Đồng nghĩa của to routine

Tính từ

Performed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason
standard usual normal ordinary regular everyday customary common commonplace conventional typical general accustomed familiar habitual periodic wonted workaday average quotidian scheduled established frequent household natural plain prosaic ubiquitous unexceptional unremarkable chronic methodical seasonal day-to-day garden-variety run-of-the-mill standard-issue cut-and-dried cut-and-dry common or garden stock traditional set expected vanilla bog-standard fixed popular prevailing accepted dull mainstream settled humdrum undistinguished orthodox mundane daily prevalent characterless stereotyped unmemorable uninspired pedestrian simple predictable garden variety mediocre trite hackneyed middle-of-the-road a dime a dozen nondescript time-honoured confirmed classic bland boring uneventful universal plain vanilla generic garden indifferent classical uninteresting nothing to write home about constant recognized characteristic ornery acknowledged so-so stereotypical no great shakes widespread unnoteworthy prescribed time-honored recognised ritual formulaic colourless uninspiring banal colorless regulation rooted enduring recurring unpretentious middling nothing special lasting inveterate basic hacky current staple homespun going modest unexciting long-established OK archetypical prescriptive unoriginal derivative second-rate well worn stale old hat recurrent not up to much par for the course archetypal ritualistic persistent perennial typic proven fair public representative received proverbial long-lived long-standing humble standardized formal homely insignificant repeated ingrained domestic standardised deep-rooted overused periodical bog standard rife ten a penny dime-a-dozen clichéd not much cop lacklustre lackluster tried and true tried and tested forgettable bureaucratic pervasive overall steady unimpressive inconspicuous majority historic ruling corny acceptable continuing continual fashionable old sanctioned abiding plastic half-pie ineradicable true inferior inborn drab inbred matter-of-course obstinate white-bread stubborn procedural unmitigated deep-seated tenacious widely used nothing to get excited about ceremonial agreed official rampant systematic tired family perpetual overworked orderly folk admitted ancestral traditionary collective casual terrestrial informal age-old old-world old-time approved suburban passable shared well-known platitudinous numerous mechanical favourite favorite dyed-in-the-wool societal ready-made unimaginative run-of-the-mine medium run-of-mine second-class reiterative iterated cyclic unadventurous consistent well established understood inconsequential tolerable native lowly predominant nitty-gritty stable permanent two a penny monotonous stipulated boilerplate immemorial worn-out mean worn out run of the mill doctrinal vulgar preferred not so hot dreary bush-league middle of the road widely held in vogue rehearsed unspontaneous unspectacular diurnal adopted artificial ceaseless unabating continuous lifelong ever-present persisting incurable unyielding practical endemic insipid obvious comfortable decent adequate straightforward respected intermittent formalistic familial tame known trivial fair-to-middling anonymous anaemic canonical gut default oft-repeated not bad amateurish amateur ancient venerable OB empty gray grey unexceptionable congruous domiciliary anemic compulsive canned jejune anodyne acquainted superabundant authorized acquired honored immortal ageless incorrigible one-size-fits-all whitebread intermediate no-frills hardened prototypical unsophisticated endorsed occurring often nowhere jake derived organized unnoticeable timeless unextraordinary unvaried obligatory staid home homey quintessential okay recognizable blending into the background decided honoured signature plain-Jane off-the-shelf not very good recognisable touted grind unimportant conformist fair to middling cheap and commonplace arranged specified sop wont model ideal presentational prototypal unopposed passed legit okayed authorised well known de rigueur readily available widely available predetermined memorable unforgettable undying deathless useless nothing protracted blank expressionless deadpan irrelevant inconsiderable paltry determined appointed no big deal inherent symptomatic pathological given used habituated pointless piddling immaterial worthless cyclical continued establishment prearranged same old agreed upon anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic common variety matter-of-fact indistinctive featureless neutral faceless noncommittal incessant meaningless whatever arrived at distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic proper distinguishing bred-in-the-bone standard operating procedure playing it safe by the numbers in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle repetitious practised practiced automatic long-term ongoing addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory seasoned chosen taken for granted mass wide reoccurring repetitive businesslike systematized ready defined individualistic cliched neither one thing nor the other broad of little consequence of little importance of no consequence not worth mentioning of no importance of no great concern of no account in keeping in character planned of choice in the habit of national blanket communal overarching global joint outright rolling repeating successive true to form to be expected regulated coherent structured assigned recommended only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type comprehensive oft repeated total sweeping epidemic nationwide wholesale entrenched influential organised systematised institutional well-established broad-spectrum across-the-board in circulation across the board in force broad-brush all-round all-around traditionalistic old-fashioned old-style sound officially recognized institutionalized institutionalised secure unshakable vested overdone cornball plebeian time-worn played out dime-store familiar tune boiler plate most common

