Đồng nghĩa của red in tooth and claw

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Characterised by slaughter, savage
butcherly vicious cruel savage brutal barbarous barbaric inhuman heartless fiendish sadistic atrocious inhumane truculent brute wanton ruthless merciless callous pitiless nasty bestial violent beastly perverted perverse gloating aggressive cold-blooded brutish remorseless wicked harsh monstrous murderous bloodthirsty unfeeling ferocious unkind fierce unmerciful diabolical unsympathetic evil malicious uncaring severe hard-hearted uncharitable malevolent hard vile insensitive nefarious unsparing mean heinous hellish infernal base grim cold-hearted villainous malignant compassionless stony unpitying horrible indurate affectless soulless unrelenting ironhearted stoney stonyhearted sanguinary pachydermatous black-hearted desensitized insensate unforgiving hard-boiled hateful obdurate relentless case-hardened desensitised devilish dastardly depraved spiteful homicidal uncompassionate bloody bad rough dark slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners stern implacable fell flagitious abominable low with a heart of stone inconsiderate foul stony-hearted austere thick-skinned hard-nosed egregious draconian ghastly black cut-throat wild hardhearted odious infamous low-down immoral contemptible despicable unpleasant crude cold appalling maleficent wolfish unfriendly hostile satanic unruly rotten cutthroat loathsome coldhearted dangerous intolerant abhorrent detestable abusive unemotional inflexible exacting unprincipled tyrannical dreadful tyrannous criminal coarse execrable dour treacherous unkindly slaughterous rabid tough destructive untamed inclement flinty diabolic stone-hearted vindictive demonic feral unfair threatening steely sinister hurtful demonical satanical ghoulish abandoned catty shameful outrageous scandalous disgraceful iniquitous reprehensible sinful oppressive disreputable menacing ungodly horrendous onerous disgusting unbending inexorable revolting obnoxious terrible disagreeable thuggish grievous flagrant opprobrious ogreish rigid repugnant demoniac horrific indifferent illiberal gruff furious hardhanded repellent unmoved crazed maniacal corrupt unrighteous vulgar wrathful fiery heavy-handed shabby hardened unremitting unlawful unholy unethical unrestrained knavish degenerate underhanded miscreant putrid surly impetuous delirious malign virulent harrowing disgustful mean-spirited mad hotheaded debased reprobate profligate thoughtless horrid unamiable demoralised demoralized dog-eat-dog snide bloody-minded lacking compassion ill-natured frantic uncontrollable despiteful not nice exploitative ogry ogrish ravening tormenting torturous cannibalistic brutelike unconcerned bearish tactless bitter despotic dictatorial uncouth unspeakable apathetic rowdy lawless suppressive authoritarian ignorant accursed ramrod rigorous strict wretched premeditated unrefined uncultured unlettered critical frigid insensible hatchetjob coldblooded sanguine punishing awful sanguineous vengeful disorderly cat-and-mouse murdering desperate punitive willful wilful warlike cacodemonic unempathetic uncordial facinorous gory bellicose crotchety cantankerous churlish deliberate arbitrary disdainful hard-shell killer instinct unyielding adamant uncivilised ruffianly gross unappeasable wounding upsetting mortal deplorable scummy ignominious currish dirty dishonourable dishonorable low-minded viperous unmanageable uncivilized gratuitous rancorous uncivil inhospitable ungenerous revengeful ironfisted killer intimidating unchristian forbidding fearsome ungentle ill willed raging louring frightful convulsive frightening baleful marble-hearted incessive raving stark lowering enraged rugged undomesticated fearful without pity aimless angry infuriated rapacious primitive tigerish venomous biffo aggers undisciplined contrary ornery insolent wayward double-crossing unjust arduous butcherous devastating bullying hideous berserk frenzied intemperate terrorizing pugnacious bloodless explosive maddened forceful frenetic assertive impassioned fuming crazy terrorising headstrong radge agitated hysterical feverish potent forcible pernicious hot-tempered hot-headed roughshod knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts full-blooded knock-down hammer and tongs out of control drag-out bang-bang

Trái nghĩa của red in tooth and claw

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