Đồng nghĩa của poikilo

Tính từ

Having complex patterns of colors
variegated motley kaleidoscopic mottled polychromatic rainbow many-colored many-coloured prismatic streaked varicoloured colourful many-hued multicolour multicoloured particoloured harlequin jazzy marbled psychedelic rainbow-like blotched blotchy chromatic colored colorful coloured dappled flecked multicolored multihued patchy pied polychrome speckled splodgy splotchy striated varicolored varied various marled parti-coloured assorted changeable chequered checkered diverse diversified mixed multicolor particolored parti-colored patched piebald striped versicolor spotted veined polychromous versicolored polychromic like an explosion in a paint factory looking like an explosion in a paint factory banded barred iridescent streaky brindled multichromatic lined vivid brilliant vibrant stripy rich flashy phantasmagoric bright gaudy showy intense multi-coloured many-splendoured rainbow-colored polyhued variegation polychromatous spectral florid skewbald brindle splashy tabby pinto of all the colours of the rainbow hued picturesque loud gay ruled deep-coloured bright-coloured glowing radiant glaring eye-catching flamboyant garish brightly coloured Day-glo brightly colored whelked liny whelky linear ridged strigose lineate marked grooved tore striate lustrous lurid resplendent striking deep bedazzling strong clear irradiant sheeny bold warm dazzling glittering glossy gleaming incandescent luminescent candescent luminous blazing flaming shiny lambent glistering sparkling refulgent beaming ablaze shining highly-coloured highly colored full visual dramatic scintillating lucid neon

Trái nghĩa của poikilo

poikilo Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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