Đồng nghĩa của more gingerbready

Tính từ

Comparative for resembling or characteristic of gingerbread
fussier busier fancier flowerier showier chintzier frillier flashier gaudier tawdrier glossier finer lavisher splashier brighter wordier glitzier richer prettier posher bizarrer plusher grotesquer dressier minuter daintier classier swisher spiffier extremer swankier snazzier ritzier jazzier cushier higher-quality more ornate more florid more gingerbreaded more overwrought more over-elaborate more overelaborate more baroque more overdone more flamboyant more elaborate more overworked more embellished more laboured more labored more ostentatious more strained more extravagant more wedding-cake more cluttered more precious more contrived more high-flown more overblown more exaggerated more overripe more grandiloquent more decorated more beautiful more detailed more complicated more complex more adorned more elegant more aureate more flash more bedecked more luscious more meretricious more sumptuous more glamorous more verbose more dazzling more ornamental more resplendent more brilliant more magnificent more flaunting more metaphorical more superficial more colored more variegated more opulent more coloured more decorative more luxurious more intricate more attractive more deluxe more cosmetic more delicate more sophisticated more nonfunctional more over the top more gilt more impressive more overstated more pretentious more grandiose more garish more skillful more skilful more artistic more meticulous more accessory more exquisite more prosperous more exact more painstaking more quality more towering more select more devilish more special more fanciful more arty-crafty more unusual more fancible more highfalutin more chichi more high-class more fancy-pants

Trái nghĩa của more gingerbready

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