Đồng nghĩa của newly born child

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A recently born child or animal
newborn babe infant neonate baby bambino child young bairn bantling bundle kid new baby nursling suckling tiny baby tot young baby little one small child toddler nipper youngster cherub little angel little darling little doll chick sprog tacker wean bundle of joy angelface crawler papoose preemie tiny rug rat young child babe in arms munchkin ankle-biter littlie tiny tot tyke innocent newborn child juvenile minor youth dumpling mite teenager adolescent whippersnapper kiddie brat stripling shaver teenybopper teen young one preschooler moppet cub bud urchin squirt sprout nestling pubescent anklebiter imp lamb preteen little child small fry joey babby tad issue tadpole offspring descendant progeny ankle biter young 'un girl boy schoolgirl schoolboy junior fledgling young person young lady laddie chit young woman young man young adult pickney kiddiewink lassie sprat chap whelp lad lass kiddo youngling kiddy guttersnipe hobbledehoy spawn daughter son boyo shaveling sonny boychik callant boychick heir successor scion under-five preschool child young'un young fellow crotch fruit crib lizard lighty outjie curtain-climber carpet ape crumbsnatcher carpet rat rug ape rascal lineage seed pup children generation fry babies get produce stock fruit posterity female child biter fellow litter family issues brood scamp tots progeniture puppy knave punk gamin dude half-pint mate guy cadet runt buck master successors scions kids babes tinies little ones kiddies nippers sons sprogs daughters monkey little shaver little guy ankle-biters sons and daughters fruit of one's loins tearaway little dear pretty child cupid innocent child lovable child amoretto putto well behaved child beautiful infant

Trái nghĩa của newly born child

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