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Ordinary with nothing to distinguish it from all the others
boring tedious humdrum predictable tiresome repetitive run-of-the-mill monotonous unchanging unimaginative dreary dull hackneyed menial pedestrian prosaic unoriginal unvarying wearisome clichéd derivative mundane stock unexciting uninspiring uninteresting workaday banal hacky trite uneventful uninspired mind-numbing stale commonplace vapid tired corny common overworked ordinary stereotyped overused bromidic threadbare platitudinous timeworn well-worn shopworn old hat musty conventional cornball flat moth-eaten hack hokey set stereotypical worn-out cliché bathetic familiar tune worn jejune exhausted chain drained mildewed played out ready-made used-up cliched warmed-over time-worn truistic worn out stereotypic platitudinal cliche overdone everyday hackney obligatory cobwebby hoary vanilla dime-store uncreative bland matter-of-fact spiritless lifeless uninventive unadventurous dry derived insipid lacklustre sterile plain vanilla quotidian barren lackluster stodgy run of the mill pabulum zero square cliché-ridden tripe ho hum dull as dishwater unexceptional undistinguished second-rate colourless indifferent formulaic passionless anaemic orthodox familiar repetitious ho-hum unimpressed characterless featureless ponderous unmoved heavy-handed yawn unvaried inane imitative ineffective stupid facile nothing cornfed noplace trivial dumb nowhere blah colorless anemic well worn vieux jeu silly phoned in usual unartistic tame unromantic a dime a dozen old antiquated obsolete outdated outmoded out-of-date old-hat played-out old-chestnut old-saw

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Boring or severely lacking in interest
jejune boring dull tedious uninteresting monotonous tiresome dreary humdrum wearisome pedestrian flat drab stale slow ponderous dry tiring heavy wearying leaden colorless stodgy unexciting stuffy tame numbing jading old drudging arid monochromatic insipid prosaic weary dusty lifeless stupid bland vapid colourless unimaginative banal uninspiring commonplace mundane uneventful lacklustre trite lackluster sterile workaday samey quotidian unstimulating deadly monochrome dreich barren inane dullsville unrelieved innocuous empty ornery meagre meager mind-numbing ho-hum run-of-the-mill dry as dust lacking variety dull as ditchwater lacking variation nothing to write home about unvaried ordinary repetitious unvarying repetitive unremarkable common everyday blah plodding usual mechanical uninspired dead vanilla bromidic ho hum banausic spiritless unchanging tired characterless hackneyed normal platitudinous nowhere nothing plain vanilla dull as dishwater soul-destroying unoriginal conventional recurrent unexceptional featureless day-to-day soporific irksome derivative prosy weariful draggy monotone big yawn automatic matter-of-fact repeated iterative mediocre bloodless reiterative recurring stereotyped plain nitty-gritty terrestrial interminable average well-worn mindless customary repeating duplicative undiversified wishy-washy safe white-bread fatiguing zero plebeian stiff typical regular unenjoyable unentertaining dragging garden-variety deadly dull soulless prolix yawnsome clockwork recapitulatory iterant treadmill dim pabulum garden variety lacking excitement lacking interest echoic a dime a dozen no great shakes common or garden lowly not up to much clichéd stereotypical irritating annoying desolate nondescript wooden boresome vexatious moth-eaten bomb threadbare bummer drag cloying drear passionless lame usual thing familiar long-winded uncreative uniform unspirited vacuous undistinguished turgid feeble wintery raw sorrowful dispiriting damp oppressive wintry windy downcast half-pie bog-standard OK so-so deadening weak unpoetic literal unemotional unsentimental unvarnished factual unembellished clear unadorned laborious limp overlong unmemorable worn-out deadpan inoffensive truistic hacky without variety unobjectionable harmless mainstream not so hot monotonic all the same reiterated sing-song samely unchanged halfhearted diluted mortal enervating exhausting poky snooze workday dismal endless depressing flat as pancake puts one to sleep boiled down without punch predictable quiet not fun long-drawn-out noneventful unnoteworthy unfateful inconclusive indecisive straightforward run of the mill toneless robotic brainless cut-and-dry standard businesslike cut-and-dried standard-issue undemanding lusterless diddly actual practical practicable simple square matter-of- fact prose yawn clean recursive anaemic flavorless flavourless anemic watery unpalatable namby-pamby milk-and-water gray grey tasteless zestless vacant laboured driveling labored drivelling neutral unappetizing distasteful pointless pallid watered-down unsavory half-hearted unsavoury soft pedantic stilted sluggish flat tire sapless unlively unpassioned undistinctive indistinct unanimated uninterested tepid unromantic droning sleep-inducing cardboard forced depressed non-stimulating heavy-going formal antiseptic lustreless staid bleak dowdy sleepy slack verbose fuddy-duddy trivial puerile middle-of-the-road unfeeling unexcited expressionless mat dulled unexpressive matte poor inadequate stagnant weighty uninflected unproductive unprogressive inactive heavy going unseasoned blind muted whitebread mild savorless washy nebbish beige corny fatuous tenuous slight subdued hard to digest one-horse dead-and-alive lead balloon inedible least Milquetoast unappealing uneatable savourless uninviting waterish unattractive off-putting unpleasant disagreeable spineless ineffectual effete regimented weak-kneed wet limp-wristed pathetic irresolute functional governmental institutional utilitarian rudimentary corporate ugly standard issue elementary wimpish weakened nerveless frail weakling wimpy invertebrate ineffective wavering cowardly listless languid vacillating enervated

