Đồng nghĩa của most unbudging

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Superlative for refusing to budge
firmest rigidest steadfastest stiffest fastest securest stubbornest steadiest tightest quietest stillest staunchest hardest toughest grimmest wilfullest cruelest devoutest harshest steeliest strictest truest perversest severest loyalest stanchest trustiest best trustworthiest intensest surest deadest sternest numbest earnestest bravest boldest pluckiest stoutest grittiest strongest gutsiest seriousest spunkiest most immovable most immotile most unmovable most stable most fixed most rooted most unbudgeable most stuck most frozen most unwavering most inflexible most unbending most obdurate most adamant most unyielding most obstinate most tenacious most unrelenting most set most solid most settled most established most attached most unmoving most hooked most resolute most uncompromising most single-minded most inexorable most implacable most relentless most intransigent most determined most unshakeable most dogged most pertinacious most stalwart most unswerving most persistent most merciless most unappeasable most headstrong most ruthless most stiff-necked most mulish most bullheaded most hardheaded most willful most inconvincible most adamantine most pigheaded most opinionated most indurate most bound most inert most dedicated most unfaltering most committed most intractable most pitiless most inanimate most constant most intent most unsparing most indefatigable most persevering most unforgiving most transfixed most rigorous most insistent most hardened most self-willed most ossified most pat most unflagging most torpid most unchanging most unmoved most wholehearted most rock-ribbed most uncooperative most unpersuadable most iron-handed most unmollifiable most unplacatable most inescapable most faithful most diehard most stringent most draconian most exacting most renitent most unmalleable most bloody-minded most ineluctable most hard-core most refractory most hard and fast most durable most immalleable most devoted most compulsory most necessary most dependable most reliable most lifeless most stagnant most stopped most unquestioning most allegiant most unqualified most ardent most enduring most abiding most sedulous most unstoppable most assiduous most petrified most driven most pounding most iron-fisted most hard-headed most unabated most mortal most unswervable most strong-minded most strong-willed most purposeful most purposive most deliberate most decided most spirited most manful most courageous most unshaken most indomitable most strenuous most unflappable most stout-hearted most vigorous most mettlesome most valiant most unbendable most unshakable most perseverant most compulsive most undeviating

Trái nghĩa của most unbudging

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