Đồng nghĩa của sense of right

Danh từ

A person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour
conscience principles ethics morals scruples compunction qualms standards values beliefs creed inner voice censor demur duty integrity morality shame squeam superego voice within moral sense small voice still small voice right and wrong sense of right and wrong honour decency honor righteousness ethos standard ethic belief moral code ideal mores conduct convention criteria practice goodness honesty conventionalities imperative value nature sense of duty virtue probity rectitude uprightness norms natural law high-mindedness propriety ethicality ethicalness rightness rightfulness ideals credo principle moral values sense of honour inner guide code of honor categorical imperative credos rudiments elements moral concern basics moral conviction ideology persuasion golden rules moral value moral compass ABCs rule of living code of behaviour code of honour code of behavior sense of propriety sense of judgment moral standards code of ethics moral law kaupapa virtues tikanga moral principles moral philosophy moral beliefs rules of conduct moral stand rights and wrongs standards of behaviour dictates of conscience code tenets doctrine rules conventions canons philosophy ethe creeds dogmas manners axioms ideas maxims value-system guidelines ideologies ethical values opinions attitude moral codes teaching habits notions gospel behavior behaviour dogma canon moral philosophies customs theory standards of behavior articles of faith precepts set of values ethical code fairness views convictions view position code of conduct ethical codes testaments fundamentals formulae etiquette dicta mottos aphorisms system protocol policies concepts cardinal virtues theses law positions codes of honour credence idea moral belief tenet moral principle politics principles of behaviour personal principles correctness principles of right and wrong catechisms professions confession articles orthodoxies exemplars beaux ideals paradigms requirements revelations news messages grace excellence excellencies codes of conduct distinction theorems say-sos gospel truth credit faith postulates custom maxim core values kawa indoctrination lessons inculcations policy learning wisdom truth thinking tradition instruction stances testament outlook thesis opinion culture world view line Weltanschauung practices character traditions ways accepted behaviour set of principles set of customs set of standards form proprieties manner procedures usages praxis custom and practice practises established ways routines patterns traditional customs formalities rites way of life codes way of doing things social conduct rituals

Trái nghĩa của sense of right

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