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Appearing or occurring at intervals
periodic intermittent recurrent recurring periodical repeated regular sporadic occasional frequent spasmodic continual cyclical habitual episodic infrequent constant cyclic odd seasonal steady perennial continuing broken alternate interrupted isochronal isochronous rhythmic daily fluctuating epochal serial intervallic annual centennial hourly monthly orbital weekly yearly on-and-off on-again-off-again every so often at fixed intervals at various times on certain occasions every once in a while irregular discontinuous repetitive casual erratic fitful aperiodic persistent unsteady episodical spotty choppy isolated scattered on and off perpetual patchy catchy random continued chronic reoccurring rare rolling in fits and starts incessant numerous uneven hit-or-miss desultory scarce uncommon chain iterative disconnected shifting seldom unremitting reiterative ceaseless unfrequent relentless repeating endless like clockwork eternal non-stop on again and off again unusual punctuated discontinuing checked rhythmical arrested metrical iterant sustained incidental exceptional stop-and-go every other here and there now and then by bits and pieces fragmentary continuous customary many semioccasional unrelenting chance countless few uninterrupted successive unceasing iterated inconstant never-ending oft repeated unending unbroken returning occurring often round-the-clock very many a great many nonstop uncertain off and on part-time in bits and pieces usual oft-repeated on-again, off-again rambling wandering disjointed commonplace patterned accidental happening at intervals disturbed quotidian everyday fortuitous fluky contingent impermanent inconsistent convulsive jerky disrupted freelance outsourced outside spurtive twitching shaky changeable sparse impulsive scattershot unpredictable especial once-a-month restless haphazard sometime uncustomary limited exclusive special particular specific unlikely aberrated aberrant unaccustomed unstable unsettled few and far between not habitual abnormal atypical anomalous autumn spring summer winter flickering variable outré capricious happening at regular intervals scant rarefied herky-jerky scanty unvarying even surprising unconventional uncharacteristic unexpected everlasting interminable unchanging looping unorthodox unique unwonted unwavering consistent abiding uniform changeless unheard of undeviating out of the common out of the ordinary neverending unfluctuating unfaltering invariable unabating unrelieved undying invariant stable predictable reliable dependable enduring sempiternal lasting persisting nonrandom unchangeable regularized standardised regularised steady-going all-year-round alternating standardized returning back circular without respite recursive stop-go familiar common profuse reiterated manifold several thick various lots of millions of loads of a good many heaps of masses of quite a lot of dozens of hundreds of thousands of quite a few unsystematic volatile varying wavering changing unmethodical unreliable mercurial vacillating uncontrollable paroxysmal ever-changing aimless unequal fickle temperamental bitty fluid oscillating changeful up and down undependable mobile flickery skittish unconnected incoherent jumpy disordered nonuniform muddled entropic indiscriminate disorganized inchoate unorganized incohesive mutable fractal loose unorganised whimsical turbulent piecemeal movable protean stray disorganised unfixed non-linear floating chameleonic kaleidoscopic swaying iffy waffling irresolute flighty fluctuant variational full of ups and downs blowing hot and cold incomplete violent broken up troubled involuntary gaping abrupt sudden versatile everchanging chameleon-like twitchy chaotic sketchy vicissitudinous catch-as-catch-can unthinking slapdash arbitrary offhand labile uncontrolled transitional variant irresponsible vagrant revocable commutative transformable agitated reversible indecisive unfocused orderless unequable shifty slippery peaky undulating shaking rough bumpy tremulous eccentric up-and-down yo-yo designless partial meager unpunctual helter-skelter without purpose unconsidered purposeless bipolar bouncy jolting dynamic off-and-on meagre non-periodic disunited confused two-faced thin on the ground moving deviating partially fractional gradual intermittently fitfully fragmented like gold dust once in a blue moon jumbled as scarce as hens' teeth altering roving juddering shuddering flakey vagarious developing flaky growing divided separated scrappy garbled dislocated displaced mixed up without unity split directionless by fits and starts by degrees stage by stage little by little step by step at intervals always changing far-out unattached out-to-lunch spacey spaced-out irrational out-of-it cool fuzzy disorderly more … than one can shake a stick at

