable nasty risqué lamentable caitiff snide servile scurvy currish shabby degraded obscene inelegant menial paltry unprofessional unthinkable ineffable rude censored anathema unutterable impolite embargoed dissipated naughty smutty blamable salacious censurable profligate wanton debauched deceitful slippery irreverent frowned on back-door gray grey dangerous abandoned worthless off-color low-minded distasteful disapproved of deleterious injurious damaging devilish terrible baneful hurtful prejudicial harmful pernicious incorrigible nocuous adverse noxious mischievous baleful on the side cutthroat sneaky negligent heartless detrimental wayward ill beyond the pale shameless flimflam fishy Machiavellian cheating scam slick inhuman bad news closed down ruffianly blackguardly gangland underworld thievish dirty-dealing two-faced double-crossing fly-by-night informal disorderly loathsome deplorable unpleasant obnoxious undesirable knavish anarchic terrorist inapt unruly unfitting disruptive insurgent insurrectionary anarchical rebellious seditious mutinying insubordinate mutinous noncompliant revolting nonconformist sly savage anarchistic untimely inept uncivilised disobedient turbulent violent warlike contumacious criminogenic ungoverned unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized nihilistic disordered racketeering excessive recusant uncultivated infringing piratical traitorous unseasonable unapt unjustifiable smoking gun unmerited needless unneeded fulsome superfluous unsuitable sinister without law and order ill-advised non-essential not required uncalled-for ill-timed

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Involving modern or contemporary methods or concepts
new fresh recent contemporary current designer late latest mod modern modernistic newfangled new-fashioned present-day red-hot space-age state-of-the-art ultramodern up-to-date up-to-the-minute brand new new age just issued just out just released up to date up to the minute bang up to date hot off the press fashionable advanced trendy avant-garde modish progressive topical in vogue in voguish newest futuristic stylish high-tech trendsetting novel happening neoteric in fashion cutting-edge now au courant cool innovatory innovative ultra-modern with it latter-day a la mode leading-edge cutting edge today brand-new revolutionary hip popular leading edge hi-tech present extant chic radical all the rage trailblazing contemporaneous faddish forward-looking updated modern-day nouvelle hot off the fire pioneering contempo the latest instant flash existent newborn snazzy avant nifty immediate latter unique ongoing nontraditional present-time twenty-first-century modernised modernized of late leading hot off press newly discovered highly developed ground-breaking groundbreaking with-it recently developed in-thing never-before-seen hippest in style surrealistic gimmicky young smart hottest sexy popularized popularised high-end automated timely bleeding edge culty last-ditch high-style à la mode swinging du jour complex sophisticated 21st-century landmark breakthrough forward future natty ultra modern go-ahead twenty-first century ahead of its time kicking kicky quite recent tony fly spiffy sassy stylin' plugged-in relevant existing occurring recently appearing recently mystic occult balanced holistic planetary astrological supernaturalist alternative spiritual up abreast nowadays coeval started prompt being begun commenced already Age of Aquarius crystal healing at this moment for the time being just now even now in duration going on in process under consideration ad hoc forefront creative original innovational clever neat inspired groovy unexplored visionary artistic unprecedented imaginative out-of-the-box inventive strange ingenious unhackneyed experimental unheard-of unconventional unknown far out modernist different unexampled unaccustomed pathbreaking way out unfamiliar SOTA unusual unorthodox uncommon left-field singular untried originative prevailing disruptive off-centre out of the ordinary concurrent coincident in the news de nos jours rare untested surprising exotic offbeat atypical breaking new ground supermodern period synchronous coexistent concomitant prevalent simultaneous coexisting today's coincidental evolved developed higher coetaneous live alive burning coterminous improved artful last word newsworthy coextensive transformational in the mainstream on front burner technologically advanced zeitgeisty deviceful variational Promethean common knowledge twenty- first century synchronic refined inspiring special refreshing distinctive funky peculiar far cry seminal odd fundamental vital pressing important drastic high buzzworthy game-changing world-shattering up-and-coming later recognized set usual common nominal thematic subjective interesting immediately prior just completed just done immediately prior to just finished rampant ordinary pervasive established widespread accepted ubiquitous general far along well ahead far ahead well along universal avant garde recognised reigning unwonted in force out of the common this season's new-fangled more recent most recent

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Very knowledgeable or skillful
knowledgeable expert skilled acquainted brainy bright brilliant clever competent conscious educated experienced familiar intelligent proficient savvy sharp smart great slick stellar dynamite keen au courant au fait well informed well versed clued up genned up top-notch top-shelf skilful masterly adept skillful talented capable accomplished masterful gifted ace crack able adroit virtuoso dexterous deft polished dextrous good practiced consummate elite practised master mean top-hole trained efficient apt versed wizard hotshot handy crackerjack peerless first-rate top-drawer qualified effectual exceptional genius phenomenal extraordinary artful up to speed ingenious outstanding fine remarkable nifty schooled class tasty unrivaled marvellous veteran A1 marvelous unrivalled on the ball world-class shining at first-class class act learned perceptive quick forward mature precocious agile strong balanced effortless serviceable decent got it advanced for one's age out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years ahead of one's peers have the goods with it up to snuff kosher up to it well-versed happy pitch-perfect fit sure-handed all-round refined workmanlike all-around demon fitted taught first class well-rounded a hand at superb tutored seasoned best effective multiskilled practical multitalented splendid excellent formidable impressive fab smashing complete magic habile deadly compleat brill whiz smooth clean there a dab hand at nimble-fingered very good on the beam know one's stuff very able no dummy no slouch tip-top sharp as a tack specialist facile magnificent artistic professional endowed wicked cut out for having a knack for extraordinarily skilled highly trained well versed very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled big league highly qualified out of this world professed bravura delicate supreme pro old superlative superior vet dazzling versant cool well trained tuned in wised up exercised finished hardened long-serving leading topflight exquisite battle-scarred conversant suitable exceptionally good knowing the score methodic methodical systematic employable long-term quintessential exemplary ultimate perfect certified fluent virtuosic faultless handpicked deluxe choice capital preeminent transcendent ready switched-on well-informed hep hip drilled phenom dominant tested tried sussed supremely skilled equal time-served well up sufficient rounded instructed accustomed sport wonderful crisp up on the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in in the know know the ropes know the answers know one's business know ins and outs know the score all around established leet worldly-wise suited useful proper adequate adapted sophisticated worldly wise steady disciplined weathered long-time old-time inured like a pistol having the goods knowing the ropes old hand has what it takes like a one-man band equal to the task having the right stuff having know-how up there green thumb able to perform old-timer from way back knows one's stuff not born yesterday been around wise to ways of the old school

