Đồng nghĩa của lacking in ambition

Tính từ

Characterized by laziness, indolence, and a lack of ambition
shiftless lazy indolent slothful idle apathetic lethargic lackadaisical lifeless slack spiritless unambitious inattentive workshy worthless unenergetic incompetent aimless loafing inefficient inept unindustrious unmotivated laggard irresponsible unenterprising dallying lagging procrastinating feckless improvident directionless ambitionless good-for-nothing sluggish listless inactive inert torpid languid passive slow dull supine indifferent languorous otiose impassive fainéant heavy comatose work-shy unenthusiastic enervated bone idle dormant slow-moving laid-back tired lax uninterested careless sleepy somnolent useless drowsy slumberous dopey easygoing faineant snoozy do-nothing negligent insouciant no-good no-account limp leisurely fatigued remiss phlegmatic quiescent lymphatic lukewarm lousy narcotic languishing stupefied dreamy moony blah energyless abstracted leaden stupid stuporous hebetudinous out of it half-hearted sluggard ne'er-do-well unmoved uninspired motivationless stagnant vigourless vacant carefree effete mopish plodding motionless numb absent neutral heedless bored benumbed lumpish drony resting insensible hibernating drugged sleeping sodden latent unhurried paralyzed static paralysed unreliable lacking energy out inconscious cold unpurposed wild unworksome unoccupied unaspiring parasitic procrastinative bone-idle slow-going vegged out dead to the world out cold out to lunch unconcerned casual disinterested uncaring offhand slapdash relaxed pococurante feeble passionless incurious Laodicean bloodless halfhearted daydreaming sentimental romantic slap-happy laid back laissez-faire easy going spring fever weary dilatory draggy exhausted stolid lacklustre lackluster debilitated sleepyhead wimpy unmoving nebbish stretchy without energy having spring fever nonchalant cool perfunctory easy tardy weak unresponsive blasé slipshod neglectful sloppy cursory unheeding blithe disregardful derelict devil-may-care reckless tepid incautious free and easy emotionless dawdling creeping easy-going measured subdued crawling snaillike unexcited deliberate ponderous delinquent unmindful detached flat unthinking irresolute flagging dispassionate droopy delaying moderate loitering unenthused unimpressed cavalier complacent tortoiselike postponing breezy superficial faint blahs pining insipid tame happy-go-lucky desultory slow-paced infirm blithely unconcerned without care thoughtless forgetful uncurious untroubled regardless flippant uninvolved gradual loose uncircumspect undependable unobservant untrustworthy unaccountable unworried slovenly slow-footed sickly reluctant unemotional uninspiring vapid unwilling gentle comfortable characterless wooden uneager hasty sedate neglecting unrushed unfeeling indecisive undemanding steady dragging snail-paced dillydallying pokey poking poky effortless vigorless non-committal airy behindhand informal wishy-washy spent damp callous lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair neb sedentary still being lazy unconvincing inconsiderate lacking in energy taking your time lame weakly meager paltry meagre sluggardly labored laboured tortoise-like soporous soporose unstudied artless not enthusiastic lacking vitality leaden-footed snail-like unlively stoic stoical sketchy light disimpassioned spineless yielding laggy lollygagging late barratrous simple unceremonious imperceptible light-hearted burned out unproductive somnific acquiescent submissive servile pliant docile clinical haphazard hurried mechanical fleeting brief summary passing token quick cold-blooded undemonstrative impassible affectless blameworthy culpable defaultant inconsistent oscitant reprehensible woolgathering take-it-or-leave-it couldn't-care-less shoddy boring unthorough unthoughtful untidy unsystematic unmeticulous untouched dispirited withdrawn remote just watching the clock not giving a damn optimistic content carefree and untroubled free-minded cheerful negative living the life of Riley dry laodicean undecided chilly uncertain uncommitted hesitant unresolved dismissive rapid quiet peaceful colourless disorganized disorderly could care less don't give a damn what the hell couldn't care less at fault anaemic soulless disorganised unprofessional permissive not interested asleep at switch asleep on job any which way any old way phoning it in walking through it asleep at the wheel pathetic restful going through the motions foolhardy unimpassioned unperturbed asleep on the job rash daredevil unruffled desiccated precipitous overhasty precipitate meek serene low lingering impulsive impetuous imprudent over-venturesome headlong hot-headed over-adventurous harum-scarum inanimate sad drippy colorless anemic audacious death-or-glory madcap unwise hare-brained lacking in vitality distant unanxious flat tire hell-for-leather kamikaze swaggering calm unsympathetic aloof oblivious tearaway temerarious delayed slackened unhasty relaxing free nonplussed unflappable reserved deaf unbothered not bothered without a care in the world at ease hardened hard-hearted not giving a toss self-centered insensitive undisturbed blind stony cool, calm and collected undaunted self-centred drained wearied worn pooped knackered beat dead aweary bushed prostrate done loggy jaded logy beaten bleary weakened wiped out played out burned-out washed-out worn out tuckered out burnt-out worn-out all in tapped out

Trái nghĩa của lacking in ambition

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