Đồng nghĩa của more aberrated

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Comparative for distorted
odder uncommoner stranger bizarrer weirder queerer curiouser funnier quirkier freakier scarcer wackier uncannier crazier zanier kinkier quainter whackier kookier sparser rummer wilder screwier unlikelier eerier noteworthier flakier daggier crankier funkier fewer and farther between thinner on the ground perverser unhealthier wonderfuller fishier creepier droller spookier flukier scanter scantier extremer absurder seriouser foolisher madder gnarlier heavier newer fresher obscurer moderner nuttier benter newsworthier grotesquer hippier dottier rummier cooler battier shadier dodgier shakier awkwarder cleverer newer-fangled abstruser flimsier more aberrant more abnormal more anomalous more atypical more especial more exceeding more exceptional more extraordinary more peculiar more phenomenal more preternatural more rare more singular more uncustomary more unique more unusual more unwonted more irregular more unexpected more deviant more freakish more unconventional more unfamiliar more untypical more unorthodox more different more surprising more unaccustomed more eccentric more offbeat more unnatural more uncharacteristic more infrequent more isolated more remarkable more erratic more outré more outlandish more divergent more off the wall more off-the-wall more inconceivable more aberrational more unaccountable more wacko more novel more incredible more special more unrepresentative more devious more unordinary more incongruous more fantastic more sporadic more off-centre more puzzling more mysterious more prodigious more mystifying more perplexing more dubious more baffling more idiosyncratic more seldom more limited more alien more kookie more queerish more heteroclite more unthinkable more nonstandard more unimaginable more off-kilter more unco more unheard-of more scattered more far-out more rarefied more out there more unfrequent more original more inexplicable more astonishing more amazing more unparalleled more outstanding more suspicious more miraculous more inconsistent more rogue more notable more foreign more anomalistic more warped more twisted more perverted more conspicuous more unnormal more whimsical more bizarro more dilly more off-color more off-base more spaced-out more intermittent more wayward more jarring more aperiodic more incomparable more distinct more intriguing more monstrous more digressive more nonconformist more casual more episodical more episodic more questionable more corrupt more defective more periodical more heteromorphic more unpredictable more exotic more chance more spasmodic more unforeseeable more unanticipated more fortuitous more psycho more mental more startling more arcane more nondescript more egregious more sensational more astounding more nonconforming more striking more stunning more momentous more unbelievable more eye-catching more improbable more unforgettable more fanciful more ridiculous more unrealistic more spectacular more stupendous more preposterous more ludicrous more implausible more irrational more tremendous more grandiose more extravagant more nonsensical more fantastical more doubtful more wondrous more eye-popping more amazeballs more unreal more cockamamie more insane more comical more forby more flash more far-fetched more memorable more atypic more eminent more refreshing more awesome more awe-inspiring more individual more avant-garde more distinctive more characteristic more unknown more particular more far out more radical more revolutionary more innovative more off-center more advanced more creative more incomprehensible more distinguishing more individualistic more quizzical more exclusive more inventive more surreal more innovatory more innovational more ingenious more imaginative more groundbreaking more specific more experimental more capricious more maverick more typical more contemporary more state-of-the-art more new-fashioned more bohemian more signature more madcap more suspect more unexplored more discriminating more classic more symptomatic more progressive more futuristic more trailblazing more one-off more diagnostic more originative more cockeyed more outrageous more off-key more modernistic more disruptive more beat more cutting-edge more marked more cutting edge more distinguished more informal more variant more specialized more personal more heretical more unceremonious more proper more esoteric more unbalanced more dubitable more disparate more contrary more unlike more supernatural more disputable more debatable more remote more inscrutable more impossible more recondite more specialised more recent more unconvincing more untraditional more unpredicted more out of character more interesting more personalized more random more impressive more exciting more dissimilar more significant more prominent more eccentrical more marginal more doubtable more equivocal more disquieting more skittish more discrete more diacritic more problematical more other more touched more demented more unhinged more unrelated more staggering more heretic more dissident more dissentient more discordant more fundamental more customised more personalised more unexplainable more kookish more up to date more drastic more unsuitable more inappropriate more illegal more improper more anarchistic more unseasonable more liberated more unfettered more anarchic more sectarian more up-to-date more unharmonious more errant more independent more artful more representative more unfathomable more electrifying more untrammeled more forward-looking more up-and-coming more illogical more insoluble more unsolvable more transformational more essential more private more bewildering more alone more deviceful more variational more entrepreneurial more Promethean more flustering more disconcerting more overwhelming more upsetting more portentous more discomfiting more confusing more unconceivable more incredulous more uncompelling more enigmatic more inexplainable more eye-opening more abrupt more sudden more unreasonable more precise more definite more insupportable more incogitable more out of the question more unintelligible more mystic more unknowable more visionary more inspiring more inspired more exaggerated more seminal more artistic more embellished more hyperbolic more farfetched more laughable more farcical more mind-boggling

Trái nghĩa của more aberrated

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