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(informal) Physically attractive
attractive bodacious desirable dishy fit luscious sexy toothsome gorgeous lush beautiful cute drop-dead foxy good-looking handsome hunky pretty studly tasty yummy alluring seductive ravishing fetching comely stunning lovely fair beddable sightly knockout fanciable beauteous irresistible sensuous captivating appealing spunky sultry tantalizing striking taking sexually attractive nubile sensual erotic bewitching bootylicious charming beguiling enchanting tantalising smashing shapely bonny aesthetic esthetic enticing arresting drop-dead gorgeous come-hither arousing lovesome adorable elegant easy on the eye voluptuous glamorous tempting likely seemly bonnie prepossessing nice-looking come-to-bed provocative inviting engaging pulchritudinous delightful well-favored charismatic winning fine curvaceous pleasing buxom good goodly eye-catching luring entrancing well favoured easy on the eyes exquisite curvy flirtatious magnetic suggestive busty coquettish intriguing sweet out of this world sexual as pretty as a picture graceful dreamy well-proportioned adorbs divine winsome stylish full-bosomed opulent full-figured provoking Junoesque glamourous well-favoured slinky dazzling kissable nice beaut becoming babelicious heavenly sensational fine-looking pneumatic Rubensesque cuddly rounded titillating enthralling personable peng siren well-rounded statuesque dashing delectable radiant dainty trim gainly well formed scrumptious fabulous delicious well-formed wholesome blooming delicate specious clean-cut well turned very beautiful on fleek a ten well favored ample ripe marriageable youthful young feline bedroom devastating fleshly carnal darling young-looking eligible lovable agreeable likable mesmeric beckoning interesting well-stacked flamboyant sublime pleasant fascinating dear bosomy stacked aesthetically pleasing dreamboat eyeful likeable bijou picture-perfect immodest shameless sexually mature well-developed curvesome curved curvilinear chesty zaftig raunchy amorous sexually exciting passionate elfin sexually arousing steamy spiffy swanky snazzy swank suave virile dapper tarty fashionable strong athletic smart spruce robust sharp noble smooth impressive cunning well endowed well upholstered drawing attracting good looking well-dressed phat clean-limbed neat curvacious well-turned balanced well shaped proportioned symmetrical regular sylphlike built wonderful splendid superb magnificent resplendent endearing precious tasteful admirable mesmerizing angelic mesmerising excellent marvelous savory grand spellbinding photogenic classy ideal refined marvellous disarming choice cutesy savoury artistic idyllic amiable affable intoxicating aesthetically appealing congenial dollish fab hypnotizing genial magical loveable presentable telegenic showstopping prettyish hospitable ambrosial hypnotising chocolate-box fairy-tale fetcjomg compelling picturesque breathtaking decorative a sight for sore eyes goodlooking entertaining diverting top ornamental visual creative jaw-dropping fantastic amazing incredible terrific romantic physically attractive teasing enhancing fancy sirenic extremely attractive beautifying exciting enamoring infatuating engrossing magnetizing absorbing magnetising electrifying glorious cherubical cherubic willowy sheen artful inventive aesthetical innocent twee kawaii extremely beautiful hypnotic heady camera-friendly debonair entranced charmed enchanted bewitched as nice as pie in good taste very attractive very pretty mind-blowing fairylike fiendish dreamlike conjuring exceptional pretty-pretty positive satisfying satisfactory enjoyable great too good to be true mild acceptable exhilarating worthy favorable joyous super comforting enviable flashy pleasurable euphoric comfortable valuable sound sunny clear A1 rad prime amusing glossy honourable ace commendable blessed fun capital hunky-dory OK honorable cheery reputable welcome splashy sterling zingy soothing rapturous superior slick boss spanking showy in order relief unspoilt not bad glad chic suitable immaculate orderly decent tidy prim spotless welcoming clean paradisiacal super-eminent grateful passable delightsome shipshape first-class select dulcet super-excellent paradisal blest stupendous paradisaical calming paradisaic elating splendorous deluxe copasetic first-rate recreative supercalifragilisticexpialidocious gratifying paradisiac gnarly ecstatic copacetic relishable recherche appetizing succulent irie favourable delish flavourful flavoursome mouthwatering moreish palatable flavorful flavorsome flavorous scrummy piquant nummy toothy nectareous ambrosian rich tangy sapid nectarean appetising finger-licking mouth-watering yum-yum lip-smacking

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(informal) Exhibiting radioactivity

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At an extremely fast speed
breakneck accelerated blistering hypersonic lightning supersonic swift turbo alacritous fleeting meteoric ultrafast ultrarapid expeditious zippy fast-moving fast quick rapid speedy brisk hasty nippy fleet snappy whirlwind galloping flying dizzy rattling splitting breathless fleet-footed rapid-fire lively at speed agile active headlong fast-track mercurial high-speed very fast nimble sprightly energetic pacey hurried precipitate spry quick-fire overnight spirited cracking sharp animated sudden whistle-stop vivacious express harefooted vigorous bustling barreling precipitous with good acceleration streaming zooming impulsive dashing instant tantivy volant spanking quickie barrelling expeditive short-lived hurricane impetuous brief tornado cyclonic tumultuous rash short double-quick like crazy like mad flat-out sped up extremely fast dangerously fast at full tilt quickened double time light-footed quick as a wink up-tempo smart velocious prompt moving hurtling speeding rushed overhasty cursory gadarene helter-skelter pell-mell drive-by winged furious dizzying barnstorming fast-paced non-stop fast and furious the double ultrasonic fleet of foot frenetic upbeat exciting like lightning swift as an arrow like the wind haphazard lithe supple graceful limber deft dexterous willowy lightsome acrobatic lithesome light-foot fit light quick-moving lissome lissom gracile nimble-footed feline featly twinkle-toed sportive twinkle toes athletic bright buoyant stirring quick-thinking frisky dextrous easy-moving quick on the draw quick on the trigger in good condition ready spright clear-headed responsive

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Exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion
zealous ardent passionate fervent enthusiastic vehement keen eager intense fervid impassioned fiery earnest fanatical avid perfervid wholehearted burning spirited fierce dedicated vigorous devoted energetic committed forceful extreme antsy sincere rabid devout hearty obsessed pushy obsessive zestful militant frenetic afire fanatic itchy ripe possessed purposeful fireball fired zealotic gung-ho go-ahead single-minded self-starting wild-eyed coming on strong flaming emotional warm superheated torrid passional charged religious incandescent feverish demonstrative red-hot hot-blooded warm-blooded strong violent powerful emphatic forcible heated urgent animated assiduous blazing vociferous outspoken vocal clamorous loud noisy glowing strident forthright insistent mad keen inflamed desperate full-throated potent concentrated hyper pronounced opinionated angry impetuous lively frantic delirious wild hopped up on the make determined active driven assertive aggressive resolute ambitious tenacious motivated steadfast intent persistent unwavering industrious obstinate uncompromising hungry enterprising desirous thirsty untiring feisty ruthless strong-willed go-getting hard-driving self-assertive aspiring dogged unyielding staunch unbending indefatigable inspired stubborn stalwart bold unflinching strong-minded gutsy unflagging mettlesome goal-oriented self-driven firm striving persevering plucky obdurate unfaltering resolved dynamic iron-willed driving progressive pioneering decisive high-powered bent upon power-loving power-hungry self-asserting eager beaver get up and go high-reaching full-blooded self-seeking fixed bent immovable steely undaunted unshakeable undeviating pertinacious unrelenting indomitable unhesitating adventurous cutthroat self-willed tireless storming punchy racy bloodthirsty effective intensive competitive pushing gladiatorial resounding hardy rugged self-confident scrappy confident muscular strenuous warlike dead set hell-bent full of determination gung ho hard-hitting like a ball of fire two-fisted all-out high-octane having killer instinct in-your-face desiring success thrusting resilient hard-nosed headstrong sure loyal sagacious hopeful diligent unremitting relentless sedulous rigid steady sustained rigorous ferocious irrepressible gritty faithful courageous brave tough unabated stringent assured wilful mulish defiant brutal bullheaded independent perceptive heroic take charge mean intractable inflexible refractory intransigent recalcitrant firm in spirit tough-minded ironclad resourceful certain stout-hearted hang-tough bound and determined intensely competitive stop at nothing high-pressure go for broke self-possessed cut-throat self-assured dog-eat-dog can-do fiercely competitive upwardly mobile highly motivated keen as mustard mullish indurate domineering stubborn as a mule effectual pulling no punches combative emulous contentious sparkling vying exciting vital flourishing vivacious electrifying competing effervescent peppy flamboyant dashing alive dazzling zesty bustling warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional animate humming happening airy stirring colourful virile buzzing vivid rousing bouncy perky robust kinetic sprightly brisk colorful zippy lusty hopping astir fresh snappy abuzz spunky spry coruscating bubbly sparky stimulating thriving busy ballsy frisky bouncing pert sturdy springy sensitive vibrating breezy radiant responsive vibrant pizazzy jazzy jaunty abubble spanking sound aboil pizzazzy spoiling for a fight on the warpath ready for action gay high-spirited red-blooded have-a-go full of the joys of spring full of life go-go bright and breezy full of pep alive and kicking full of get-up-and-go bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans full of spirit full of vim and vigour ball of fire compelled consumed set unshakable unbendable unshaken galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal impelled fixated compulsive obsessional induced impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised urged on

