Đồng nghĩa của end on a sour note

Động từ

To destroy (typically close or beneficial) relationships, especially permanently
burn your bridges estrange disgruntle kick down the ladder destroy relationships make hostile cause antagonism between sever connections between drive away drive a wedge between set at odds with sow dissension between turn your back on alienate disaffect antagonize separate part divide withdraw disillusion keep apart split divert sever leave push away disenchant antagonise sunder turn off set at variance lose turn away disunify set at odds make unfriendly distance break up sour wean alien isolate put on the outs disunite divorce drive apart set against destroy the affections of withhold dissatisfy make hostile to put at a distance split up anger envenom detach embitter disengage set apart come between sow dissension make bitter make resentful poison segregate cut off exasperate annoy empoison frustrate irritate disperse disconnect dissociate set against one another cause a rift cause disagreement between put at odds pit against one another set in opposition part company set as rivals turn against pit against break off make indifferent displease disquiet discontent withdraw the affections of pull apart disjoin vex jaundice discourage exacerbate aggravate rankle worsen quit ramify disjoint partition disband dissever dismantle uncouple resolve decouple disrupt unyoke disassociate unlink venom upset acidulate bother make rancorous acerbate bitter rive embroil dissolve break undo insulate sequester quarantine seclude break away cocoon dedomicile exclude cloister offend hassle repel gall distance oneself become estranged close off shut away be estranged cordon off seal off abstract confine rope off fence off island keep out screen off remove keep in solitude put a cordon sanitaire around form a ring around tape off block off shut off partition off curtain off go different ways reach a parting of the ways break it off get divorced go separate ways untie the knot stop living together get a divorce pull out hack off lose the affection of

Trái nghĩa của end on a sour note

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