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Superlative for not friendly
unfriendliest coldest chilliest sourest surliest coolest frostiest frigidest unpleasantest unkindest haughtiest nastiest severest sternest stiffest brittlest clammiest iciest impolitest rudest winteriest wintriest crossest starchiest grouchiest gruffest hatefullest spitefullest stoniest worst-tempered shortest brusquest unhappiest mopiest driest quietest silentest uppitiest adversest bitterest grimmest austerest harshest hardest dourest angriest toughest baddest roughest sullenest fiercest meanest sulkiest testiest steeliest bleakest crabbiest scrappiest darkest grumpiest orneriest ruggedest stroppiest flintiest curtest moodiest seriousest cattiest morosest chippiest gloomiest somberest sombrest direst viciousest glummest gravest ugliest stuffiest starkest poorest touchiest cruelest prickliest difficultest tetchiest wickedest foulest violentest soberest harmfullest sharpest shiest narkiest uptightest lowest crotchetiest bluntest awfullest feistiest closest snappiest evillest crankiest huffiest wretchedest rigidest unluckiest perversest curmudgeonliest rattiest poutiest shirtiest blackest proudest snootiest vulgarest trickiest uncouthest primmest filthiest tightest dumbest stickiest awkwardest earnestest thorniest heaviest terriblest crustiest tartest hairiest knottiest eggiest woefullest flippest iffiest dodgiest chanciest grayest greyest stolidest rottenest loathest vilest strictest numbest loftiest doomiest dreariest scratchiest thickest-skinned snippiest bolshiest bloodthirstiest snakiest mutest iratest hottest staidest coarsest wildest fearfullest acerbest freshest ungainliest grossest spikiest seemliest tersest politest deadliest barrenest rockiest saddest messiest mournfullest dolefulest miserablest shadowiest snarliest unfittest latest unseemliest tardiest acridest liveliest timidest pepperiest mightiest placidest peacefullest mildest gentlest candidest straightest most hostile most antagonistic most disagreeable most aloof most distant most inimical most unsympathetic most inhospitable most misanthropic most uncongenial most unsociable most aggressive most antisocial most ill-natured most unaffable most unsocial most unwelcoming most quarrelsome most reserved most unapproachable most withdrawn most disdainful most impersonal most indifferent most supercilious most uncommunicative most unforthcoming most adversarial most antipathetic most antiseptic most arctic most chill most cold-blooded most discourteous most frozen most gelid most glacial most jaundiced most menacing most mortal most negative most obnoxious most uncivil most uncordial most ungracious most unmannerly most ill-disposed most Olympian most acrimonious most censorious most combative most competitive most conflicting most contrary most disaffected most estranged most grudging most malicious most malignant most uncharitable most unneighborly most unpromising most vengeful most warlike most remote most reclusive most standoffish most unamiable most reticent most suspicious most distrustful most asocial most unsavoury most unattractive most objectionable most unlikeable most ungenerous most ungregarious most ungenial most xenophobic most offhand most unreceptive most unemotional most unresponsive most uncompanionable most unfavorable most unfavourable most formal most emotionless most depressing most uninvolved most ill-tempered most unsavory most cynical most sceptical most detached most malevolent most taciturn most introverted most private most pessimistic most inhumane most offish most unclubbable most mopish most narrow-minded most sardonic most eremitic most egotistical most egoistic most misanthropical most sarcastic most selfish most inaccessible most secretive most unbending most inapproachable most brooding most skeptical most stuck-up most buttoned-up most forbidding most belligerent most confrontational most bellicose most threatening most undemonstrative most unfeeling most pugnacious most prejudicial most vitriolic most argumentative most militant most truculent most dispassionate most churlish most intimidating most cantankerous most untoward most unenthusiastic most rancorous most dangerous most irritable most irascible most contentious most hurtful most unconcerned most passionless most offensive most critical most ill-humored most injurious most restrained most venomous most damaging most disadvantageous most unpropitious most vindictive most malign most resentful most malefic most averse most wooden most petulant most wrathful most abusive most apathetic most uninterested most crabbed most ill most guarded most insolent most incurious most fractious most maleficent most inhuman most joyless most virulent most impertinent most lowering most ungentle most splenetic most sinister most impudent most inconsiderate most grievous most peevish most trying most foreboding most destructive most ominous most troublesome most querulous most cold-hearted most off most worrying most perilous most off-putting most biting most repellent most disrespectful most annoyed most viperous most poisonous most baleful most inauspicious most ill-mannered most furious most solemn most onerous most spartan most oppugnant most oppressive most oppositional most unloving most uncomplimentary most tight-lipped most strait-laced most pernicious most unfortunate most comfortless most introvert most detrimental most obstructive most bad-mannered most deleterious most resistant most agonistic most discordant most diffident most snappish most dismal most constrained most allergic most miffy most self-contained most brutal most abhorrent most unhelpful most noxious most stringent most procacious most choleric most calamitous most soreheaded most indignant most fiery most conventional