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Arousing interest due to being scandalous
juicy racy suggestive spicy titillating provocative risqué salacious exciting tantalising tantalizing intriguing interesting colourful fascinating scandalous sensational entertaining lurid piquant colorful thrilling vivid shock-horror very interesting erotic naughty raunchy steamy saucy sensual sexy gamy voluptuous seductive aphrodisiacal bawdy ribald aphrodisiac adult ravishing bootylicious sultry lewd foxy fruity beddable alluring dirty arousing erogenous erotical amorous erotogenic amatory blue sensuous improper obscene vulgar earthy indelicate rude indecent smutty pornographic lascivious crude indecorous off-color coarse X-rated off colour near the knuckle come-hither desirable broad filthy offensive off-colour loose carnal unrestrained uninhibited sexually explicit prurient lustful lubricious purple daring gamey off-colored salty off immodest raw Rabelaisian wanton indiscreet sizzling scabrous stimulating sexually suggestive lush skin provoking mature kissable libidinous cuddly gross impure profane foul nasty trashy gutter unseemly porny unprintable locker-room stag licentious explicit wicked vile immoral nudge-nudge tasteless inappropriate sordid low base near the bone scatological scatologic foul-mouthed rough impolite unchaste hard-core distasteful disgusting unrefined lecherous taboo uncouth shocking scurrilous shady porno shameless bad-mannered in bad taste crass unbecoming debased cheap unvirtuous rakish unwholesome lowbrow porn unconventional unclean graphic uncensored untoward randy mucky sexual sleazy outrageous repulsive profligate unsavory uncivil malicious odious uncultured low-down-and-dirty questionable lowbred unmannerly boorish unsavoury abusive soft-core inelegant blasphemous unpolished discourteous close to the bone bad full-frontal page-three sick revealing corrupting exploitative foulmouthed risque unfitting tempting sooty embarrassing lively obnoxious illicit shameful rank rogue devilish sly rascally depraved unladylike ungentlemanly undignified lusty fast libertine incontinent low-minded striptease go-go barro unblushing brutish callow untactful bold forward out of line low-down and dirty sex grownup concupiscent dishonourable dishonorable sneaking contemptible slippery villainous outlandish unworthy fractious fresh cheeky brazen adults-only unrightful ungodly unjust unrighteous wrongful unequitable malodorous reprehensible uncultivated ignoble appealing captivating out of keeping tactless insulting brash grimy grubby exotic insensible roughneck common raffish rugged incult illiberal beguiling enthralling attractive enchanting uncivilised tawdry degrading colloquial vituperative unsettling derisive uncivilized churlish loutish affronting sickening ill-mannered unutterable vilifying ungracious compelling charged stirring gripping riveting edgy mean tacky vulgarian farmyard lowdown and dirty

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Having a streak of good luck or good progress or success

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Sudden, or figuratively explosive, in nature

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Agitated or stressed
excited stressed agitated antsy anxious apprehensive distressed worried distraught fearful hectic jittery nervy tense alarmed annoyed desperate edgy flurried flushed frightened hysterical intense scared shocked skittish startled terrified uneasy unnerved unsettled adrenalized aflutter aquiver daunted disturbed fidgety high-strung in a panic distracted emotional flighty frantic frenzied irrational twitchy unreluctant afire atingle dismayed dithery febrile fraught heated het up hot under the collar hyped-up hyper hyperexcited ill at ease jumpy overactive overexcited perturbed troubled unquiet uptight wrought-up nervous upset wound up discomposed disconcerted provoked ruffled wired hot and bothered in a tizzy juiced up keyed up on edge overwrought worked up zipped up restive touchy excitable restless irritable overstrung irascible impatient critical atwitter hung up wriggly bothered squirmy wiggly tetchy shaken unhappy hurt grieved sad saddened insecure brittle unstable neurotic rattled flustered disquieted vexed muddled prickly sensitive crotchety highly strung peevish testy captious snappy bad-tempered temperamental querulous short-tempered hinky queasy queazy chippy goosey crabbed hot-tempered quick-tempered a bundle of nerves all wound up ill-tempered stressy overemotional irked confused disappointed thrown irritated oversensitive like a cat on a hot tin roof moody on tenterhooks like a cat on hot bricks on pins and needles inconvenienced angered angry gutted blue histrionic choked discountenanced broken up falling apart shook up cut up

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Highly stimulating to the senses
strong brilliant dazzling striking vivid bold bright blinding breathtaking colorful colourful graphic radiant warm definite electrifying exhilarating glaring gleaming heady high notable noticeable pronounced rousing stimulating stirring thrilling biting energising energizing envigorating invigorating powerful sharp spine-tingling titillating arousing gripping hair-raising refreshing marked intense rich vibrant glowing deep flamboyant lurid garish eye-catching blazing flashy gaudy clear lively splashy lucid showy full bedazzling resplendent gay interesting effective luminous lustrous flaming glittering shining lambent beaming loud visual jazzy bright-coloured exciting imaginative forceful detailed dramatic realistic picturesque irradiant scintillating sheeny telling glossy psychedelic incandescent luminescent candescent lifelike expressive shiny pictorial moving kaleidoscopic glistering sparkling delineated refulgent ablaze distinct eloquent highly coloured highly-coloured deep-coloured highly colored dark effulgent saturated exaggerated neon racy fiery snazzy fluorescent harsh fancy brightly coloured pizazzy pizzazzy smart bling wild glimmering shimmering extremely bright like an explosion in a paint factory looking like an explosion in a paint factory explicit illustrative descriptive uninhibited startling cogent shocking punchy well-drawn photographic convincing unequivocal well drawn well defined precise incisive forcible perspicuous concrete well delineated compelling well expressed comprehensible intelligible leaving nothing to the imagination figurative extravagant glitzy arresting evocative affecting elaborate bombastic animated memorable unforgettable faithful haunting authentic impressive emotive graphical fascinating active theatrical fresh crystal clear true-to-life true to life sharply-etched

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(of a wire or device) Electrically charged or energized

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Dangerous or perilous
jeopardous hazardous perilous risky unsafe chancy precarious speculative insecure threatening hairy menacing unhealthy serious delicate treacherous venturesome parlous bad thorny ticklish exposed nasty touchy deadly critical adventurous dangersome fatal venturous viperous alarming breakneck dynamite formidable heavy impending impregnable loaded malignant mortal portentous pressing queasy serpentine shaky terrible ugly unstable urgent vulnerable wicked touch-and-go on collision course uncertain high-risk unpredictable dangerous tricky dicey unsound fraught with danger sticky dodgy gnarly reckless daredevil death-defying Russian roulette unchancy playing with fire difficult iffy grievous grave jeopardizing lethal haphazard harmful jeopardising problematic desperate dire problematical rocky on thin ice unsteady awkward defenceless life-threatening awful defenseless rickety sensitive tough acute unreliable erratic explosive dubious worrying in danger taxing touch and go at risk unsure unprotected prickly tight knotty terrifying volatile extreme bleak in jeopardy arduous distressing punishing bitter exigent hanging by a thread daring unguarded dreadful very bad troublesome combustible weak profound severe slippery egregious frail trying life-and-death excessive destructive wobbly capricious inflammable onerous vexatious challenging forbidding irksome unpleasant upsetting grim bothersome peracute unsecured in the balance rough dark disagreeable worrisome concerning wide-open fluctuant tottering endangered unfriendly disturbing suspect questionable spartan hostile open to attack tricksy spiny catchy ominous foolhardy unclear not safe scary cliffhanging suspenseful shonky unsettled tottery unknown doubtful incalculable exciting thrilling threatened injurious toxic long shot on slippery ground out on a limb flammable untrustworthy fearsome undependable calamitous unshielded ill-protected loose charged tense intolerable lamentable appalling hopeless deplorable frightful imperative on a limb undefended unlocked assailable crucial rugged turbulent eruptive controversial burning overwrought ignitable incendiary burnable compelling harsh intense pregnable unfastened unbolted poor sorry outrageous lousy vital drastic inflammatory clamant disastrous significant considerable crying emergent strained anxious importunate imperious full of upheavals potentially violent in turmoil irredeemable irretrievable chronic painful brutal consequential major fiery combustive ignitible volcanic stressful necessitous unsubstantial flimsy important instant weighty exacting sobering hard big fierce intensive strenuous grinding toilsome jerry-built loosened teetery slack slackened lax fragile relaxed spindly decrepit essential wonky insubstantial knife-edge sudden decisive wavering immature rootless vacillating afflictive highly charged all-important nerve-racking

