Đồng nghĩa của covertly narcissistic

Tính từ

Showing or displaying passive or subtle aggression
passive-aggressive aggressive belligerent antagonistic bellicose hostile adversarial inimical irascible defiant feisty narky petulant sullen testy negativistic violent destructive cantankerous stroppy pugnacious argumentative fierce quarrelsome angry loudmouthed inhospitable confrontational fiery threatening combative militant nasty miffy exasperated irritable malevolent fractious ornery surly splenetic touchy unfriendly abusive mean warlike truculent pettish snarly grumpy offensive cross grouchy chippy antipathetic arsey rancorous snappish prickly cranky snappy fretful choleric agonistic soreheaded mighty assaultive crabby scrappy unkind contrary peppery contentious discordant huffy ill-tempered bad-tempered hot-tempered quick-tempered short-tempered disputatious gladiatorial brawly spiteful malicious unsympathetic bitter vitriolic on the warpath hateful malignant catty venomous negative oppugnant vindictive captious sour wrathful acrimonious harsh warring fighting litigious vicious spoiling for a fight jaundiced peevish disagreeable rebellious ill-disposed virulent intimidating adverse uncongenial menacing unsociable hurtful malign ferocious battling warmongering difficult bolshie adversary aggers ill-natured opposed dour biting poisonous uncooperative opposing furious sulky glowering cruel maleficent stern disputative malefic cavilling viperous rude unpleasant indignant hawkish ready for a fight caviling provocative moody tough uncharitable militaristic resentful unwelcoming disapproving martial polemical challenging unreceptive waspish factious foul unruly inconsiderate excitable controversial polemic churlish resistant ratty cold dark aggrieved rough querulous wrangling bickering bad at loggerheads ill-humored active have chip on shoulder ill-humoured have a bone to pick disobedient browbeating bullying contending brooding conflicting enthusiastic mortal pushy obnoxious glum alien embattled wayward scathing hard cutting morose spirited courageous spunky forbidding recalcitrant caustic dissenting censorious forceful unpropitious biffo insubordinate tetchy savage wilful irate contumacious gutsy anti sharp frowning wounding willful hot flip ardent averse joyless scowling against severe envenomed hot-blooded dissentious perverse disruptive crotchety salty brawling filthy thin-skinned shirty sabre-rattling grumbling insolent opposite down on uncontrollable on the outs bold up in arms enraged have it in for gloomy temperamental aggravated foreboding cheerless evil-intentioned ready to fight mean-spirited hate-filled spiky having a chip on one's shoulder at odds evil-minded cussed acrid bilious ireful pro-war plucky determined itching terrorizing troublesome awkward pressuring hectoring imperious domineering terrorising pernicious ill rotten peckish liverish curmudgeonly waxy naysaying wrestling bloodthirsty tilting skirmishing grim dissentient clashing wretched vile crabbed oppositional raspy ominous opinionated assertive frightening self-assertive itching to fight combatant at war quarrelling competing jingoistic snippety looking for trouble vigorous dissident on a short fuse short-fused under arms battleful snippy snarky stuffy sparring rival unwilling adversative accusatorial reluctant oppugning hotheaded radical stinging incisive blistering astringent mordant ructious tempestuous arguesome impetuous agitable allergic ultra-active two-fisted extremist extreme combating impassioned turbulent passionate war withering despiteful searing quarreling at daggers drawn fanatical zealous dead set against dissenting from acting in opposition in disagreement with at variance with at odds with set against acerbic devastating disobliging unfavorable unfavourable military warrish revolutionary assertory discontented nagging acerb stabbing vituperative cool scolding snide criticizing hot-headed sensitive brusque backbiting cattish in arms grating callous unfeeling mettlesome lively alive energetic bubbly peppy gritty frisky gutty zestful game hearty shrewish vixenish criticising carping complaining annoyed vexed displeased irked piqued irritated insensitive curt brutal galled provoked galling sharp-tongued fault-finding antisocial full-blooded go-getting high-strung outraged annoying irritating full of pep pitiless comfortless evil wicked gruff misanthropic abrasive dysfunctional refractory baleful intractable rubbing the wrong way hard to take delinquent louring ungovernable competitive obstreperous froward naughty badly behaved undisciplined ill-disciplined mischievous eggy black balky obstinate mutinous rebel impudent badly-behaved misbehaving whiny problematic restive incompliant untoward recusant vengeful estranged disaffected socially impaired trying self-willed tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disturbed pesky roguish rowdy undisciplinable ill-behaved demanding troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable stubborn irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly grudging intransigent subversive daring resisting audacious reckless resistive disregardful cheeky insubmissive dareful sassy non-compliant

Trái nghĩa của covertly narcissistic

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