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Humble or lower in rank or status
menial humble lowly unskilled boring degrading low-status base dull mean humdrum abject low sorry demeaning fawning servile slavish vile grovelling ignominious inferior low-grade subservient sycophantic blue-collar ignoble obsequious unworthy baseborn basic common groveling obeisant tedious subordinate plebeian minor ordinary unassuming lower-class second-class junior lesser low-ranking unpretentious proletarian lowborn low-born low-life lumpen prole vulgar obscure poor simple meek modest gentle unwashed mild submissive docile dutiful retiring reverential mundane withdrawing everyday prosaic cast down declassed average commonplace low-bred plain peasant deprived secondary mediocre unimportant subsidiary insignificant second-string undistinguished small smaller lousy miserable reduced meager measly ancillary second-rate second-fiddle puny bottom middling little inglorious paltry scrubby poorer slighter lower shabby wretched lower-ranking petty contemptible sad pitiful dinky minor-league small-fry small-time bush-league third-string lower in rank undersized subjacent lower in status meagre second-banana not very important beneath someone bottom-rung back seat below someone entry-level less important under someone's heel not so important less working-class lower-level under dependent accessory trivial second inconsequential lower-grade low-class marginal déclassé inconsiderable supporting reserve sub- popular subject plebby tributary subaltern younger of low birth two-bit peripheral supplementary nether supplemental auxiliary negligible lowlife satellite underprivileged backup light trifling relief blue-singlet unrefined unremarkable assistant piddling uncouth beggarly casual low-level collateral slight lower rung sub minus tacky vice- of low rank below the mark fall-back second-best dishonourable dishonorable diminished tinier crude petite cloth-cap lessened beneath bourgeois baser subalternate philistine bush incidental tangential non-essential inessential associate democratic people's grassroots smalltime deputy alternative declassé severe rough spare alternate substitute fallback attendant unsophisticated traditional banal conventional pedestrian substract lightweight extra unfit sordid a notch under youngest picayune of little account penny-ante feeding shoot side captive subjugated controlled governed obedient enslaved ruled liable vulnerable accountable disposed susceptible at one's feet in danger of bound by

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Having or indicating an efficient, practical, and systematic approach to one's work or a task
businesslike efficient professional correct methodical orderly organised organized regular systematic matter-of-fact practical thorough well-ordered workaday competent disciplined planned practised slick pragmatic structured accomplished careful concentrated diligent direct earnest effective enterprising expeditious hardworking industrious intent ordered painstaking practiced purposeful sedulous serious skilful skillful well ordered well-organized systematized standardized standard coherent neat precise consistent logical methodic formal methodized analytical arranged thoroughgoing meticulous controlled fastidious coordinated standardised systematised exact complete well organized joined-up well thought out out-and-out tidy well planned well regulated regimented strict fixed punctilious regulated scrupulous shipshape in order well-regulated together in good shape streamlined rigorous rigid uniform well-kept deliberate restricted scientific clean systematical on a tight rein smooth-running closely controlled all together strictly controlled in apple-pie order self-controlled nonrandom restrained well-oiled accurate by the numbers by the book steady law-abiding well-behaved well-arranged well thought-out peaceable settled sorted out no-nonsense in sync rational mathematical exacting productive economic even unchanging unvarying unvaried economical resourceful experimental objective sound deductive clear laborsaving timesaving unbroken monotonous strictly regulated dull conscientious saving fussy heedful severe conscionable finicky demanding punctual spick and span tidied in good order shipshape and Bristol fashion spruce well turned-out straight presentable fit to be seen well kept trim well-planned labour-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient cost-effective energy-saving well run framed spick-and-span rangé set-up alike conventional in shape neat as button neat as pin to rights

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Uncomplicated and easy to do or understand
straightforward easy simple uncomplicated elementary undemanding effortless painless unexacting basic rudimental unchallenging breezy facile parsimonious unproblematic a cinch a snip clear-cut a breeze a cakewalk a doddle a doss a snap duck soup no sweat a bludge a piece of cake as easy as ABC as easy as pie a snack money for jam money for old rope a five-finger exercise easy-peasy plain sailing a piece of old tackle as easy as falling off a log low-maintenance easy to learn clear straight short easy going straight sailing easy progress smooth sailing easy ride unambiguous uninvolved precise ordinary specific non-complex child's play light trouble-free smooth downhill snap piece of cake not difficult a pushover untroublesome ready fluid cheap royal quick easy as pie no problem manageable hands-down soft not burdensome no trouble plain inconsiderable idiot-proof pushover nothing to it no bother easily done obvious rudimentary cinch nothing apparent simple as ABC easy-breezy picnic cushy minimal not hard easygoing stress-free fluent untaxing unsophisticated moderate trivial direct evident kids' stuff open-and-shut accessible basal too easy user friendly user-friendly bearable comfortable benign easy-care easy to care for easy as ABC self-explanatory easily learnable simplistic efficient untroubled well-ordered leisurely easy to do tolerable endurable low impact cream puff fast superficial uneventful flowing attainable mindless natural graceful perspicuous a picnic a gift spontaneous instinctive intuitive palpable unmistakable weightless workable a walk in the park well ordered cursive unforced running offhand transparent slight unequivocal distinct modest idiotproof bed of roses no muss no fuss patent without a hitch wieldy little yielding manifest paltry lowest starting undermost bottom ground unfussy lowest level down-to-earth fundamental essential elemental introductory primary underlying beginning foundational abecedarian initial primitive preliminary original ABCs primo prefatory substratal uncomplex simplest simplified simplex meat-and-potatoes meat and potatoes