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White-hot, incandescent
candescent bright brilliant radiant shining glowing luminous lustrous dazzling incandescent beaming refulgent lambent lucent shiny sheeny effulgent bedazzling lucid clear fulgent splendid luminescent lit white gleaming sparkling resplendent glittering scintillating shimmering phosphorescent irradiant vivid intense ablaze blazing glistening glossy glaring coruscating illuminated flashing glistering lighted fluorescent aglow twinkling light flickering burnished polished sunny glimmering flashy glowy iridescent ardent flaming rutilant glittery rich warm vibrant fulgurating satiny burning fervid fervent fiery colourful colorful lurid Day-Glo relucent agleam striking deep radiating strong gaudy flamboyant bold garish glorious glinting splashy psychedelic sleek clinquant splendent kaleidoscopic jazzy gay fulgurant showy fulgurous loud deep-coloured bright-coloured highly-coloured eye-catching highly colored red-hot white-hot cheery soft shinning aflame nitid varnished luminiferous beautiful satin rubbed buffed glassy healthy translucent crystal beamful neon stunning blinding on fire intensely hot glacé slick sparkly reflective convey smooth flaring waxy glazed opalescent splendorous noticeable conspicuous fierce overpowering shimmery luculent illuminative brightening illumined golden argent sunlit moonlit beamy auroral fulgid irradiated silvery mirrorlike alight extremely bright smouldering suffused smoldering lit up full visual dramatic stimulating scintillant reflecting brightened lightsome animated lively graphic exciting exhilarating unclouded silky invigorating silken sunshiny cloudless glitzy multicoloured envigorating multicolored brightly coloured many-coloured vivacious ebullient fair effervescent starry witty clever limpid red scintillescent fresh fine clement bombastic multicolour smart florid entertaining chatoyant motley titillating varicoloured prismatic variegated polychromatic harlequin rainbow multicolor summery rainbow-like many-hued balmy spangled looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory transcendent unadulterated winking gold aglitter gleamy irradiating dark richly coloured brave razzle-dazzle well-lit saturated glamorous transparent pure harsh exaggerated brightly illuminated well-lighted well lit well-illuminated silver scarlet reddish-orange crimson ginger pleasant ignited snazzy ostentatious imaginative effective interesting afire well illuminated pellucid see-through crystalline coruscant pizazzy fancy pizzazzy raging baroque flowery brash astral star stellar temperate reflecting light dancing bling wild full of light well lighted multihued rococo decorated blue azure chromatic uncloudy crystal clear impassioned dynamic vigorous spirited mantling gaseous festooned floodlit undimmed multichromatic varicolored colored mild propitious nice dry kindled inflamed conflagrant enflamed combusting polychrome extravagant corinthian luxuriant unobscured elaborate hued varied versicolor liquid full of life breathtaking in flames sparking lacquered waxed japanned shellacked phantasmagoric particoloured picturesque particolored coloured patinated notable stirring pronounced definite rousing heady electrifying high thrilling many-splendoured parti-colored many-colored multi-coloured biting energizing spine-tingling sharp powerful energising bespangled radiated celestial sidereal stellary stelliform amusing fascinating sprightly arousing gripping hair-raising refreshing Day-glo marked clarion undarkened rainless without a cloud in the sky

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Mulled or flavoured

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Full of energy and enthusiasm
spirited lively active animated energetic sprightly vigorous vivacious bold vital enthusiastic fiery passionate dynamic peppy sparkling vibrant ardent effervescent gritty brisk chirpy gay gingery jaunty jazzy kinetic peppery perky pert pizazzy pizzazzy racy snappy spanking sparky springy valiant zappy zesty zippy airy animate avid barnstorming bouncing frisky rocking bouncy bright burning hyper jumping sharp zingy high-spirited full of life mettlesome buoyant bubbly zestful exuberant full of beans cheerful merry playful frolicsome chipper happy bright-eyed and bushy-tailed upbeat spry jolly dashing cheery sportive sunny ebullient full of vim and vigour strong forceful blithe peart breezy gamesome keen alert spunky light-hearted joyful carefree powerful blithesome fun-loving frolic joyous feisty daring enterprising nimble in high spirits eager wild aggressive jovial lighthearted quick hardy bright and breezy tireless exciting fresh glad rollicking flamboyant gutsy alive and kicking forcible strenuous gleeful plucky festive happy-go-lucky lusty tough busy indefatigable excited vehement bustling intense confident jocund boisterous agile go-go witty irrepressible adventurous jocular stalwart mirthful scintillating courageous robust stirring lightsome crank ludic full of fun fearless full of the joys of spring determined brash sturdy audacious full of pep alive intrepid skittish wick sparkly potent devil-may-care rousing elated buzzing genial stimulating kittenish gallant zealous gladsome flourishing colourful frivolous positive red-blooded coltish impish emphatic smart driving vivid resolute venturesome as merry as a grig mischievous swashbuckling debonair full of get-up-and-go prankish swinging light nervy colorful fun full-blooded punchy entertaining humorous go-getting thriving humming piquant full of energy bubbling jocose hearty abuzz fervent as lively as a grig happening high-powered brave unrestrained industrious romping energized in good spirits adventuresome roguish eventful spicy daredevil impassioned emboldened nerved waggish contented wanton frolicky energised ball of fire game ballsy stout interesting optimistic funny effective hopping untiring flippant striking sporty sound astir unflagging winsome heroic insouciant eupeptic on the go canty assured dazzling abubble aboil pushy hectic rowdy exhilarated activated dauntless valorous rumbustious gratified assertive venturous free-swinging roisterous uncontrolled unruly tart healthy of good cheer delighted jubilant puckish riotous resounding muscular intensive pleased euphoric satisfied salty flush jokey doughty sassy content fay sportful antic elfish larky frenetic devilish relaxed arch lionhearted raucous fit larkish frantic facetious clever teasing untroubled flip elvish rugged excitable comical whimsical hard-hitting raring to go rash hale and hearty laughing hopeful in-your-face feeling one's oats romantic good-humoured on top of the world good-humored dramatic noisy sexy dapper pungent heated invigorated undaunted rip-roaring knockabout storming without a care in the world fulfilled honored loud moving uninhibited showy violent robustious rambunctious gregarious unafraid poignant tangy hell-raising perk beaming occupied proud easy go-ahead unflinching cheeky blunt unbridled saucy combative vitalized tenacious exultant fast dynamical quarrelsome argumentative bellicose rakish easy-going pugnacious exceptional joking belligerent contentious truculent hale mobile naughty militant chaotic wonderful wicked confrontational hard arduous warlike virile swift blissful ecstatic tumultuous disputatious blooming biting high-octane in fine fettle overjoyed rapid working agonistic fierce thrilled chippy appreciative tricksy rascally taxing gladiatorial productive exhausting discordant electrifying amusing droll assaultive laborious brawly decisive heroical foolhardy reckless smiley unconcerned radiant able-bodied athletic dexterous forward sensitive social coruscating full of spirit frenzied slaphappy temerarious laid-back all-out stouthearted full have-a-go scrappy brilliant lion-hearted efficient espiègle in good condition resilient over the moon easygoing convivial gutty buzzy dextrous tongue-in-cheek risible glib fighting fit sanguine responsive ornery prideful honoured grateful esteemed dignified full of vim cocksure bullish coming on strong action-packed pulling no punches assuming presuming glowing furious full of joie de vivre unreserved expectant fit as a fiddle smart-alecky self-assured quick-witted sharp-witted disposed to look on the bright side quick on the draw quick on the uptake neat theatrical expressive swaggering stylish frolicking capering invigorating outgoing salacious fancy jazzlike psychedelic glitzy deep turnt boon fairylike grooving emotive aware fluid awake all out exhilarating heady emotional savory savoury hilarious youthful excellent magnificent new outstanding marvellous whopping marvelous remarkable overbold formidable casual chivalrous stout-hearted breathless envigorating party dogged earnest Herculean rich tasty distinctive informal attractive raffish provocative intriguing fascinating demoniac motive locomotive kinematic motile high fervid beatific enlivened coquettish persistent unremitting pertinacious disorderly deedful swish elegant ostentatious macho rigorous full of the joy of living ambitious clubby coy jesting jumpy cheering pleasure-seeking arresting overexcited uproarious unthinking amiable flirtatious on the move elastic urbane festal partyish enjoyable welcoming vibrating noteworthy self-assertive full of vim and vigor comic full of zip driven cavalier still going strong going strong zoolike juicy holiday as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy nonchalant ventilated affable mellow easy-breezy low-pressure cute exclusive swank clamorous undisciplined wayward rough abandoned pixieish scampish bantering knavish pixy pixie sly leprechaunish chucklesome electric magnetic full of activity progressive refreshed well impetuous wilful roistering free and easy unconstrained offhand in jest clowning in fun shallow superficial trivial effectual resourceful revitalized reinvigorated clangorous obstreperous engaged whole functional pushing wholesome silly flirty empty-headed demure giddy scatterbrained dizzy feather-brained snazzy slapstick highbrowed profound ironic tactful smart-aleck nimble-witted cutting hardened inured assiduous revivified rejuvenated rested restored renewed exacting tiring cavorting strident vociferous vociferant over-the-top brawling entrepreneurial employed staunch headstrong toughened capable rapturous challenging demanding strapping fine doubtless implicit certain clear sure good charismatic activating self-motivated highpowered energising influential compelling energizing hyped-up go-getter vitalizing enduring resistant tickled can-do encouraged greathearted undauntable manful gumptious chuffed charged revived revitalised reenergized sedulous extroverted childish hot-tempered cantankerous hostile have a bone to pick on the outs at loggerheads mean have chip on shoulder battling fighting have it in for antagonistic operating functioning contemporary sophisticated modern hip rollicksome thumping ripping in good health wrapped in good trim in good kilter strong as an horse strong as an lion strong as an ox in tip-top condition in good shape grinning handy occupational diligent operational serviceable operative right as rain bursting with health ridibund undoubtful secure well-conditioned in rude health in good heart self-confident fit as a flea unworried turbulent severe restless testing harsh trying unsparing thankful smiling inspirited strengthened fortified pepped up freshened reanimated motivated perked up aweless bantam play hard ball play for keeps difficult to keep down practicable utile persuasive take-over steamroller take-charge hard-driving burdensome flustering madhouse looking on the bright side rolling with punches quick to recover buoyed up quick to bounce back heartening heartwarming blessed in the pink up-to-date trendy unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy like a new person untired quickened utilitarian well-oiled expansive cock-a-hoop volatile bumpy onerous full on wearing imperious feelgood lithe on cloud nine sociable bombastic personable tied-up on cloud seven full of hope beside oneself with joy touchy trim natty in full swing busy as a bee spruce difficult like new rehabilitated bright-eyed like a new man bushy-tailed supple likable friendly limber light-footed graceful impudent deft talkative congenial extraverted supersmart acute hyperintelligent intelligent ultrasmart astute acrobatic willowy brazen perceptive brainy thin-skinned flattered fleet likeable nippy cordial quick-moving fabulous fleet-footed lissom featly light-foot lissome gracile nimble-footed feline lithesome gassy hot-blooded on the warpath high-strung twinkle-toed insolent shameless all there with it cocky quick-thinking twinkle toes clear-headed quick on the trigger spright winged prompt mercurial easy-moving ready revered venerated well-pleased barefaced impertinent unabashed immodest presumptuous brassy on the ball rude quick off the mark glittering wise bold-faced defiant blatant unashamed familiar unshrinking unembarrassed unblushing free overfamiliar brazen-faced brassbound brass-necked arrogant flashing glistening shimmering not backwards in coming forwards bold as brass twinkling shining glinting gleaming iridescent lustrous coruscant shimmery flickering glistering dancing opalescent scintillant effulgent fulgurating mantling starry shiny spangled lambent glittery gaseous

