Đồng nghĩa của social habit

Danh từ

A person's outward bearing or way of behaving towards others
manner bearing conduct demeanour behavior behaviour comportment demeanor deportment etiquette air aspect presence appearance attitude carriage cast form mannerism mien habits actions idiosyncrasy look address affectation peculiarity social behaviour way of behaving character style expression quality countenance disposition note tone stamp characteristic way feature temper trait posture property nature attribute complexion manners guise pose temperament mood quirk touch feel habit atmosphere impression tenor port flavour geste gest face flavor hallmark stance affection condition tendency spirit fingerprint vein way of carrying oneself feeling effect semblance strain bent distinction regard trademark custom figure virtue mark personality marker attribution criterion aura diagnostic way of holding oneself differentia turn particularity way of acting facial expression inclination set front mode ways tinge visage contortion ambiance fashion lineament performance foible exploits practices streak garb earmark mug point practises way of standing specific way of bearing oneself thing type outside way of conducting oneself kind sort essential quality ambience ilk humour grain act eccentricity vibe exterior element activities smell humor physiognomy acts variety capers ring odor odour component hue facet poise symptom frame image doings penchant mannerisms caliber calibre looks dress oddity badge singularity description typical feature outward aspect outward form portance light persona efforts position stand station vista features deeds drift sign abnormality trick nuance approach presentation outward way one is symbol indication token makeup savor denominator savour birthmark ease dignity tenue trend piece part standing evidence proof emblem bedside manner colors clay current genius gist constitution outline shape screen show clue manifestation hint notability eminence indicator repute value gesture gestures movements motion nature of the beast outer shell colours self seeming kinesics reputation prestige side façade dignified demeanour dignified air dignified bearing class airs pretence body language nonverbal communication physical response body movement disguise facade charade individuality dimension shade color tint pattern tincture kidney mould veil masquerade veneer pretense essence faculty proclivity dash trace key gait playacting display essential brand genre specialty originality thumbprint endowment stripe speciality bag embodiment mold colour false display put-on outward show mind wave tang halo karma nimbus vibrations patina climate aroma window dressing looks alone face value first impressions the exterior way of being

Trái nghĩa của social habit

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