Đồng nghĩa của greatly thankful

Tính từ

Providing perfect happiness or great joy
blissful happy delighted joyful elated joyous ecstatic thrilled overjoyed euphoric glad pleased enraptured rapturous gratified satisfied chuffed transported wrapped rapt tickled rhapsodic enchanted sent enthusiastic beatific ravished wonderful orgasmic delightful pleasurable enjoyable peaceful pleasing floating flying heavenly crazy dreamy mad gratifying satisfying cool harmonious idyllic perfect cock-a-hoop on cloud nine over the moon in seventh heaven in raptures beside oneself with joy blissed out on top of the world beside oneself with happiness in transports turned-on spaced-out in ecstasies in ecstasy in the twilight zone content jubilant contented gleeful merry cheerful in high spirits jolly cheery jovial on cloud seven sunny exuberant mirthful jocund carefree gay upbeat buoyant blithe effervescent blithesome sparkling laughing exultant radiant chirpy gladsome grinning untroubled peppy optimistic beaming chipper smiling hopeful smiley stoked light-hearted in good spirits tickled pink as pleased as Punch like a dog with two tails bright sprightly jaunty bubbly ebullient airy breezy festive genial unworried heartwarming positive sparky peart blessed high fantastic pleasant lighthearted good-humoured happy-go-lucky triumphant good-humored captivated entertained charmed entranced fulfilled full of hope full of the joys of spring without a care in the world of good cheer on a high made up as happy as a clam walking on air floating on air as happy as Larry like a child with a new toy jumping for joy popping flipping doing handsprings amused gladdened diverted excited enchanté very pleased pleasantly surprised in transports of delight grateful smug complacent gruntled appreciative welcome well pleased pleased as punch vivacious amusing glowing humorous winsome boon boisterous hilarious lively exhilarated riotous uproarious larking jumping grooving zippy saturnalian paradisiacal sanguine zingy paradisiac rousing well zappy rollicking rosy paradisal rhapsodical fun paradisaical frolicsome rocking rejoicing paradisaic sportive convivial up perky light comfortable playful blest magical wild intoxicated Panglossian in a good mood tickled to death feel-good starry-eyed at ease rip-roaring flying high can't complain looking good full of beans as happy as a sandboy rose-colored fun-loving jocular spirited heartening vigorous delirious treading on air elevated giddy enrapt heady frenzied overexcited carried away deliriously happy wigged out exalted beside oneself aglow felicitous blissfully happy animated thrilled to bits hysterical in transports of pleasure in transports of joy corybantic wild with excitement in a frenzy of delight proud exulting crowing glorying crank prideful only too happy extremely happy happy as a lark happy as a clam gloating triumphal triumphalist celebrating fervent athrill spellbound fascinated enthralled gripped bewitched delirious with happiness in exaltation turned on in a frenzy very happy engrossed held riveted mesmerized preoccupied absorbed intent absent enamoured inattentive taken dreaming mesmerised involved absent-minded overwhelmed abstracted hypnotized engaged daydreaming employed beguiled hypnotised enamored busy occupied unconscious oblivious interested hung up wrapped up caught up in

Tính từ

Merciful or fortunate

Trái nghĩa của greatly thankful

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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