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Hostile and aggressive
belligerent aggressive contentious argumentative bellicose hostile pugnacious combative quarrelsome antagonistic confrontational militant truculent disputatious scrappy threatening hot-tempered stroppy agonistic assaultive bad-tempered bolshie brawly captious chippy discordant feisty gladiatorial ill-tempered irascible quick-tempered unfriendly warlike aggers biffo litigious oppugnant ardent cantankerous fierce flip loudmouthed mean nasty ornery spoiling for a fight at loggerheads looking for trouble on the outs have chip on shoulder have it in for have a bone to pick battling fighting courageous spirited determined spunky plucky contrary warmongering hawkish on the warpath inimical violent martial militaristic warring offensive angry malevolent inhospitable rancorous defiant controversial spiteful military malicious vitriolic fiery unkind adversarial hateful unsympathetic touchy antipathetic cross surly petulant difficult bitter factious wrathful irritable catty fractious grouchy choleric jingoistic destructive testy sabre-rattling polemical vindictive vicious uncongenial crabby rebellious adverse unsociable venomous malignant unpleasant sullen virulent bloodthirsty rude disputative disagreeable polemic bickering hurtful querulous negative gung-ho sour soldierly ill-natured viperous peevish abusive attacking arsey salty snappy perverse huffy splenetic cavilling harsh contending wrangling contumacious having a chip on one's shoulder cranky poisonous churlish uncooperative ferocious foul acrimonious intimidating caviling ready for a fight disapproving malign tetchy jaundiced unreceptive ill-humored spiky opinionated impassioned passionate narky forceful eristic grumpy ill-disposed miffy ill-humoured pettish snappish militarist fire-eating active prickly soreheaded snarly provocative dissenting recalcitrant army uncharitable ructious inconsiderate war enthusiastic cruel cussed short-tempered excitable opposing invasive turbulent dissentious dissident conflicting opposed hot-blooded scathing joyless expansionist furious pushy unwelcoming challenging thin-skinned filthy insolent alien adversary resistant bad lively brawling unruly unpropitious maleficent biting malefic opposite tempestuous insubordinate mean-spirited dour cold acrid trigger-happy at odds disruptive rough up in arms bold evil-minded ready to fight battleful intrusive rapacious sanguinary macho sulky naysaying pro-war troublesome awkward dissentient ratty shirty inharmonious war-mongering war-loving exasperated peckish liverish crotchety grumbling curmudgeonly waxy strident wrestling tilting skirmishing disputable litiginous litigatious hot-button noncivil combatant chauvinistic flag-waving armed fretful mighty peppery invading self-assertive itching to fight colonialistic imperialistic obnoxious rotten on a short fuse bilious savage ireful under arms eristical persuasive uncompromising outspoken hotheaded carnivorous wretched vile arguesome assertive incursive short-fused envenomed pernicious censorious heated vigorous wounding anti striking averse against resentful radical gung ho obstreperous crabbed indignant irate waspish hate-filled assaulting assailing ultra-active two-fisted extremist extreme combating divided split brave oppositional fanatical zealous embattled ill bristling inflammable intolerant antisocial embittered vengeful manic hysterical icy uncomfortable lawless ugly uneasy discourteous warrish revolutionary assertory service down on quarrelling tumultuous disagreeing itching dead set against dissenting from acting in opposition in disagreement with at variance with on the attack at odds with set against soldier-like heroic naval deadly vituperous terrifying cowing terrorising trenchant sharp mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing bullying mordant unwilling adversative accusatorial reluctant oppugning tough disharmonious insurrectionary clashing seditious sectarian schismatic mutinous sensitive valiant valorous in arms allergic disobedient gutsy mettlesome alive energetic bubbly peppy gritty frisky gutty zestful game hearty divisive malcontent insurgent refractory estranged alienated disaffected troublemaking partisan rival full-blooded go-getting high-strung full of pep dysfunctional quarreling at variance delinquent naughty badly behaved undisciplined wayward ill-disciplined mischievous impudent badly-behaved misbehaving whiny problematic socially impaired trying willful self-willed tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disturbed pesky roguish rowdy undisciplinable ill-behaved demanding troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly

