Đồng nghĩa của final part

Danh từ

An end or final part or stage of something
finish end conclusion close finale closing culmination ending completion resolution consummation termination cessation closure discontinuation halt stoppage discontinuance finalisation finalization stop accomplishment achievement cutoff execution fruition shutdown windup wrap arrest arrestment cease closedown denouement endgame fulfillment fulfilment shutoff surcease terminus check curtains death dénouement expiration finis homestretch lapse capper curtain desistance liquidation grand finale winding up winding-up wind-up wrap-up last last stage mop-up final act final stage sewing up end of the line polishing off end of the road run-in stay offset suspension stopping outcome interruption payoff result expiry consequence finishing realization climax pause period break halting success adjournment realisation epilogue issue attainment coda upshot epilog perfection breaking off ceasing freeze omega last act bitter end standstill intermission swan song limit disruption peroration desuetude grinding halt effect determination retirement final scene screaming halt dissolution breakup actualization last part stopping point tail end actuality cutting short eventuality sign-off pass destruction interval closing stages last word bottom line end result respite hiatus rest collapse breather breakdown downtime deadlock abeyance layoff abandonment letup time-out break-off screeching halt aftermath corollary summation failure product fruit effecting aftereffect backwash running out effectuation feat outgrowth precipitate sequel performance coup concluding development reification fate sequence triumph final curtain resultant acquirement child coup de grace sequelae baby pay-off severance separation blackout curtailment suppression disjunction gap discontinuity tie-up withdrawal outro interlude alternation demise completeness hips integration stalemate impasse summing-up cancellation occlusion dead stop dead end blockage logjam gridlock abortion cesser standoff lapsing final thoughts lull brick wall roadblock cut-off cancelation kiss-off ballgame clarification unravelling solution wane summing up catastrophe full stop stand cut-off point Mexican standoff term breathing space time out afterpiece closer chaser button blow-off unraveling cleanup end-stage end-stages final word finishing point folding cloture final point last stop disbarment disbandment causatum end piece shutting crowning glory discontinuing sequent wait to a finish doing it to a T shutting down closing down after-effect follow-on spin-off delay fag end target desisting remaining hesitation block terminating deterring holding gaining tag end recess acquisition procurement ruin remission obtaining getting winning securing reaching realizing implementation ruination gain reaping fulfilling let-up crumbling downfall extinction undoing time off procuring acquiring crackup gratification materialization extermination elimination maturation satisfaction disintegration dispersal realising arrival at succeeding arrival maturity ripeness deed extinguishing annihilation obliteration enjoyment materialisation ripening pleasure readiness fruitfulness exploit act extirpation eradication reaction repercussion ramification maneuver stunt operation manoeuvre exercise move wiping out stratagem doing effort fruits concomitant reverberations event produce stroke of genius carrying out production bringing about master stroke peak matter of course by-product out-turn zenith pinnacle height summit apex top apogee vertex acme crest crown sum apotheosis capstone head crescendo maximum meridian extremity noontime copestone noon high noon highest point tip-top high point crowning moment ne plus ultra critical mass high-water mark crowning touch punch line blow off high water mark discharge victory action undertaking tour de force conquest enterprise prosecution enactment masterstroke handiwork work positive result commission completing stroke win conduct feather in cap perpetration crowning masterpiece conducting venture hit carrying through lifework walkover pursuance discharging creation contentment redemption activity adventure thing grand slam life's work glory dispatch walkaway implementing settlement negotiation engineering serenity upset clinching observance settling benefit vanquishment ascendancy favorable outcome contrivance achieving skill performing favourable result self-satisfaction job prize sense of achievement number trick endeavour acquittal caper successful outcome lark self-realization self-actualization self-fulfillment joy jackpot bringing off gest crusade affair endeavor successful manoeuvre sensation smash clean sweep successful completion product of working life pulling off hole in one heroic act home run big hit smash hit smash-hit wow result of working life enforcement following pursuing exploits capping perfecting feats opus glee cheerfulness reward trouncing defeating thrashing dominion conquering crushing overpowering brokering acts successful resolution behavior behaviour scoop coup de mâitre coup d'état step successful fulfillment successful conclusion notch in one's belt set beating luck plot gesture practice successful consummation successful execution supremacy sweep establishment arranging exertion nirvana kick contentedness complete success act of genius gold successful finalization carrying-out blow successful stroke carrying into action bringing into being bringing to fruition accomplishing something done honouring honoring inner peace kicks observance blockbuster progress eminence satisfying successful result do happenin' bit cause byplay quest plan game phenomenon you got it just the ticket advance strike flying colors éclat upper hand knockout winner marvel meeting blessing godsend boon effectuality ascendency effectiveness effectualness successfulness efficaciousness auspiciousness something else one for the books follow through big idea good treasure windfall bonanza asset advantage favourable outcome escapade making good adherence to experience miracle handling time fling romp episode discovery management organization happening emprise antic spree geste campaign administration design end product stroke of luck good fortune mastery agreement output brainchild handicraft invention daring act belter palm conception innovation application smasheroo transaction hammering out working out organisation article origination concoction formulation genesis glow score surmounting takeover splash vanquishing cinch homer pushover big win thrashing out finished product aspiration final product yield final result derivative offshoot offspring self-pleasure self-assurance flush of success self-approval self-approbation glow of achievement shoo-in the gold

Trái nghĩa của final part

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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