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Dull, routine, and uniform
institutional cold dreary drab formal cheerless dingy dismal forbidding gloomy impersonal clinical colorless colourless depressing gray grey grim joyless somber sombre uniform unwelcoming austere desolate dull off-putting regimented severe spartan stark uninviting bare monotonous sterile bleak miserable dark funereal solemn unhappy wretched forlorn comfortless morose glum sullen depressive disheartening dim dire godforsaken morbid drear dispiriting inhospitable disconsolate darkening plutonian lugubrious black chill murky tenebrous saturnine tenebrific sepulchral lonely lonesome elegiacal dreich sunless elegiac cloudy Cimmerian woeful drearisome dejected woebegone spiritless sorrowful doleful depressed dour mournful melancholic dolorous melancholy abject despondent sad oppressive distressed rueful bland crestfallen pathetic dejecting draggy blue mopey uncomfortable sorry down-and-out wintery mourning afflicted wintry saddening heartbreaking piteous jarring in the dumps teary heartrending tearful cast down downcast down downhearted inconsolable down in the dumps heartbroken dispirited down in the mouth low low-spirited saddened hopeless heartsick heavyhearted brokenhearted despairing bad grave heartsore pessimistic broken-hearted moody droopy anguished discouraging grief-stricken hangdog humourless troubled humorless heavy-hearted discouraged grieving mirthless upset disheartened hurting long-faced distressing disappointed demoralized bitter demoralised stern sulky foreboding sorrowing serious pitiful sober tragic brooding in low spirits sour hurt devastated in pain surly chap-fallen aggrieved harsh dragged bereaved fed up bummed out pained grumpy pitiable unpromising awful sedate cut up disagreeable unfavourable crushed unfavorable lamentable downbeat stony-faced choked gutted grievous poor unsmiling dreadful oppressed chapfallen in the pits earnest unpleasant tormented no-nonsense destroyed ominous foul displeased staid crabby horrid glowering scowling defeatist rotten terrible deplorable angry grieved sobersided suffering agonized heavy emotional frowning broken subdued hostile tristful weepy down-hearted agonised distraught poker-faced lamenting in the doldrums dirgelike out of sorts in a blue funk inauspicious shot down down and out unamused sordid upsetting sickening horrible cynical dirge-like perturbed bothered negative unfortunate discontented painful execrable displeasing harrowing weeping Eeyorish lousy detestable moping pensive mopish broody wistful bereft regretful threatening lachrymose irked menacing shadowy in grief in doldrums all torn up fiery indignant in tears temperamental aggravated cantankerous po-faced cheesed off macabre weighed down listless disappointing deadpan plaintive stony disillusioned disgruntled gruesome squalid threnodic ghastly gloom-ridden clouded concerned repulsive intense horrific appalling fatalistic offensive forsaken acheronian solitary revolting traumatized disenchanted cross horrendous weighty discombobulated uptight shameful overwhelmed repugnant disconcerted louring bugged shook unhumorous filthy helpless disturbed inferior antsy tortured annoyed atrocious frightening indigent scurvy scungy impoverished traumatised vexed calamitous sourpuss muted destitute fierce overcast suspicious crabbed weary ugly dismayed wounded hapless gut-wrenching alarmist distrustful doubting shook up sick lacklustre deep lackluster mortified angst-ridden heart-rending straight-faced daunted heavy with grief aggressive dolent God-awful overcome with sorrow sunk in gloom down-in-the-mouth boring lifeless ruthful sick at heart bleeding blue funk brassed off ferocious down in dumps unfriendly sick as a parrot intimidating enraged crummy given to looking on the black side bowed down cast-down languorous triste as sick as a parrot with a long face unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring let down taken down languid singing the blues on a downer humdrum uncaring unimpassioned unmoved poignant sinister demoralizing hard worried nostalgic maudlin daunting crushing threnodial exequial deathlike funebrial traumatic worthless unpropitious moving touching tragical distressful disconcerting disadvantageous empty barren portentous taciturn unnerving disquieting discomforting deathly Stygian obscure hollow disenchanting troublesome afflictive intolerable sorry for yourself sore burned contused grouchy churlish uninhabitable expressionless impassive bummed powerless downtrodden afflicting gaunt adust dirgeful acherontic lorn depressant bearish in despair inimical plangent luckless companionless uneasy worrying strained sunk demoralising have the blahs blank feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny racked ailing dissatisfied down in mouth let-down not happy heart-breaking unhopeful looking on the black side lost undesirable contemplative in sorrow in mourning forgotten homeless abandoned frustrated discomfited unenthusiastic chilly emo ripped languished dysphoric having the blahs having blue devils friendless uncared-for full of sorrow chagrined miffed despicable contemptible very sad torn up low in spirits in the toilet low-down repellent unappealing unappetizing untempting unattractive hideous grisly disgraceful vile unsatisfied aghast beaten trashy shoddy dragging defenseless defenceless fruitless alone steely worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked derisory desperate lurid frightful unearthly resolved introspective composed ruminative resolute thoughtful reflective shocking horrifying anxious eerie nauseating objectionable distasteful unpalatable shaken unnerved agitated discomposed ruffled disquieted grotesque ghostly terrifying gory nightmarish flinty cast-iron boot-faced implacable ungentle disapproving unappeasable furious critical mean suicidal poverty-stricken monstrous fearsome quiet unplayful bound and determined bookish deep in thought irate piqued exasperated irritated harassed wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued testy tetchy irascible disgusting nasty unenticing pitiless grewsome loathsome terrific nightmare evil-intentioned narky ill-tempered bad-tempered vitriolic stroppy venomous ratty shirty hate-filled haunted spooked harrowed dolesome spookish weird scary shady spooky chilling jumpy bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing aching unglued unhealthy hazy leaden overclouded strung out darkened death-obsessed overcome pining in a stew racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain misty beclouded dirty hazed lowering foggy clouded over promising rain nebulous not fair not clear shamefaced dashed atrabilious dampened drooping sagging