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In an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence
delirious feverish mad frenzied incoherent raving wild babbling demented deranged insane irrational unhinged crazed ferocious fierce frantic frenetic furious hysterical rabid violent swivel-eyed aberrant bewildered confused crazy deviant deviate disarranged disordered disturbed fevered flipped hallucinating hallucinatory lightheaded light-headed lunatic maniac maniacal manic rambling restless unreasonable unsettled wandering flipped out off your head out of one's head out of one's skull unbalanced nutty mental cuckoo psychotic unstable barmy batty daft wacko loopy wacky screwy nuts loco gaga kooky certifiable psychopathic loony bonkers unsound crackpot cracked crackers whacko bats meshuga psycho looney distracted cranky crackbrained sectionable daffy touched non compos mentis bananas haywire buggy fruity scatty barking dippy nutsy distraught whacky kookie balmy meshugge brainsick bughouse moonstruck bushed squirrelly wud dotty barking mad raving mad of unsound mind bedlam nutso round the bend not all there not right in the head up the pole not quite right in the head not together not right upstairs porangi stark mad not the full shilling round the twist schizoid mad as a hatter as daft as a brush away with the fairies mentally ill foaming at the mouth nutty as a fruitcake off the wall slang mad as a March hare looney tunes loony tunes stark raving mad stark staring mad sick in the head berserk yarra silly have kangaroos in the top paddock eccentric have bats in the belfry out to lunch foolish have a screw loose fanatical uncontrolled stupid sick excited unglued off your trolley unrestrained potty off one's gourd around the bend off one's nut sociopathic gonzo doolally flaky flakey out there unwise senseless enthusiastic idiotic preposterous energetic zany schizophrenic psychopathological raging unscrewed freaked out off your rocker out of one's mind off-the-wall one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck severely mentally ill a few sandwiches short of a picnic with a screw loose agitated absurd hectic nonsensical overwrought brainless screwball hyperactive diseased zealous ridiculous illogical mindless fatuous paranoid obsessive exciting invalid impatient dazed bizarre erratic odd passionate phrenetic keen intense peculiar queer strange schizo demoniac tumultuous ardent corybantic berko wrong oddball not in your right mind ape having bats in the belfry deprived of one's wits manic-depressive over the edge non compos not of sound mind mentally deranged having a screw loose having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out dysfunctional paranoiac paranoic outlandish unrealistic unchecked unbridled unzipped dingy baked fried unsafe fantastic maddened schizzo off the chain psyched out over the top daggy panic-stricken yampy screwed up neurotic schitzy out of control off the air off your chump off the rails abandoned derailed bemused moonstricken off dreamy boisterous bedlamite fraught witless asinine ebullient full-on overwhelming overpowering uninhibited turbulent touched in the head harebrained as mad as a hatter as mad as a March hare crazy as a loon one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree in another world out of one's gourd in a daze off the deep end in the ozone simpleminded bubbleheaded ludicrous lunkheaded gay riotous chaotic furibund wired confusing hyper cockeyed featherheaded injudicious jerky tomfool sappy inept fool weak unthinking unreasoning laughable implausible weirded out fast and furious wigged out lost it nonrational unjustifiable weird fallacious untenable inconsequential goofy unfounded unconventional groundless impractical in a lather idiosyncratic illegitimate twisted extreme cockamamie half-witted half-baked inconsequent weak-minded baseless arbitrary specious fervent unscientific sophistic heated reasonless mentally unbalanced freaky intolerant uncompromising extremist bigoted counterintuitive disconnected disjointed nervous over-enthusiastic overzealous diehard overactive desperate eager biased prejudiced one-sided partisan illiberal gung-ho infuriated intemperate narrow-minded perfervid busy worked up disoriented keyed up dedicated overboard infected naked poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist sizzling bitten unwell militant obsessed virulent ill avid agog enthused in a tizzy disorientated high-strung like one possessed pumped raring spirited lively desirous antsy anxious exhilarated vivacious stoked muddled thirsty athirst addled befuddled geeked hungry juiced vehement voracious solicitous uproarious at sea discombobulated all at sea senile untrammeled untrammelled absent-minded out-of-joint very excited hepped up jumping up and down hopped-up gung ho in a frenzy on fire with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed pixilated muzzy gone addlepated shell-shocked punchy shot to pieces dopey shook up zonked fouled up pixillated slaphappy spaced out mixed-up spacey zonked-out muddleheaded spaced-out dizzy punch-drunk spacy dopy not with it not knowing if one is coming or going addle-brained muddle-headed uncontrollable gibbering ranting rampant inane hare-brained imbecilic moronic farcical risible imprudent dumb unintelligent comical cockamamy foolhardy pointless reckless doltish outrageous ill-advised rash irresponsible empty-headed simple derisory unreal dim-witted ill-considered fanciful fantastical derisive thoughtless pathetic unthinkable giddy dim madcap cock-eyed unbelievable derisible birdbrained incautious unworkable indiscreet impracticable funny pea-brained incredible cretinous thickheaded dunderheaded gormless damfool ill-conceived chowderheaded dotish glaikit dull imbecile wooden-headed puerile vacuous thick scatterbrained lamebrained comic boneheaded way out slow-witted simple-minded flighty far-fetched feeble-minded feebleminded grotesque halfwitted troubled impossible divvy muttonheaded chuckleheaded amusing dof hilarious fat-headed incongruous extravagant feather-brained droll meaningless dozy diverting shocking slow frivolous blockheaded clownish ill-thought-out brain-dead kinky short-sighted mixed up heedless humorous faulty impolitic chucklesome curious unusual ignorant obtuse careless extraordinary inconsistent improbable childish monstrous braindead unfeasible dense ill-judged astonishing pinheaded quirky non-viable dappy useless futile gelastic softheaded off-centre soft in the head too much off beam dead from the neck up impulsive beside oneself dull-witted far-out freakish amok infantile surreal flawed defective rum dunce-like inappropriate incorrect misguided vapid outré light-hearted unreasoned a bit lacking immature clueless witty romantic inconceivable unlikely brash hasty inadvisable contradictory changeable amazing humoristic facetious joshing camp campy capricious nonfunctional whimsical unpractical slapstick exorbitant unimaginable retarded sidesplitting comedic entertaining visionary daft as a brush backward inconsiderate hotheaded antic unattainable vain killing screaming hysteric hopeless unviable naive nerdy unearthly theoretical side-splitting rib-tickling priceless slow on the uptake unrealizable without foundation without basis ivory-tower incompetent full of holes infeasible pie-faced not making sense good-humoured good-humored beyond the bounds of possibility out of sight out of the question thick-witted half-cracked birdy bathetic clock incomprehensible rattlebrained unsteady psychoneurotic few X short of a Y bovine pig-ignorant disorganized excessive nerdish offbeat topsy-turvy dimwitted burlesque unconsidered bugged out mentally incompetent nobody home callow way-out tangled shambolic obstinate donkeyish avant-garde green credulous vacant bone-headed goofy loony harum-scarum out of your mind fanatic wonky broken fuddled sublime contemptible thick as two short planks not quite right idiotical improvident addle-pated waggish unpredictable null inexperienced insipid complacent unaware insensate mirthful Boeotian taking the cake orderless amiss disorganised messy idiotish unorthodox Bohemian far out foolheaded mystifying puzzling bewildering baffling severely mentally disordered dope jocose jocular not right funky queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way remarkable bizarro smoothbrained not functioning properly out of order extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible dilly worthy of scorn jolly demonic demoniacal not well thought out ineffectual very stupid smooth-brained out of one's box excellent mentally slow out of commission on the fritz in pieces up the spout daredevil spare consumed postal crook barro hot-headed ditzy overhasty wrong-headed unseemly out of whack in a mess on the blink feather-headed acting crazy embarrassing in vain in left field O.T.T. OTT a bit much starry-eyed quixotic up the wall through the roof on the rampage featherbrained fickle skittish daring adventurous as thick as two short planks wet behind the ears for grins to no avail overexcited high up false idealistic frothy forgetful light-minded yeasty inconstant ditsy temerarious audacious overbold overconfident possessed soft undiplomatic indelicate tactless inexpedient graceless spurious dubious doubtful unplanned utopian unworldly perfectionist delusory erroneous bird-brained risky badly planned radge unjustified imaginary nitwitted very good unconvincing incredulous grandiose illusory heady unachievable unformed sophomoric undeveloped ambitious unconceivable misleading uncompelling artificial nonrealistic reachy floating hopped up turned out off the top of your head sheepheaded unobtainable suppositious illusive different singular underdeveloped on cloud nine not applicable not sensible blue sky sophistical forlorn undoable insurmountable hollow casuistic poorly planned not thought through not fully developed make-believe ludicrous. laughable insuperable irresoluble insolvable unsolvable inconclusive unsubstantial cock-and-bull perverse irreconcilable paradoxical irresolvable unproved cheery cheerful happy hearty irrelevant unconnected unserviceable inoperable insoluble inaccessible impassable impervious inexecutable irrealizable nonpractical unusable not to be thought of not possible beyond one hardly possible no-go hundred-to-one contrary to reason not on no-way not a prayer not worth considering like herding cats beyond you self-contradictory beyond belief not following nonviable chimerical speculative inapplicable otherworldly unbusinesslike abstract inefficacious won't fly no go

