Đồng nghĩa của flankers

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Plural for a cunning trick or dishonest act, in particular one intended to avoid something unpleasant
dodges tricks ruses schemes stratagems ploys artifice devices wiles manoeuvres subterfuge deception gambits machinations flimflams maneuvers gimmicks contrivances fraud tactics hoaxes deceits cons plots scams shenanigans plans expedients play sleights feints jigs shift cheats swindles fetches knacks buncos juggles blinds wheezes grifts methods pretexts strategy lurks rorts canards traps wangles loopholes set-ups con tricks gyps confidence tricks schlenters rigs stings pretence pretense game impostures snares whitewash trickery misrepresentation Trojan horses fakes duplicity snow jobs chicanery leg-pulls shams lies decoys moves bluff hustles rip-offs rackets dirty tricks spoofs dirty work sellouts humbug sweet talk soft soap sells cunning slyness guile savvy sleight of hand artfulness craft craftiness jives hogwash rides catch stalls chicanes crocks fallacies confidence games shucks fibs wrinkles pork pies bilks mare's-nests malarkey porkies cover-ups illusion hokums con games stories falsehood delusions sharp practice double-dealing conspiracies imposition distortion treachery fakery covers ambushes invention kites boondoggles lift dos rips stealing daylight robbery mare's nests thieveries robbery swizzes exploitation purloinings twists shakedowns thieving steals ramps larceny diddles overchargings stunts put-ons intrigue means setups courses of action put-up jobs measures design cheating fiddles ways facades shell games angles pranks act masquerades charades evasion fronts smokescreens frame-ups jokes actions game plans booby traps bait allurements make-believe imitation frames systems policy dirty pool cabals steps tacks courses refuge instruments finesse disguises simulation programmes double-crosses dissimulation counterfeits programs fixes show red herrings lures temptation excuse inveiglement enticement seducement come-ons camouflage projects switches scenarios collusion dishonesty swizzles recourse funny business procedure pretensions codology manoeuvrings jests resorts practical jokes stopgaps graft kidology capers maneuverings extortions brainchildren curveballs expediency resources approaches mousetraps poses smoke screens practice fabrication masks distraction semblance covin ideas cloaks arrangements hooks playacting guises pitfalls entrapment master plans attraction draws equivocation sitting ducks inducements carrot fit-ups recipes planning escapades insincerity patterns lines plotting manipulation blackmail crime fun substitutes shuffles feignings media proposition skullduggery gamesmanship hypocrisy sport demarches concern fixtures initiatives bills of goods dispositions hanky-panky mockery makeshifts swindlings slants monkey business secret tools agency hocus-pocus purpose operations posturings methodology sweeteners veils deceptiveness appeals forgery calls seduction invitation pulls perfidy incentives phonies ground plans phoneys routine plants bribes falsity blueprints shufflings magnets gold bricks falseness dupes screens siren songs disloyalty touts drawing cards sophisms sophistry hosings japes deviousness duck hoodwinkings antics jugglery jiggery-pokery horseplay legerdemain skulduggery beguilements scenes bits one-upmanships kickers widgets gizmos gadgets feats cunningness improvisation modes possibilities alternatives appliances options contraptions innovation coinage concoction creation formations roguery knavery embezzlements double crosses ventures enterprises road maps sanctimoniousness phoneyness cant propaganda false pretenses posings falsification misstatements schticks ostentation actings displays appearance gags veneers paths roads apparatuses promotion aid shticks burlesque dissemblings phoninesses fiction smoke flim-flams didos quizzes deadfalls mines land mines snow quackery fraudulence charlatanry shiftings proceedings movement deeds progress attempts efforts motion deviations fools' errands false faces wild-goose chases disturbance distractors commotion diversion interruption campaigns diplomacy defence generalships form technique hows styles defense fashion red tape manners campaignings treatments big pictures deals projection roadmaps suggestion thought intention proposals submission animus undertakings formulae hookups seditions complots counterplots confederacies treacherousness leagues countermines pushes thefts lay corruption illegality lawlessness squeezes draft draught subversion knowledge agreement dragnets involvement approval skunk guiltiness consents guilt snags collaboration connivances flams cahoots gin complicity turn-ons interest fascination allure farce pretentiousness pageants simulacrums pantomime travesties mimicry parodies windups teases laughs cozenings wrongs baloneys jazz hoaxings bamboozlement stoolies stool pigeons narks boosters stick ensnarement shills beards instrumentalities solutions impersonation costumes revels maskings mummeries personations color colour lookalikes dummies pinchbeck pseudos replicas reproduction copies likenesses four-flushers knock-offs pirates mock-ups business betrayal stabs in the back infidelity unfaithfulness backstabbings faithlessness two-timing treason quibblings spuriousness rationalization subtlety rationalisation justification casuistics casuistry speciousness fallaciousness legalisms avoidance cop-outs dodgings prevarication ditch evasiveness escapes go-bys shirkings elusion slips shakings stonewalls shunnings quibbles obliqueness outs skirtings stonewallings eschewals ducking circumvention

Trái nghĩa của flankers

flankers Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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