Danh từ

Something performed over and over to develop skill
drill workout training exercise practice practise praxis custom habit convention ritual way procedure rule wont tradition form pattern usage fashion policy mode method manner habitude system observance rite formality style trick ceremony protocol modus operandi second nature use ceremonial matter of course formula institution groove tikanga norm solemnity tendency characteristic process warm-up regulation consuetude mores repetition preparation sacrament liturgy propensity disposition order discipline proneness technique prescription ordinance office rubric behaviour tack approach convenance behavior proceeding grind addiction proprieties daily grind beaten path hang-up service rehearsal proclivity penchant act bent heritage normality etiquette normalcy conduct mystery celebration worship performance work-out course run-through communion law tryout conditioning thing Sacrament dry run how regimen strategy methodology physical exercise practice session tactics setup wisdom precedent shot into daily dozen formal procedure red tape order of things pomp occasion dictate prescript pageantry idiosyncrasy notion idea phenomenon trait personality nature preference predilection swim fact concept tenet usance attribute mannerism usefulness utility study attitude oddity peculiarity temperament usual procedure character aptness conventionalism design art craft trial social convention way of doing things modus vivendi science rules manners barometer benchmark shootaround try-out decency social practice propriety decorum recipe means condition yardstick working out bodybuilding body building precept canon channels ropes knowledge seasoning drilling dummy run tune-up prepping background iteration guideline keeping fit physical activity lockstep right practice set formula standard par skill artistry by the book kawa do's and don'ts by the numbers done thing cultus stereotype schedule regime body of knowledge moeurs treatment currency acceptance management rote control lore folklore legend legendry belief principle myth doctrine culture birthright customs ethics fable mythology ethic mythos conventionality exercises punctilio established practice bureaucracy aerobics paperwork formal gesture official procedure normal procedure officialism academism routine practice matter of form requirement callisthenics isometrics gymnastics weightlifting constitutional exercise session test session work keep-fit session limbering up calisthenics teaching coaching training session physical training session grounding shakedown homework assignment square-bashing dress rehearsal learning by doing assuetude set rut fixed attitude

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The boring repetition of tasks
grind banality monotony tedium boredom chore drabness dullness ennui groove sameness deadness dreariness lifelessness tediousness treadmill the doldrums daily grind rat race flatness dryness blandness vapidity insipidity colorlessness insipidness aridity slowness staleness uninterestingness jejuneness familiarity commonplaceness vapidness flavorlessness weariness monotomy sterility sterileness stodginess asepticism repetitiveness uniformity monotonousness invariability repetitiousness innocuousness tiresomeness humdrum wateriness similarity evenness washiness lack of variety repetition routineness wearisomeness sameyness unchangeableness oneness monotone lack of variation deadliness unchangingness colourlessness prosaicness predictability lack of excitement equability identicalness levelness likeness continuance continuity lack of interest same old thing tastelessness doldrums uneventfulness listlessness restlessness blahs humdrumness featurelessness yawn irksomeness standardization regularity consistency standardisation jejunity characterlessness feebleness savorlessness weakness inanity boringness unimaginativeness grimness mundaneness ponderousness laboriousness endlessness prolixity long-windedness homogeneity invariableness constancy drudgery interminableness mildness gentility pointlessness tameness flavourlessness wearishness triteness changelessness even tenor lack of imagination lack of flavour apathy indifference malaise lethargy sluggishness lassitude languor unconcern frustration detachment dissatisfaction uninterestedness accidie incuriosity fatigue disinterest restiveness disgust pococurantism jadedness distaste world-weariness lack of concern lack of enthusiasm taedium vitae melancholy unhappiness sadness depression dejection despondency blues dumps dispiritedness spiritlessness weltschmerz gloom gloominess inertia misery glumness torpor woe desolation acedia impassivity sorrowfulness joylessness oppression heartsickness forlornness despondence dolefulness pessimism disconsolateness miserableness mournfulness downheartedness despond dispassion nonchalance unresponsiveness despair dispassionateness phlegm disregard insouciance incuriousness blue devils mopes impassibility emotionlessness dismals downer funk letdown heedlessness low spirits blue funk discontent uninspiredness blah meagerness sorrow uninterest inattention pensiveness lack of care lack of curiosity absence of feeling uneasiness melancholia disquiet grief defeatism moroseness dejectedness desperation dolor unease enervation dolefuls the hump down trip megrim the blues wretchedness wistfulness Weltschmerz satiety languidness surfeit ho hums coolness passivity passiveness heartache heavy-heartedness stoicism coldness disinterestedness casualness complacence insensibility hopelessness dismalness unfeelingness mopery droopiness aloofness lack of involvement neutrality halfheartedness laziness insensitivity lack of motivation stagnation bummer stupor slump inactivity uncaring attitude black mood