most disparaging most laconic most inflexible most closemouthed most excruciating most disputatious most snobbish most boorish most quick-tempered most insensitive most waspish most baneful most taxing most direful most frightening most retired most burdensome most abrupt most exacting most short-tempered most dyspeptic most bilious most vexatious most cheerless most uncooperative most bearish most upsetting most alienated most ill-fated most alien most exasperated most repugnant most distressing most precarious most contemptuous most bloody-minded most insulting most unflattering most rigorous most abstracted most phlegmatic most affectless most disturbing most preoccupied most reluctant most unwilling most derogatory most acerbic most minatory most loudmouthed most discontented most pettish most ruinous most demure most hesitant most accusatorial most impassive most fretful most callous most backward most dissident most poker-faced most untimely most ceremonious most laid back most ill-bred most cautious most gladiatorial most straitened most stuck up most inopportune most bodeful most saturnine most ungallant most unyielding most caustic most hard-boiled most nocuous most harrowing most eremetic most shrewish most unladylike most ungentlemanly most liverish most delicate most uncalled-for most thoughtless most unmannered most unhandsome most peckish most hardhanded most stilted most waxy most mischievous most humorless most humourless most infelicitous most ill-boding most hazardous most bothersome most irksome most arduous most challenging most unsuited most dreadful most mean-spirited most cussed most ill-omened most inconvenient most ticklish most worrisome most concerning most problematical most punishing most no-nonsense most unseasonable most uncomfortable most desolate most acid most abrasive most dubious most out of sorts most discommodious most suspect most questionable most repulsive most odious most uninviting most half-hearted most avoidant most introspective most heartless most passive most unenthused most unaffectionate most unmoved most contained most iced most withering most seclusive most cutthroat most lifeless most incompatible most reptilian most unhospitable most cutting most inimic most inimicable most discreet most spiritless most portentous most impassible most stoical most stoic most hardhearted most stony-hearted most independent most counterproductive most ascetic most hermitlike most overbearing most disinterested most removed most casual most temperamental most isolated most sabre-rattling most jingoistic most unaccommodating most indisposed most captious most insular most loveless most tortuous most hawkish most martial most militaristic most laid-back most whingy most intemperate most inclement most litigious most tempersome most hermitical most hermitic most implacable most unrelenting most aggrieved most piqued most irked most irritated most vexed most displeased most unchivalrous most sharp-tongued most fromward most uneager most afraid most ardent most irritating most annoying most unamenable most uncompromising most unconversational most untalkative most tongue-tied most unrevealing most precise most exact most fateful most cast-iron most mortified most unappeasable most secret most unforgiving most illiberal most authoritarian most galling most correct most proper most unobliging most unreasonable most derisive most obloquious most regrettable most soldierly most military most dejected most melancholic most oafish most heated most wordless most clamlike most solid most pompous most suggestive most doomful most prescient most augural most clouded most haunting most sinistrous most doomed most pitiless most scathing most reproachful most degrading most scurrilous most defamatory most denigratory most pejorative most mumchance most self-sufficient most astringent most obdurate most inexorable most savage most gauche most cavalier most sanguinary most battling most affected most starched most intolerable most businesslike most evasive most hush-hush most uncultured most mannerless most unrefined most unpolished most corrosive most heavy-handed most official most vituperatory most vituperative most enraged most unsentimental most dried up most overwhelming most Spartan most insufferable most crushing most bare-bones most lurid most hopeless most jeopardous most exigent most treacherous most doubtful most chilling most nightmarish most morbid most hard-pressed most pressing most unwelcome most parlous most troubled most undesirable most strained most disheartening most contumelious most impassioned most stiff-necked most defiant most neutral most matter-of-fact most self-controlled most modest most unbearable most unendurable most wearing most malapropos most unadvantageous most wrong most improper most inexpedient most inadvisable most ill-advised most unsatisfactory most spirited most manic most passionate most bristling most uneasy most inflammable most tempestuous most hysterical most lawless most intolerant most inhibited most self-effacing most rebellious most dissatisfied most disloyal most clinical most bureaucratic most arsey most seditious most mutinous most intimidatory most bashful most sedate most soft-spoken most noncommittal most composed most collected most serene most insociable most arrogant most measured most anonymous most equal most monolithic most impartial most colourless most soulless most colorless most faceless most featureless most abstract most careful most inapt most inappropriate most unsuitable most frustrated most malcontent most restless most ill-suited most sensitive most controversial most insurrectionary most insubordinate most disgruntled most unsubmissive most disillusioned most fed up

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