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Giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement
controversial contentious debatable disputable disputed disputatious arguable contended controvertible delicate difficult divisive dubious polemical sensitive dubitable emotive moot polemic provocative questionable suspect tendentious vexed awkward contestable contested debateable problematic debated doubtable doubtful heated notorious uncertain hot-button under discussion at issue in dispute open to discussion open to question dodgy touchy problematical tricky iffy sticky ticklish unsettled knotty thorny open to doubt open to debate undecided argumentative prickly unresolved unsure hairy equivocal borderline troublesome tough complicated issuable negotiable unclear taxing undetermined up in the air catchy precarious tricksy spiny nasty chancy quarrelsome in doubt scrappy critical hard unconfirmed complex intricate involved perplexing unestablished fishy open indefinite indeterminate trying yet to be decided ambiguous indecisive dicey irksome worrying upsetting vexatious bothersome dangerous unconcluded concerning suspicious unproven unreliable uncomfortable volatile convoluted risky vague litigious salty spiky opinionated factious contrary fire-eating eristic unsound emotional spurious inflammatory flimsy in question having a chip on one's shoulder ambivalent unpleasant impassioned paradoxical puzzling unpredictable unknown marginal inconclusive conjectural baffling unsupported unreasonable unverified mootable speculative belligerent combative pugnacious pending shady queer shaky subject to debate tenuous weak untrustworthy embarrassing undependable nettlesome unsubstantiated persuasive on ice suppositive suppositious on the back burner up for discussion subjective uneasy clouded hotheaded unlikely unclassifiable scandalous tender outstanding unascertained bold outspoken uncompromising passionate like herding cats tentative peripheral frontier bordering ongoing in contention nice inexact hair-trigger bleak dire unsteady unstable groundless unfounded unsolved unanswered in the balance baseless unwarranted inconstant capricious fickle temperamental mercurial rocky variable changeable fractious hazardous onerous challenging forbidding arduous grim grievous untested ill-founded sub judice open for discussion yet to be settled not yet settled much debated unjustifiable unjustified unattested uncorroborated awful punishing rough dark disagreeable distressing perilous worrisome far from certain presumed assumed not validated unfriendly bitter disturbing spartan hostile tight foundationless without basis invalid nonvalid without foundation nebulous kid-glove unprovable apocryphal undefined moving touching open to suspicion not backed up by evidence occult obscure hypothetical cryptic enigmatic contingent rational logical hard to believe rationalistic sentimental stirring exciting thrilling affecting harassing under advisement not obvious under examination not definite dialectical poignant heart-warming tear-jerking heart-rending severe formidable analytic affective affectional heartwarming analytical dialectic riddling not yet established a live issue a moot point a controversial subject a matter of opinion betwixt and between touch and go bone of contention the jury's out between sixes and sevens between rock and hard place hazy indistinct imprecise unintelligible false confused inexplicit unconvincing enigmatical untrue specious sketchy erroneous inaccurate fuzzy open to argument ungrounded fallible confusing fallacious opaque fabricated misguided misleading arcane clear as dishwater wrong ill-defined imaginary idle deceptive disreputable in limbo vain misinformed tenebrous blurred gratuitous bottomless abstruse muddy illogical mystic mysterious inscrutable unauthenticated trumped-up gray grey implausible up for grabs muzzy clear as mud improbable fake unapt exceptionable incorrect mistaken defective murky empty unfinished foggy far-fetched flakey pseudo sham flaky uncalled-for muddled mixed cloudy woolly wide of the mark off-target trumped up bewildering gnomic oracular incomplete unreal equivocating imperfect double-edged wooly inadequate Delphic amphibological insecure neither one thing nor the other neither fish nor fowl insubstantial unsafe polysemous polysemic polysemantic negligible fragile multivocal hinky unspecific insignificant fictitious mythical legendary concerned troubled worried anxious apprehensive disquieted reasonless untenable uncanonical unprovoked made-up without substantiation without merit unsubstantial unforeseeable incalculable unauthorized untruthful mendacious off-base loose under suspicion on thin ice hanging by a thread generalized chimerical illusory irrational invented ungenuine fictional allonymous counterfeit bleary not kosher uncalled for not backed up causeless superficial approximate remote dim shadowy without justification without reason without cause unauthorised not reliable not dependable cursory without explanation unspecified generalised non-specific obfuscatory perfunctory touch-and-go unproved oblique theoretical in no man's land unsatisfying unsatisfactory resolving nothing unfateful uneventful proving nothing lacking deficient periphrastic prevaricating circumlocutory circuitous academic contradictory elusive blurry roundabout fuliginous duplicitous leaving matters open suppositional supposed deep elliptical elliptic impressionistic unexplicit shifty putative still open to question left hanging still open to doubt imagined two-edged academical notional conjectured theoretic falsified concocted presupposed provisory made up casual assumptive stochastic postulated conditional conjecturable refutable guessed presumptive proposed pretending

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Happening by chance or good luck
lucky fortuitous auspicious fortunate opportune providential timely felicitous propitious serendipitous charmed convenient expedient happy advantageous apt blessed golden promising beneficial benign favoured favored hopeful heaven-sent favourable favorable good encouraging bright suitable well-timed seasonable helpful prosperous fitting fair well timed welcome profitable right appropriate rosy full of promise useful optimistic fit fluky likely flukey salutary beneficent ripe heartening upbeat roseate friendly rose-colored benefic handy benignant benevolent pleasing merciful proper nice applicable pat kindly conducive dexter toward desirable reassuring satisfactory gainful behooveful furthersome of benefit thankful privileged successful jammy healthy relevant well-off pertinent timeous excellent up-and-coming brave favouring favoring palmy well disposed positive likely-looking wholesome healthful pleasureful pleasant flattering constructive worthy cheering gratifying pleasurable moderate clement warm capable assuring valuable perfect rewarding fruitful charitable smiling becoming ideal lucrative strategic worthwhile befitting fitted seemly reasonable done due of assistance in one's interests of value to advantage for the best of use of service rightful requisite adequate sufficient comely suited best comme il faut halcyon cheerful sunny utopian buoyant sanguine uplifting idealistic merry exciting comforting full of hope heartwarming bubbly great gladdening enthusiastic looking on the bright side up stirring confident terrific expectant assured trusting high hoping encouraged splendid wonderful superb Panglossian keeping the faith looking through rose-colored glasses fond supportive blushing satisfying blooming fulfilling rising bullish inspiring alluring inspiriting enlivening potential Utopian rose-coloured arousing elating promiseful rousing of good cheer acceptable apposite qualified set disposed unique favorite favourite brilliant special tremendous fine joyful hearty crying out ebullient effervescent bouncy lively jocund fantastic believing fresh determined beautiful blissful cheery go-getting feel-good redeeming can-do awesome proactive first-rate one-off first-class fabulous glorious super unmarred sensational outstanding joyous born with a silver spoon in your mouth ray of sunshine on top of world on cloud nine