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A manner or expression that hides one's true character or feelings
pretence pretense front facade guise show façade disguise semblance masquerade mask charade act veneer pose veil appearance cover airs cloak playacting simulation deception dissimulation display hoax trick fakery artifice con subterfuge posturing feigning imitation deceit schtick faking fabrication stall falsification misrepresentation invention posing acting evasion garb insincerity ostentation shuffling stunt camouflage hokum image impression parody posture smokescreen snivel travesty put-on make-believe false pretense false show dumb act false appearance false front double-dealing outward appearance sham affectation face screen illusion air pretext false display cover-up pretension exterior look bluff fake window dressing shroud smoke screen gloss false colors color role colour blind impersonation simulacrum covering shamming farce mockery ruse counterfeit play-acting excuse fig leaf feint smoke and mirrors window-dressing layer curtain masking false colours coloring mien public image pretentiousness red herring caricature pretending pageant disguisement mantle colouring aspect mimicry beard imposture cartoon showing hood trickery wraps concealment expression attitude humbug mannerism lie dissemblance pantomime bluffing bearing figure joke scheme carriage performance demeanour shield falsehood exaggeration countenance a put-on demeanor dress name costume feeling apology a put-up job blanket coverture penumbra pall cope aura put-up job spoof burlesque lampoon claim likeness suggestion effect shade dissembling send-up outward show poor substitute enactment hoaxing manner parade presentation shell outside misstatement hypocrisy assumption character visage robe light whitewash outward display an act mummery stance a scene personality identity part coverup personation revel portrayal profession envelope disguising closeting chaser ploy hamming phoney phony dissimilation mere façade attitudinizing self manoeuvre stand smoke-screen stratagem sweet talk soft soap personage person maneuver fallacy fancy misperception counterfeiting cheating shuck and jive machination form persona phoniness approximation false impression fakeness frontage fraud public face assumed role resemblance distortion delusion perversion similitude alikeness seeming mood similarity affinity feel codology kidology take-off deceptive appearance jiving snow corruption mere show takeoff apology for excuse for play ridicule poor imitation roast satire mock lampoonery shambles absurdity nonsense malarkey ridiculousness embarrassment circus disgrace laughing stock waste of time piece of futility

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A reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense
excuse justification reason plea defence explanation grounds extenuation mitigation pretence pretense vindication evasion front rationalisation rationalization alibi apology basis cause cover defense palliation pretext apologia argument coverup line story disguise expedient fabrication subterfuge whitewash cop-out get-out cover story cover-up mitigating circumstances ostensible reason song and dance why and wherefore fish story ploy ruse device simulation stratagem con feint stall red herring supposed grounds fig leaf alleged reason false excuse case rationale reasoning account assertion exoneration declaration answer validation logic accounting support thesis claim exculpation evidence statement foundation sense motive acquittal reasons raison d'être premise advocacy allegation approval contention polemic retort apologetics argumentation proof whatfor expostulation motivation thinking theory principle philosophy pleading line of reasoning logical basis appeasement way around action suit apologism apologetic out right substantiation ratification meaning modification qualification moderation reduction fish tale clearing compurgation revenge endorsement explication proclamation appeal petition exposition presentation postulation confession copout expounding excusing explaining response promotion an excuse whyfor sour grapes the big idea the whole idea whys and wherefores hypothesis jive apologizing return cleanup testimony apologising issue questioning discharge pardon acquittance the why and wherefore profession affirmation reply assurance defending evidence avowal warrant demonstration dialectic absolution connection syllogism ratiocination airtight case extenuating circumstances whitewashing wherefore palliative rationality just cause school of thought good sense whole idea

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repertory list range repertoire stock collection repository store supply bit cache depot rep schtick selection series stockroom storehouse stunt reserve inventory stockpile reservoir pool hoard fund stash accumulation quantity pile mine heap bank load amassment backlog nest egg portfolio set body amount group wealth variety stack assortment lot plenty well slew wares produce raft plethora deposit bundle spate abundance mass mountain fount profusion bushel cumulation chunk commodities choice budget array merchandise myriad bunch mess force goods pharmacopeia armory armoury pharmacopoeia articles yard boatload pack bucket ton pot oodles volume provision basketful reams passel wad fistful multiplicity fountain sight shipload plentitude lashings truckload sheaf plenitude barrel loads lode potful carload treasure tonne scads good deal gobs much deal plateful dozen lashins hundred peck lots great deal masses piles heaps ocean tons aggregation agglomeration all kinds of quite a bit shedload tonnes source cornucopia stacks swag batch quantities assemblage cluster scores clump hill jillion a lot bulk superabundance gob treasury conglomeration mound multitude oceans millions lump mountains host million sum number buildup large quantity surplus trillion trove thousands hunk billions hundreds ream copiousness gazillions reserves scad sea large amount riches bags flood excess thousand many jumble congeries fullness haul concentration build-up harvest zillions bounty opulence rick bazillions kitty resources savings logjam gathering large number accretion a great deal arsenal cargo depository numerous total surfeit pileup riot great amount treasure house affluence agglomerate mint bountifulness stake provisions feast sufficiency a large amount funds investment accrual prosperity treasure trove a good deal a pile fruitfulness plenteousness great quantity a shedload wellspring assets supplies money in the bank rainy day fund holdings glut stream vein aggregate allocation whole ample garner superfluity fall-back treasure-trove shock amplitude plurality tower droves exuberance combination huddle loadsa extravagance oversupply pots miles wads pyramid spring vault coffer safe prodigality luxury infinity property lavishness richness a considerable number money capital bounteousness wodge bing rickle luxuriance armful a deal great number a fair amount a great quantity a wealth a profusion an abundance a great many a large number a mountain deluge torrent avalanche capacity enough saving a swag nimiety ampleness overflow cold deck full house money put by for a rainy day more … than one can shake a stick at mattress full floods busload truckful degree share measure portion hideaway extent drove corpus entirety totality several crop plentifulness storage sum total profuseness drift distribution rabble plentiful a number copious considerable abundant substantial innumerable an amount countless common supply bag box investments crate carton pallet a good few a good number considerable amounts contingent army gleanings horde swarm prosperousness outpouring fountainhead seedbed cradle throng dozens argosy gallons jam numbers infinitude push turnout quite a number shedloads crowd legion pile-up score slat fortune font origin root expansion escalation enlargement development growth clutch suite whopper flock a load a huge number bonanza materials wherewithal clot acquisition parcel muster block caboodle constellation band battery knot grouping package mucho aplenty promotion puff plug advertising hype gain publicity increase stores stocks lodgment cumulus kit lodgement pataka storeroom clamp bed ditch field coalmine trench pithead coalface collateral holding whole lot hiding place plant shade drop drop-off gold mine hack crescendo possessions hidden treasure rich source life savings account asset mother lode hidden supply drop joint belongings resource effects backup contingency means sinking fund reserve fund mad money unexpended balance savings account emergency funds piggy bank life saving something to fall back on money put saved for a rainy day something for a rainy day provision for a rainy day

Danh từ

A routine task
chore duty job task errand assignment work devoir housework responsibility stint domestic work odd job thing to be done KP charge mission business commission undertaking obligation function office operation burden exercise role post occupation detail brief engagement commitment concern calling enterprise service labor labour imperative incumbency province activity onus project purpose pursuit objective goal aim action thing piece of work piece of business part need expedition trip requirement place position venture affair message appointment journey trust contract pigeon matter act effort deed target secondment do arrear station quest vocation end profession lifework trade person's task backlog contribution job description capacity situation liability to-do accountability care taskwork employment hope feat plan pretension intention desire stunt exploit accomplishment wish ambition ideal aspiration doing gig racket process holy grail intent understanding promise use culpability trial must answerability ought accountableness utility tour of duty bag connection behavior faculty pain meaning object power behaviour billet berth raison d'être mark moral imperative difficult task albatross hardship gauntlet bother test inconvenience load trouble challenge headache line of country endeavour endeavor practice beat shopping run collection delivery campaign field proceeding procedure play directive instruction line game exploration program programme step implementation maneuver coordination manoeuvre move department course of action drill livelihood career craft niche baby day job line of work command avocation placement formal order scheme adventure sphere action item preserve worry bailiwick area interest walk game plan ground plan art area of interest métier involvement setup what one is into lesson action point warrant issue system right posting case committal briefing pledge custody remit prerogative progress productivity survey settlement induction privilege lay crusade entrada solution designation fun and games field of expertise consignment legation embassy long row to hoe moral obligation placing appointee candidate expertise competency competence experience skillset workflow office-holder delegate representative nominee workplace attempt dodge skill forte industry chores movement transaction officeholder servitude focus participation rôle reason lookout outfit happening deal shop striving experiment hazard struggle hassle essay try proposition dealings deployment maneuvering problem area of activity domain realm proceedings event benefit good advantage line of business entanglement manoeuvring specialization result outcome jurisdiction nine-to-five territory homework usefulness worth merit behoof avail effect value chosen work means of earning one's living living contracting employ recruitment day gig hiring daily grind specialisation specialism speciality gain analysis experimentation research return profit specialty discipline terrain element circle demesne arena fief fiefdom barony firmament precinct kingdom front turf area of responsibility administration class sphere of activity dominion classification spot walk of life slot piece of research

Danh từ

A chance or opportunity to perform some deed or act

Trái nghĩa của to routine

Music ♫

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