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Significant in importance or esteem
valuable helpful useful expedient important significant advantageous beneficial constructive crucial essential favorable favourable invaluable pivotal practical vital worthwhile appropriate critical effective good imperative indispensable instrumental paramount profitable admired appreciated auspicious behooveful beneficent commodious conducive exigent fruitful fundamental gainful handy in demand key meritorious necessary needed opportune productive propitious relevant requisite respected rewarding serviceable strategic timely worthy best central esteemed estimable held dear loved of assistance of benefit of help of service of the essence of use of value worth it worth its weight in gold hot property scarce worthful efficacious convenient positive effectual efficient operative benignant benefic suitable potent kindly win-win lucrative advisable encouraging fit powerful salutary sensible functional successful friendly desirable applicable sound gratifying practicable facilitative workable remunerative informative wise prudent usable recommended fitting preferable suggested promising capable meaningful excellent adequate valid exploitable contributive employable to one's advantage satisfying enriching subservient paying formative utile fulfilling priceless substantial illuminating seemly apt judicious politic contributory commonsensical economic active proper supportive recommendable working fortuitous tactical competent prosperous accessory strong telling virtuous forcible accessible available utilizable conclusive decisive determinative operational functioning current running operable applicative applied actionable ultrapractical well spent viable in one's interests expendable unused wieldy consumable open exhaustible adaptable ready utilisable for the best at one's disposal to advantage at hand in working order in order justifiable reliable purposeful unfailing outstanding desired wholesome sure-fire plus industrious generative exemplary money-making worth the effort agreeable benevolent good for one instructive toward nice required good for you sovereign in one's interest well-spent uplifting inspiring benign accomplishing achieving effecting qualified indicated furthersome lucky useable edifying pleasing in one's best interests durable forceful hard-wearing utilitarian dependable called-for called for aiding assistive sturdy stout subordinate comforting cheering gladdening heartening heartwarming providential disposable ancillary enough moneymaking felicitous well secondary feasible precious operating in running order ready for use up and running available for use fit for use at your disposal welcome inestimable subsidiary favoured favored happy golden bright integral consequential irreplaceable jammy rosy seasonable paid fat juicy money-spinning rare choice fortunate energetic going well-paying sweet rich fructuous lush generous auxiliary logical sagacious commendable counselable treasured influential puissant born with a silver spoon in your mouth heaven-sent well-off all-important financially rewarding well paid productive of good for aid helpful to facilitate favour favor extremely helpful supplemental bush-league appurtenant collateral adjuvant minor flunky going concern paid off very productive beyond price extremely useful leading benefit tending assist promotive encourage help useful for instrumental in of great consequence of the utmost importance vitally important in the black calculated to produce lead to contribute to make for tend to promote contributing to user friendly user-friendly fair neat nifty well-designed user-oriented easy-to-use pragmatic dynamic satisfactory acceptable hopeful right well-timed full of promise advanced approachable well disposed manageable recompensing correct preferred versatile natty multipurpose healing rational reasoned financially worthwhile healthful pleasureful pleasant flattering pleasurable reassuring easy to use optimistic compelling definitive best suited presentable clear impactive affecting roseate likely upbeat rose-colored eventful altruistic humanitarian charitable kind pat dexter brave favouring favoring well timed big-hearted stimulating lesser supplementary fine all right impactful meet additional extra self-serving to one's own advantage in one's own interests second-fiddle peripheral reasonable second-class okay attendant lower-level lower-grade up to snuff decent hunky-dory OK as it should be flourishing fine and dandy branch cooperative backup lower subject assisting junior tributory assistant right on tickety-boo on the ball jake kosher unobjectionable comfortable unexceptional cool most correct

Tính từ

Functioning or able to function
working functioning active going operational running operating functional operative alive live living serviceable usable moving on dynamic up and running in process in working order on track in force in full swing in gear on fire on the job able to function in use in operation effective in action in effect workable viable in service in commission valid current practical at work practicable efficient useful existing existent ready prepared in working condition acting engaged extant persisting ongoing contemporary rolling remaining continuing present surviving in business involved abiding around in play in order in existence in employment handy occupational hitting utile rushing producing applicable purposeful organizational procedural in-service prevalent fit going on on the map on the agenda on-going high-functioning well-functioning on line opened ready for action accessible effectual employable open standing participant influential indicative potent efficacious organisational methodological exertive traveling turning stirring pushing movable powerful travelling astir flowing simmering progressive at play non-inert non-passive ticking awake strong developing subsisting vigorous alert associated with affiliated with concerned with connected with participating in taking part in binding actual productive helpful valuable beneficial fruitful legitimate lawful official legal real successful capable worthwhile licit constructive advantageous adequate competent in execution of help of use of assistance signed and sealed legally binding available on the statute book good trading forceful decisive conclusive telling determinative sound forcible virtual requisite enough suitable near imminent looming essential impending in the market open for business open to the public about implicit formal on the move in motion energetic virtuous puissant

Phó từ

At a very fast speed
fast quickly briskly hastily quick rapidly swiftly posthaste post-haste snappily speedily apace fleetly presto pronto swift chop-chop double-quick full tilt hell-for-leather lickety-split soon at full tilt in a hurry a mile a minute expeditiously hurriedly promptly at full throttle like a shot at full speed at a rate of knots at warp speed like lightning like the wind PDQ like wildfire like gangbusters in short order hell for leather like the clappers flat-out by leaps and bounds like greased lightning at breakneck speed at the speed of light at high speed double quick immediately without delay hotfoot instantaneously nippily as fast as possible like billy-o on the double like the deuce very fast like a scalded cat in double quick time like a bat out of hell at a gallop at speed like a bomb swith with great speed as soon as possible ASAP without losing time as swift as an arrow as fast as your legs can carry you in less than no time in a jiffy straightaway suddenly heedlessly precipitately agilely nimbly unpremeditatedly subito abruptly with all possible haste on spur of the moment like an arrow from a bow like crazy like a whirlwind with all speed like blazes at a run like mad too quickly directly at the double at a lick like a madwoman like a madman instantly right away at once forthwith now straight away right now straight off in a flash right off this minute like a flash straightway instanter this instant tout de suite there and then before you can say Jack Robinson in no time that minute that instant on the spot here and now this very minute toot sweet that very minute presently headlong incontinently without hesitation forthright ekdam without further ado then and there unhesitatingly plumb right bang in haste without more ado shortly summarily as quickly as possible in a trice with dispatch early straight in an instant by and by first off on a dime in a moment in a rush in a wink in two shakes in a second in the blink of an eye before you know it like nobody's business punctually seasonably first helter-skelter hurry-scurry precipitously cursorily on time within a short time at top speed anon momentarily in a split second now or never at short notice in nothing flat quick as lightning at a stroke on the instant at a fast pace in the twinkling of an eye in two shakes of a lamb's tail madly in no time at all without a second thought on the dot in a fraction of a second like now all of a sudden off the bat urgently double-time in a minute on the spur of the moment very quickly from the word go pell-mell spontaneously right off the bat express busily in double time away by return with all haste fast and furious like a streak rashly fast-paced without any delay like a bullet out of a gun as fast as one's legs can carry one soon afterward on the nail hereupon in a New York minute thereupon in a little while in a tick in a bit before long in two ticks in a mo dead plump sooner pretty soon by when any moment now any second now like all get out

Động từ

A person or thing that enjoys a short period of great popularity

Động từ

To cause an increase in temperature of an object or space
heat warm reheat roast toast boil bake fry cook grill stew scorch sear singe smelt swelter blaze broil chafe char enflame enkindle fire flame flush frizzle glow ignite incandesce incinerate inflame kindle melt scald seethe steam sun tepefy thaw make hot microwave heat up warm through make warm raise the temperature take the chill off warm up hot up set on fire raise something's temperature warm over thaw out mull zap raise the temperature of increase in temperature become warm put on the fire become hot burn simmer brown nuke parboil parch poach coddle barbecue decoct blanch fricassee casserole brew braise sizzle steep saute reduce curry devil escallop scramble panfry percolate griddle light cook up pressure-cook stir-fry prepare food french fry deep fry torch refry rewarm recook whip up bring to the boil set alight set light to put a match to set a match to touch off burn up set fire to turn on ire caramelize caramelise foreheat dry color colour spit-roast overheat pot-roast preheat sauté wilt bring back to life crisp feel hot spark oxidize decrepitate oxidise set ablaze pan-fry cauterize light up smolder carbonize carbonise combust smoulder injure hurt damage criticize excoriate criticise blister cauterise flare conflagrate smoke go up burn to the ground burn down be on fire gut consume be in flames destroy by fire go up in smoke cremate be ablaze reduce to ashes be alight rekindle burn to a crisp be aflame be afire set burning burn away go up in flames be ardent wither prepare

Trái nghĩa của awfully hot

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